image: themattrix/tox ########################################## ########################################## ## We have to set the following env vars ## in the admin interface : ## - AWS_DEFAULT_REGION ## - BUCKET_NAME ## - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ## - AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY stages: - tests - deploy_docs cache: paths: - .tox before_script: - echo "Setting Up...." tests: stage: tests script: - apt update - apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx xvfb - pip install tox - apt install -y graphviz xdg-utils - xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 800x600x24" tox build_and_deploy_docs: image: "python:latest" stage: deploy_docs only: - master dependencies: - tests before_script: - pip install awscli - apt update - apt install -y graphviz libgl1-mesa-glx xvfb xdg-utils script: - pip install -r requirements_dev.txt - python install - make docs - aws s3 cp ./docs/_build/html/ s3://${BUCKET_NAME} --recursive environment: name: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} url: http://${BUCKET_NAME}.s3-website.${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}