from typing import List
class DummyModel:
Note to participants:
Example class to show the different functions to be implemented for each type of task
Make sure to follow the data types as mentioned in the function definitions
def __init__(self):
""" Initialize your models here """
def task_multichoice(self, task_prompt: str) -> int:
Task method for Multiple choice questions
Input - Task Prompt (includes choices)
Output - Single integer index among ones given in the input
return 0
def task_ranking(self, task_prompt: str) -> List[int]:
Task method for Ranking
Input - Task Prompt (includes items to rank)
Output - Ordered List of ranks for each item
return [1, 0, 2, 3]
def task_generation(self, task_prompt: str) -> str:
Task method for Generation
Input - Task Prompt describing the required generation
Output - Generated text as per task prompt
return "This is a test"
def task_retrieval(self, task_prompt: str) -> List[int]:
Task method for Generation
Input - Task Prompt describing the items which need to be selected from (includes indexes of items)
Output - Unordered list of indexes selected (must be a python list even if single item)
return [0, 1, 2]
def task_named_entity_recognition(self, task_prompt: str) -> List[str]:
Task method for Named Entity Recognition
Input - Task Prompt describing the named entity recognition task
Output - Unordered list of one or more entity names (must be a python list even if single item)
return ["food", "gpu"]