@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Each repository should have a aicrowd.json file with the following fields:
This file is used to identify your submission as a part of the Dr. Derk Challenge. You must use the `challenge_id` and `grader_id` specified above in the submission. The `gpu` key in the `aicrowd.json` lets your specify if your submission requires a GPU or not. In which case, a NVIDIA-K80 will be made available to your submission when evaluation the submission.
## Writing your own bot
To create your own agent you can overwrite `bot.py` or create your own script that contains the DerkPlayer class format that is present in `bot.py`.
You can start with the default bot.py or create your own agent that file. You can also your own script containing DerkPlayer class format present in bot.py.
**NOTE**: Only `bot.py` will be used during evaluation. Other bots can be used by you for running locally.