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  • dima_santarskiy @dima_santarskiy ·

    If you're a beginner to stock trading and are wondering how to set up a trailing stop buy order, keep reading! This article will walk you through the process and give you some great tips. You'll want to use this strategy as much as possible, and hopefully it will pay off for you! After all, the goal is to make the most profit possible, so you want to make sure your trades aren't too risky!

  • dima_santarskiy @dima_santarskiy ·

    amm crypto are revolutionizing the way cryptocurrency is priced. This type of platform is peer-to-contract (P2C), which means it doesn't have a central counterparty. Instead, trading takes place between users and a smart contract. This system does not have an order book, so the price of an asset is determined by a formula rather than a central party. AMMs use smart contracts to make this possible.

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