diff --git a/examples/training_example.py b/examples/training_example.py
index a05f7c727ac9a56453951de453ea184cab1ea4fc..cfed6c92cc74c45445c436a65d15c9eb8292fe32 100644
--- a/examples/training_example.py
+++ b/examples/training_example.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ LocalGridObs = LocalObsForRailEnv(view_height=10, view_width=2, center=2)
 env = RailEnv(width=50,
               rail_generator=complex_rail_generator(nr_start_goal=10, nr_extra=1, min_dist=8, max_dist=99999, seed=0),
-              obs_builder_object=LocalGridObs,
+              obs_builder_object=TreeObservation,
 env_renderer = RenderTool(env, gl="PILSVG", )
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ for trials in range(1, n_trials + 1):
         # Environment step which returns the observations for all agents, their corresponding
         # reward and whether their are done
         next_obs, all_rewards, done, _ = env.step(action_dict)
-        env_renderer.render_env(show=True, show_observations=True, show_predictions=False)
+        env_renderer.render_env(show=True, show_observations=True, show_predictions=True)
         # Update replay buffer and train agent
         for a in range(env.get_num_agents()):
diff --git a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
index 984357a166d10d5498c1f4cecd6d0def1f577f1d..65fffadf5309ebbcc02cd6a2b39427f2469fec04 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
+++ b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import time
+import warnings
 from collections import deque
 from enum import IntEnum
@@ -276,12 +277,19 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         rt = self.__class__
-        for agent in agent_handles:
-            color = self.gl.get_agent_color(agent)
-            for visited_cell in observation_dict[agent]:
-                cell_coord = array(visited_cell[:2])
-                cell_coord_trans = np.matmul(cell_coord, rt.row_col_to_xy) + rt.x_y_half
-                self._draw_square(cell_coord_trans, 1 / (agent + 1.1), color, layer=1, opacity=100)
+        # Check if the observation builder provides an observation
+        if len(observation_dict) < 1:
+            warnings.warn(
+                "Predictor did not provide any predicted cells to render. \
+                Observaiton builder needs to populate: env.dev_obs_dict")
+        else:
+            for agent in agent_handles:
+                color = self.gl.get_agent_color(agent)
+                for visited_cell in observation_dict[agent]:
+                    cell_coord = array(visited_cell[:2])
+                    cell_coord_trans = np.matmul(cell_coord, rt.row_col_to_xy) + rt.x_y_half
+                    self._draw_square(cell_coord_trans, 1 / (agent + 1.1), color, layer=1, opacity=100)
     def render_prediction(self, agent_handles, prediction_dict):
@@ -292,19 +300,28 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         rt = self.__class__
-        for agent in agent_handles:
-            color = self.gl.get_agent_color(agent)
-            for visited_cell in prediction_dict[agent]:
-                cell_coord = array(visited_cell[:2])
-                if type(self.gl) is PILSVG:
-                    # TODO : Track highlighting (Adrian)
-                    r = cell_coord[0]
-                    c = cell_coord[1]
-                    transitions = self.env.rail.grid[r, c]
-                    self.gl.set_predicion_path_at(r, c, transitions, agent_rail_color=color)
-                else:
-                    cell_coord_trans = np.matmul(cell_coord, rt.row_col_to_xy) + rt.x_y_half
-                    self._draw_square(cell_coord_trans, 1 / (agent + 1.1), color, layer=1, opacity=100)
+        if len(prediction_dict) < 1:
+            warnings.warn(
+                "Predictor did not provide any predicted cells to render. \
+                Predictors builder needs to populate: env.dev_pred_dict")
+        else:
+            for agent in agent_handles:
+                color = self.gl.get_agent_color(agent)
+                for visited_cell in prediction_dict[agent]:
+                    cell_coord = array(visited_cell[:2])
+                    if type(self.gl) is PILSVG:
+                        # TODO : Track highlighting (Adrian)
+                        r = cell_coord[0]
+                        c = cell_coord[1]
+                        transitions = self.env.rail.grid[r, c]
+                        self.gl.set_predicion_path_at(r, c, transitions, agent_rail_color=color)
+                    else:
+                        cell_coord_trans = np.matmul(cell_coord, rt.row_col_to_xy) + rt.x_y_half
+                        self._draw_square(cell_coord_trans, 1 / (agent + 1.1), color, layer=1, opacity=100)
     def render_rail(self, spacing=False, rail_color="gray", curves=True, arrows=False):
@@ -558,7 +575,7 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         if show_observations:
             self.render_observation(range(env.get_num_agents()), env.dev_obs_dict)
-        if show_predictions and len(env.dev_pred_dict) > 0:
+        if show_predictions:
             self.render_prediction(range(env.get_num_agents()), env.dev_pred_dict)
         if show: