import sys from PyQt5 import QtSvg from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QByteArray from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QMainWindow, QGridLayout, QWidget from flatland.utils import svg # Subclass QMainWindow to customise your application's main window class MainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setWindowTitle("My Awesome App") layout = QGridLayout() layout.setSpacing(0) wMain = QWidget(self) wMain.setLayout(layout) label = QLabel("This is a PyQt5 window!") # The `Qt` namespace has a lot of attributes to customise # widgets. See: label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) layout.addWidget(label, 0, 0) svgWidget = QtSvg.QSvgWidget("./svg/Gleis_vertikal.svg") layout.addWidget(svgWidget, 1, 0) if True: track = svg.Track() svgWidget = None iRow = 0 iCol = 2 iArt = 0 nCols = 3 for binTrans in list(track.dSvg.keys())[:2]: sSVG = track.dSvg[binTrans].to_string() bySVG = bytearray(sSVG, encoding='utf-8') # with open(sfPath, "r") as fIn: # sSVG = # bySVG = bytearray(sSVG, encoding='utf-8') svgWidget = QtSvg.QSvgWidget() oQB = QByteArray(bySVG) bSuccess = svgWidget.renderer().load(oQB) # print(x0, y0, x1, y1) print(iRow, iCol, bSuccess) print("\n\n\n", bySVG.decode("utf-8")) # svgWidget.setGeometry(x0, y0, x1, y1) layout.addWidget(svgWidget, iRow, iCol) iArt += 1 iRow = int(iArt / nCols) iCol = iArt % nCols # Set the central widget of the Window. Widget will expand # to take up all the space in the window by default. self.setCentralWidget(wMain) app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MainWindow() app.exec_()