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Forked from Flatland / Flatland
654 commits behind the upstream repository.

FAQ about the Flatland Repository

This section provides you with information about the most common questions around the Flatland repository. If your question is still not answered either reach out to the contacts listed on the repository directly or open an issue by following these guidlines.

How can I get started with Flatland?

Install Flatland by running pip install -U flatland-rl or directly from source by cloning the flatland repository and running python --install in the repository directory.

These Tutorials help you get a basic understanding of the flatland environment.

How do I train agents on Flatland?

Once you have installed Flatland, head over to the baselines repository to see how you can train your own reinforcement learning agent on Flatland.

Check out this tutorial to get a sense of how it works.

What is a observation builder and which should I use?

Observation builders give you the possibility to generate custom observations for your controller (reinfocement learning agent, optimization algorithm,...). The observation builder has access to all environment data and can perform any operations on them as long as they are not changed. This tutorial will give you a sense on how to use them.

What is a predictor and which one should I use?

Because railway traffic is limited to rails, many decisions that you have to take need to consider future situations and detect upcoming conflicts ahead of time. Therefore, flatland provides the possibility of predictors that predict where agents will be in the future. We provide a stock predictor that assumes each agent just travels along its shortest path. You can build more elaborate predictors and use them as part of your observation builder. You find more information here.

What information is available about each agent?

Each agent is an object and contains the following information:

  • initial_position = attrib(type=Tuple[int, int]): The initial position of an agent. This is where the agent will enter the environment. It is the start of the agent journey.
  • position = attrib(default=None, type=Optional[Tuple[int, int]]): This is the actual position of the agent. It is updated every step of the environment. Before the agent has entered the environment and after it leaves the environment it is set to None
  • direction = attrib(type=Grid4TransitionsEnum): This is the direction an agent is facing. The values for directions are North:0, East:1, South:2 and West:3.
  • target = attrib(type=Tuple[int, int]): This is the target position the agent has to find and reach. Once the agent reaches this position its taks is done.
  • moving = attrib(default=False, type=bool): Because agents can have malfunctions or be stopped because their path is blocked we store the current state of an agent. If agent.moving == True the agent is currently advancing. If it is False the agent is either blocked or broken.
  • speed_data = attrib(default=Factory(lambda: dict({'position_fraction': 0.0, 'speed': 1.0, 'transition_action_on_cellexit': 0}))): This contains all the relevant information about the speed of an agent:
    • The attribute 'position_fraction' indicates how far the agent has advanced within the cell. As soon as this value becomes larger than 1 the agent advances to the next cell as defined by 'transition_action_on_cellexit'.
    • The attribute 'speed'' defines the travel speed of an agent. It can be any fraction smaller than 1.
    • The attribute 'transition_action_on_cellexit' contains the information about the action that will be performed at the exit of the cell. Due to speeds smaller than 1. agents have to take several steps within a cell. We however only allow an action to be chosen at cell entry.
  • malfunction_data = attrib(default=Factory(lambda: dict({'malfunction': 0, 'malfunction_rate': 0, 'next_malfunction': 0, 'nr_malfunctions': 0,'moving_before_malfunction': False}))): Contains all information relevant for agent malfunctions:
    • The attribute 'malfunction indicates if the agent is currently broken. If the value is larger than 0 the agent is broken. The integer value represents the number of env.step() calls the agent will still be broken.
    • The attribute 'next_malfunction' will be REMOVED as it serves no purpose anymore, malfunctions are now generated by a poisson process.
    • The attribute 'nr_malfunctions' is a counter that keeps track of the number of malfunctions a specific agent has had.
    • The attribute 'moving_before_malfunction' is an internal parameter used to restart agents that were moving automatically after the malfunction is fixed.
  • status = attrib(default=RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART, type=RailAgentStatus): The status of the agent explains what the agent is currently doing. It can be in either one of these states:
    • READY_TO_DEPART not in grid yet (position is None)
    • ACTIVE in grid (position is not None), not done
    • DONE in grid (position is not None), but done
    • DONE_REMOVED removed from grid (position is None)

Can I use my own reward function?

Yes you can do reward shaping as you please. All information can be accessed directly in the env.

What are rail and schedule generators?

To generate environments for Flatland you need to provide a railway infrastructure (rail) and a set of tasks for each agent to complete (schedule).

What is the max number of timesteps per episode?

The maximum number of timesteps is max_time_steps = 4 * 2 * (env.width + env.height + 20)

What are malfunctions and what can i do to resolve them?

Malfunctions occur according to a Poisson process. The hinder an agent from performing its actions and update its position. While an agent is malfunctioning it is blocking the paths for other agents. There is nothing you can do to fix an agent, it will get fixed automatically as soon as agent.malfunction_data['malfunction'] == 0 . You can however adjust the other agent actions to avoid delay propagation within the railway network and keeping traffic as smooth as possible.

Can agents communication with each other?

There is no communitcation layer built into Flatland directly. You can however build a communication layer outside of the Flatland environment if necessary.