from .base_model import ShopBenchBaseModel
# Set a consistent seed for reproducibility
A dummy model implementation for ShopBench, illustrating how to handle both
multiple choice and other types of tasks like Ranking, Retrieval, and Named Entity Recognition.
This model uses a consistent random seed for reproducible results.
"""Initializes the model and sets the random seed for consistency."""
def predict(self, prompt: str, is_multiple_choice: bool) -> str:
Generates a prediction based on the input prompt and task type.
For multiple choice tasks, it randomly selects a choice.
For other tasks, it returns a list of integers as a string,
representing the model's prediction in a format compatible with task-specific parsers.
prompt (str): The input prompt for the model.
is_multiple_choice (bool): Indicates whether the task is a multiple choice question.
str: The prediction as a string representing a single integer[0, 3] for multiple choice tasks,
or a string representing a comma separated list of integers for Ranking, Retrieval tasks,
or a string representing a comma separated list of named entities for Named Entity Recognition tasks.
or a string representing the (unconstrained) generated response for the generation tasks
Please refer to for more details on how these responses will be parsed by the evaluator.
# Randomly select one of the possible responses for multiple choice tasks
return str(random.choice(possible_responses))
# For other tasks, shuffle the possible responses and return as a string
return str(possible_responses)
# Note: As this is dummy model, we are returning random responses for non-multiple choice tasks.
# For generation tasks, this should ideally return an unconstrained string.