1. To improve 4 defense points per level per item (e.g., if you are equipped with Hat/Top/Bottom items of Level 2, they will increase 24 defense points for you).
3. Each tool is used to produce the corresponding consumable items (Poultice/Ration) and ammunition (Scrap/Shaving/Shard), e.g., If you use a Rod of Level 3, you can produce Poultice of Level 3.
-**Ration:** Each Ration returns 50 Food and Water, and each higher level returns 5 more Food and Water (e.g., Ration of Level 1 returns 55 Food and Water, Ration of Level 2 returns 60 Food and Water).
-**Poultice:** Each Poultice returns 50 HP, and each higher level returns 5 more HP (e.g., Ration of Level 1 returns 55 HP, Ration of Level 2 returns 60 HP).
1. To improve 10 damage points per level, if you use the corresponding attack style (e.g., Scrap of Level 2 increases 20 damage points, if you use Melee attack style).