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Forked from Flatland / Flatland
2494 commits behind the upstream repository. 2.11 KiB
import sys

from PyQt5 import QtSvg
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QByteArray
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow, QGridLayout, QWidget

from flatland.utils import svg

# Subclass QMainWindow to customise your application's main window
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.setWindowTitle("My Awesome App")

        layout = QGridLayout()

        wMain = QWidget(self)


        label = QLabel("This is a PyQt5 window!")

        # The `Qt` namespace has a lot of attributes to customise
        # widgets. See:
        layout.addWidget(label, 0, 0)

        svgWidget = QtSvg.QSvgWidget("./svg/Gleis_vertikal.svg")
        layout.addWidget(svgWidget, 1, 0)

        if True:
            track = svg.Track()

            svgWidget = None
            iRow = 0
            iCol = 2
            iArt = 0
            nCols = 3
            for binTrans in list(track.dSvg.keys())[:2]:
                sSVG = track.dSvg[binTrans].to_string()

                bySVG = bytearray(sSVG, encoding='utf-8')

                # with open(sfPath, "r") as fIn:
                #    sSVG =
                # bySVG = bytearray(sSVG, encoding='utf-8')

                svgWidget = QtSvg.QSvgWidget()
                oQB = QByteArray(bySVG)

                bSuccess = svgWidget.renderer().load(oQB)
                # print(x0, y0, x1, y1)
                print(iRow, iCol, bSuccess)
                print("\n\n\n", bySVG.decode("utf-8"))
                # svgWidget.setGeometry(x0, y0, x1, y1)
                layout.addWidget(svgWidget, iRow, iCol)

                iArt += 1
                iRow = int(iArt / nCols)
                iCol = iArt % nCols

        # Set the central widget of the Window. Widget will expand
        # to take up all the space in the window by default.

app = QApplication(sys.argv)

window = MainWindow()
