Forked from
Flatland / Flatland
2316 commits behind the upstream repository.
Egli Adrian (IT-SCI-API-PFI) authoredEgli Adrian (IT-SCI-API-PFI) authored 13.38 KiB
from flatland.utils.graphics_layer import GraphicsLayer
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageTk # , ImageFont
import tkinter as tk
from numpy import array
import numpy as np
# from flatland.utils.svg import Track, Zug
import time
import io
from cairosvg import svg2png
from flatland.core.transitions import RailEnvTransitions
# from copy import copy
class PILGL(GraphicsLayer):
def __init__(self, width, height, nPixCell=60):
self.nPixCell = 60
self.yxBase = (0, 0)
self.linewidth = 4
self.nAgentColors = 1 # overridden in loadAgent
# self.tile_size = self.nPixCell
self.width = width
self.height = height
# Total grid size at native scale
self.widthPx = self.width * self.nPixCell + self.linewidth
self.heightPx = self.height * self.nPixCell + self.linewidth
self.layers = []
self.draws = []
self.tColBg = (255, 255, 255) # white background
# self.tColBg = (220, 120, 40) # background color
self.tColRail = (0, 0, 0) # black rails
self.tColGrid = (230,) * 3 # light grey for grid
self.window_open = False
# self.bShow = show
self.firstFrame = True
# self.beginFrame()
def plot(self, gX, gY, color=None, linewidth=3, layer=0, opacity=255, **kwargs):
color = self.adaptColor(color)
if len(color) == 3:
color += (opacity,)
elif len(color) == 4:
color = color[:3] + (opacity,)
gPoints = np.stack([array(gX), -array(gY)]).T * self.nPixCell
gPoints = list(gPoints.ravel())
self.draws[layer].line(gPoints, fill=color, width=self.linewidth)
def scatter(self, gX, gY, color=None, marker="o", s=50, layer=0, opacity=255, *args, **kwargs):
color = self.adaptColor(color)
r = np.sqrt(s)
gPoints = np.stack([np.atleast_1d(gX), -np.atleast_1d(gY)]).T * self.nPixCell
for x, y in gPoints:
self.draws[layer].rectangle([(x - r, y - r), (x + r, y + r)], fill=color, outline=color)
def drawImageXY(self, pil_img, xyPixLeftTop, layer=0):
# self.layers[layer].alpha_composite(pil_img, offset=xyPixLeftTop)
if (pil_img.mode == "RGBA"):
pil_mask = pil_img
pil_mask = None
# print(pil_img, pil_img.mode, xyPixLeftTop, layer)
self.layers[layer].paste(pil_img, xyPixLeftTop, pil_mask)
def drawImageRC(self, pil_img, rcTopLeft, layer=0):
xyPixLeftTop = tuple((array(rcTopLeft) * self.nPixCell)[[1, 0]])
self.drawImageXY(pil_img, xyPixLeftTop, layer=layer)
def open_window(self):
assert self.window_open is False, "Window is already open!"
self.window = tk.Tk()
self.window_open = True
def close_window(self):
def text(self, *args, **kwargs):
def prettify(self, *args, **kwargs):
def prettify2(self, width, height, cell_size):
def beginFrame(self):
# Create a new agent layer
self.create_layer(iLayer=1, clear=True)
def show(self, block=False):
img = self.alpha_composite_layers()
if not self.window_open:
tkimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
if self.firstFrame:
# Do TK actions for a new panel (not sure what they really do)
self.panel = tk.Label(self.window, image=tkimg)
self.panel.pack(side="bottom", fill="both", expand="yes")
# update the image in situ
self.panel.image = tkimg
self.firstFrame = False
def pause(self, seconds=0.00001):
# plt.pause(seconds)
def alpha_composite_layers(self):
img = self.layers[0]
for img2 in self.layers[1:]:
img = Image.alpha_composite(img, img2)
return img
def getImage(self):
""" return a blended / alpha composited image composed of all the layers,
with layer 0 at the "back".
img = self.alpha_composite_layers()
return array(img)
def create_image(self, opacity=255):
img ="RGBA", (self.widthPx, self.heightPx), (255, 255, 255, opacity))
return img
def create_layer(self, iLayer=0, clear=True):
# If we don't have the layers already, create them
if len(self.layers) <= iLayer:
for i in range(len(self.layers), iLayer+1):
if i == 0:
opacity = 255 # "bottom" layer is opaque (for rails)
opacity = 0 # subsequent layers are transparent
img = self.create_image(opacity)
# We do already have this iLayer. Clear it if requested.
if clear:
opacity = 0 if iLayer > 0 else 255
self.layers[iLayer] = img = self.create_image(opacity)
# We also need to maintain a Draw object for each layer
self.draws[iLayer] = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
def create_layers(self, clear=True):
self.create_layer(0, clear=clear)
self.create_layer(1, clear=clear)
def __init__(self, width, height):
print(self, type(self))
oSuper = super()
print(oSuper, type(oSuper))
oSuper.__init__(width, height)
# self.track = self.track = Track()
# self.lwTrack = []
# self.zug = Zug()
self.lwAgents = []
self.agents_prev = []
def is_raster(self):
return False
def processEvents(self):
def clear_rails(self):
print("Clear rails")
def clear_agents(self):
# print("Clear Agents: ", len(self.lwAgents))
for wAgent in self.lwAgents:
self.lwAgents = []
self.agents_prev = []
def pilFromSvgFile(self, sfPath):
with open(sfPath, "r") as fIn:
bytesPNG = svg2png(file_obj=fIn, output_height=self.nPixCell, output_width=self.nPixCell)
with io.BytesIO(bytesPNG) as fIn:
pil_img =
# print(pil_img.mode)
return pil_img
def pilFromSvgBytes(self, bytesSVG):
bytesPNG = svg2png(bytesSVG, output_height=self.nPixCell, output_width=self.nPixCell)
with io.BytesIO(bytesPNG) as fIn:
pil_img =
return pil_img
def loadRailSVGs(self):
""" Load the rail SVG images, apply rotations, and store as PIL images.
dRailFiles = {
"": "Background_#91D1DD.svg",
"WE": "Gleis_Deadend.svg",
"WW EE NN SS": "Gleis_Diamond_Crossing.svg",
"WW EE": "Gleis_horizontal.svg",
"EN SW": "Gleis_Kurve_oben_links.svg",
"WN SE": "Gleis_Kurve_oben_rechts.svg",
"ES NW": "Gleis_Kurve_unten_links.svg",
"NE WS": "Gleis_Kurve_unten_rechts.svg",
"NN SS": "Gleis_vertikal.svg",
"NN SS EE WW ES NW SE WN": "Weiche_Double_Slip.svg",
"EE WW EN SW": "Weiche_horizontal_oben_links.svg",
"EE WW SE WN": "Weiche_horizontal_oben_rechts.svg",
"EE WW ES NW": "Weiche_horizontal_unten_links.svg",
"EE WW NE WS": "Weiche_horizontal_unten_rechts.svg",
"NN SS EE WW NW ES": "Weiche_Single_Slip.svg",
"NE NW ES WS": "Weiche_Symetrical.svg",
"NN SS EN SW": "Weiche_vertikal_oben_links.svg",
"NN SS SE WN": "Weiche_vertikal_oben_rechts.svg",
"NN SS NW ES": "Weiche_vertikal_unten_links.svg",
"NN SS NE WS": "Weiche_vertikal_unten_rechts.svg"}
dTargetFiles = {
"EW": "Bahnhof_#d50000_Deadend_links.svg",
"NS": "Bahnhof_#d50000_Deadend_oben.svg",
"WE": "Bahnhof_#d50000_Deadend_rechts.svg",
"SN": "Bahnhof_#d50000_Deadend_unten.svg",
"EE WW": "Bahnhof_#d50000_Gleis_horizontal.svg",
"NN SS": "Bahnhof_#d50000_Gleis_vertikal.svg"}
self.dPilRail = self.loadSVGs(dRailFiles, rotate=True)
self.dPilTarget = self.loadSVGs(dTargetFiles, rotate=False)
def loadSVGs(self, dDirFile, rotate=False):
dPil = {}
transitions = RailEnvTransitions()
lDirs = list("NESW")
# svgBG = SVG("./svg/Background_#91D1DD.svg")
for sTrans, sFile in dDirFile.items():
sPathSvg = "./svg/" + sFile
# Translate the ascii transition description in the format "NE WS" to the
# binary list of transitions as per RailEnv - NESW (in) x NESW (out)
lTrans16 = ["0"] * 16
for sTran in sTrans.split(" "):
if len(sTran) == 2:
iDirIn = lDirs.index(sTran[0])
iDirOut = lDirs.index(sTran[1])
iTrans = 4 * iDirIn + iDirOut
lTrans16[iTrans] = "1"
sTrans16 = "".join(lTrans16)
binTrans = int(sTrans16, 2)
print(sTrans, sTrans16, sFile)
# Merge the transition svg image with the background colour.
# This is a shortcut / hack and will need re-working.
# if binTrans > 0:
# svg = svg.merge(svgBG)
pilRail = self.pilFromSvgFile(sPathSvg)
dPil[binTrans] = pilRail
if rotate:
# Rotate both the transition binary and the image and save in the dict
for nRot in [90, 180, 270]:
binTrans2 = transitions.rotate_transition(binTrans, nRot)
# PIL rotates anticlockwise for positive theta
pilRail2 = pilRail.rotate(-nRot)
dPil[binTrans2] = pilRail2
return dPil
def setRailAt(self, row, col, binTrans, target=None):
if target is None:
if binTrans in self.dPilRail:
pilTrack = self.dPilRail[binTrans]
self.drawImageRC(pilTrack, (row, col))
print("Illegal rail:", row, col, format(binTrans, "#018b")[2:])
if binTrans in self.dPilTarget:
pilTrack = self.dPilTarget[binTrans]
self.drawImageRC(pilTrack, (row, col))
print("Illegal target rail:", row, col, format(binTrans, "#018b")[2:])
def rgb_s2i(self, sRGB):
""" convert a hex RGB string like 0091ea to 3-tuple of ints """
return tuple(int(sRGB[iRGB * 2:iRGB * 2 + 2], 16) for iRGB in [0, 1, 2])
def loadAgentSVGs(self):
# Seed initial train/zug files indexed by tuple(iDirIn, iDirOut):
dDirsFile = {
(0, 0): "svg/Zug_Gleis_#0091ea.svg",
(1, 2): "svg/Zug_1_Weiche_#0091ea.svg",
(0, 3): "svg/Zug_2_Weiche_#0091ea.svg"
sColors = "d50000#c51162#aa00ff#6200ea#304ffe#2962ff#0091ea#00b8d4#00bfa5#00c853" + \
lColors = sColors.split("#")
self.nAgentColors = len(lColors)
# "paint" color of the train images we load
a_base_color = self.rgb_s2i("0091ea")
self.dPilZug = {}
for tDirs, sPathSvg in dDirsFile.items():
iDirIn, iDirOut = tDirs
pilZug = self.pilFromSvgFile(sPathSvg)
# Rotate both the directions and the image and save in the dict
for iDirRot in range(4):
nDegRot = iDirRot * 90
iDirIn2 = (iDirIn + iDirRot) % 4
iDirOut2 = (iDirOut + iDirRot) % 4
# PIL rotates anticlockwise for positive theta
pilZug2 = pilZug.rotate(-nDegRot)
rgbaZug2 = array(pilZug2)
for iColor, sColor in enumerate(lColors):
tnNewColor = self.rgb_s2i(sColor)
xy_color_mask = np.all(rgbaZug2[:, :, 0:3] - a_base_color == 0, axis=2)
rgbaZug3 = np.copy(rgbaZug2)
rgbaZug3[xy_color_mask, 0:3] = tnNewColor
self.dPilZug[(iDirIn2, iDirOut2, iColor)] = Image.fromarray(rgbaZug3)
def setAgentAt(self, iAgent, row, col, iDirIn, iDirOut, color=None):
delta_dir = (iDirOut - iDirIn) % 4
iColor = iAgent % self.nAgentColors
# when flipping direction at a dead end, use the "iDirOut" direction.
if delta_dir == 2:
iDirIn = iDirOut
pilZug = self.dPilZug[(iDirIn % 4, iDirOut % 4, iColor)]
self.drawImageRC(pilZug, (row, col), layer=1)
def main2():
gl = PILSVG(10, 10)
for i in range(10):
gl.plot([3 + i, 4], [-4 - i, -5], color="r")
def main():
gl = PILSVG(width=10, height=10)
for i in range(1000):
if __name__ == "__main__":