INSTRUCTIONS="""You are given a question and the ground truth prediction is correct by comparing to the list of ground truth answers. You should evaluate for Accuracy and Missing.
- For Missing, check whether the prediction returns any concrete answer. If the prediction is "I don't know", "I don't have enough information to answer", or similar responses, Missing should be True, otherwise Missing should be False.
- For Accuracy, check whether a prediction is "correct" according to the ground truth answers. If the prediction is correct, Accuracy should be "True"; if the prediction is wrong, Accuracy should be "False". If the ground truth answer contains a number, the prediction needs to predict a number that matches the ground truth answer for the accuracy to be True.\n
IN_CONTEXT_EXAMPLES="""You need to check whether the prediction of a question-answering system to a question is Accurate or Missing. You should make the judgment based on a list of ground truth answers provided to you. Your response should be "correct" if the prediction is correct or "incorrect" if the prediction is wrong.
Question: Who authored The Taming of the Shrew (published in 2002)?
INSTRUCTIONS="""You are given a question and the ground truth prediction is correct by comparing to the list of ground truth answers. You should evaluate for Accuracy and Missing.
- For Missing, check whether the prediction returns any concrete answer. If the prediction is "I don't know", "I don't have enough information to answer", or similar responses, Missing should be True, otherwise Missing should be False.
- For Accuracy, check whether a prediction is "correct" according to the ground truth answers. If the prediction is correct, Accuracy should be "True"; if the prediction is wrong, Accuracy should be "False". If the ground truth answer contains a number, the prediction needs to predict a number that matches the ground truth answer for the accuracy to be True.\n
IN_CONTEXT_EXAMPLES="""You need to check whether the prediction of a question-answering system to a question is Accurate or Missing. You should make the judgment based on a list of ground truth answers provided to you. Your response should be "correct" if the prediction is correct or "incorrect" if the prediction is wrong.
Question: Who authored The Taming of the Shrew (published in 2002)?