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Forked from
adrian_egli / neurips2020-flatland-starter-kit
204 commits behind the upstream repository. 5.39 KiB
from flatland.evaluators.client import FlatlandRemoteClient
from flatland.envs.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv
from flatland.envs.predictions import ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv
import numpy as np
# Instantiate a Remote Client
remote_client = FlatlandRemoteClient()
# Define your custom controller
# which can take an observation, and the number of agents and
# compute the necessary action for this step for all (or even some)
# of the agents
def my_controller(obs, number_of_agents):
_action = {}
for _idx in range(number_of_agents):
_action[_idx] = np.random.randint(0, 5)
return _action
# Instantiate your custom Observation Builder
# You can build your own Observation Builder by following
# the example here :
my_observation_builder = TreeObsForRailEnv(
# Main evaluation loop
# This iterates over an arbitrary number of env evaluations
evaluation_number = 0
while True:
evaluation_number += 1
# Switch to a new evaluation environemnt
# a remote_client.env_create is similar to instantiating a
# RailEnv and then doing a env.reset()
# hence it returns the first observation from the
# env.reset()
# You can also pass your custom observation_builder object
# to allow you to have as much control as you wish
# over the observation of your choice.
observation = remote_client.env_create(
if not observation:
# If the remote_client returns False on a `env_create` call,
# then it basically means that your agent has already been
# evaluated on all the required evaluation environments,
# and hence its safe to break out of the main evaluation loop
print("Evaluation Number : {}".format(evaluation_number))
# Access to a local copy of the environment
# Note: You can access a local copy of the environment
# by using :
# remote_client.env
# But please ensure to not make any changes (or perform any action) on
# the local copy of the env, as then it will diverge from
# the state of the remote copy of the env, and the observations and
# rewards, etc will behave unexpectedly
# You can however probe the local_env instance to get any information
# you need from the environment. It is a valid RailEnv instance.
local_env = remote_client.env
number_of_agents = len(local_env.agents)
# Now we enter into another infinite loop where we
# compute the actions for all the individual steps in this episode
# until the episode is `done`
# An episode is considered done when either all the agents have
# reached their target destination
# or when the number of time steps has exceed max_time_steps, which
# is defined by :
# max_time_steps = int(1.5 * (env.width + env.height))
while True:
# Evaluation of a single episode
# Compute the action for this step by using the previously
# defined controlle
action = my_controller(observation, number_of_agents)
# Perform the chosen action on the environment.
# The action gets applied to both the local and the remote copy
# of the environment instance, and the observation is what is
# returned by the local copy of the env, and the rewards, and done and info
# are returned by the remote copy of the env
observation, all_rewards, done, info = remote_client.env_step(action)
if done['__all__']:
print("Reward : ", sum(list(all_rewards.values())))
# When done['__all__'] == True, then the evaluation of this
# particular Env instantiation is complete, and we can break out
# of this loop, and move onto the next Env evaluation
print("Evaluation of all environments complete...")
# Submit your Results
# Please do not forget to include this call, as this triggers the
# final computation of the score statistics, video generation, etc
# and is necesaary to have your submission marked as successfully evaluated