Enhance sparse_rail_generator
As discussed in the weekly call lets enhance the current sparese_rail_generator
. The idea is as follows:
Enahnce single node city modules to multi-node cities.
Idea 1:
Each city has a center node and at each boarder of the city North/East/South/West it has one or ceveral nodes that correspond to connections to other cities. The structure within the city boundaries is either:
- generated through some random process that makes realistic train stations
- or we use templates generated by adrian.
Idea 2: Same as above, but we don't orient the outer city connections accordin to directions but just randomly distirbute them
Level Generation:
- Distirbute center city nodes and intersection across the map
- Generate city boarders and add connecting nodes of cities and intersection
- Connect cities and intersections together
- generatre inner city structures (maybe also for intersection)
- Through random mutli node process
- Through templates
- Place trainstations within cities and store city a -> city b connections for schedule