This is a submission template for the Uber Hackathon. This repository principally covers what to submit and how to submit.
## What to submit ?
A single submission expects the following files :
* FrequencyAdjustment.csv
* MassTransitFares.csv
* ModeIncentives.csv
* VehicleFleetMix.csv
* aicrowd.json
The `*.csv` files are the ones that will be provided to the simulator, and the `aicrowd.json` file is required by the evaluator to map the submission to a particular challenge, and collect other metadata about a submission.
An example `aicrowd.json` file could look like :
"challenge_id" : "UberPrize2019",
"grader_id": "UberPrize2019",
"authors" : [
"aicrowd_username" : "mohanty",
"email" : ""
"description" : "sample submission template for UberPrize 2019"
## How to Submit ?
### Introduction
The submission process expects you to manage the submission-inputs as a separate private repository on And through out the competition, you can make changes to the repository as you would to any other git repository. The AIcrowd evaluator waits for you to push a `tag`, and when you do it orchestrates the evaluation against the simulator with the state of the repository represented by the particular tag. You can read more about the basics of `git tags` by following the link [here](
In a software development sense, a git tag, is what is used to "release" a version of your code. An in case of this competition, you will be making different such "releases" of your submission inputs, which will be automatically evaluated by the AIcrowd evaluator.
### What do I need to do before I can make a submission ?
Before you can make a submission you will have to :
* Create an account on [](
* Ask the Hackathon organisers to add you to the Private Challenge
* Log in to []( with your brand new AIcrowd account.
* Add your SSH keys to your AIcrowd Gitlabg account by following the instructions [here](
- Note, many participants get confused, and try to add the keys on the official, please do make sure that you are on []( and not on