diff --git a/flatland/envs/observations.py b/flatland/envs/observations.py
index dc0edc9b4960749a868635edb8df95a5608b629c..d7f5ce84eed1f94a6a35d4ca7a1657665ba1b347 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/observations.py
+++ b/flatland/envs/observations.py
@@ -623,9 +623,11 @@ class GlobalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):
         - Two 2D arrays (map_height, map_width, 2) containing respectively the position of the given agent
          target and the positions of the other agents targets.
-        - A 3D array (map_height, map_width, 8) with the 4 first channels containing the one hot encoding
-          of the direction of the given agent and the 4 second channels containing the positions
-          of the other agents at their position coordinates.
+        - A 3D array (map_height, map_width, 4) wtih
+            - first channel containing the agents position and direction
+            - second channel containing the other agents positions and diretions
+            - third channel containing agent malfunctions
+            - fourth channel containing agent fractional speeds
     def __init__(self):
@@ -647,94 +649,25 @@ class GlobalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):
     def get(self, handle):
         obs_targets = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 2))
-        obs_agents_state = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 8))
+        obs_agents_state = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 4))
         agents = self.env.agents
         agent = agents[handle]
         direction = np.zeros(4)
         direction[agent.direction] = 1
         agent_pos = agents[handle].position
-        obs_agents_state[agent_pos][:4] = direction
-        obs_targets[agent.target][0] += 1
+        obs_agents_state[agent_pos][0] = direction
+        obs_targets[agent.target][0] = 1
         for i in range(len(agents)):
             if i != handle:  # TODO: handle used as index...?
                 agent2 = agents[i]
-                obs_agents_state[agent2.position][4 + agent2.direction] = 1
-                obs_targets[agent2.target][1] += 1
+                obs_agents_state[agent2.position][1] = agent2.direction
+                obs_targets[agent2.target][1] = 1
+            obs_agents_state[agent2.position][2] = agent2.malfunction_data['malfunction']
+            obs_agents_state[agent2.position][3] = agent2.speed_data['speed']
-        direction = self._get_one_hot_for_agent_direction(agent)
-        return self.rail_obs, obs_agents_state, obs_targets, direction
-class GlobalObsForRailEnvDirectionDependent(ObservationBuilder):
-    """
-    Gives a global observation of the entire rail environment.
-    The observation is composed of the following elements:
-        - transition map array with dimensions (env.height, env.width, 16),
-          assuming 16 bits encoding of transitions, flipped in the direction of the agent
-          (the agent is always heading north on the flipped view).
-        - Two 2D arrays (map_height, map_width, 2) containing respectively the position of the given agent
-         target and the positions of the other agents targets, also flipped depending on the agent's direction.
-        - A 3D array (map_height, map_width, 5) containing the one hot encoding of the direction of the other
-          agents at their position coordinates, and the last channel containing the position of the given agent.
-        - A 4 elements array with one hot encoding of the direction.
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.observation_space = ()
-        super(GlobalObsForRailEnvDirectionDependent, self).__init__()
-    def _set_env(self, env):
-        super()._set_env(env)
-        self.observation_space = [4, self.env.height, self.env.width]
-    def reset(self):
-        self.rail_obs = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 16))
-        for i in range(self.rail_obs.shape[0]):
-            for j in range(self.rail_obs.shape[1]):
-                bitlist = [int(digit) for digit in bin(self.env.rail.get_full_transitions(i, j))[2:]]
-                bitlist = [0] * (16 - len(bitlist)) + bitlist
-                self.rail_obs[i, j] = np.array(bitlist)
-    def get(self, handle):
-        obs_targets = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 2))
-        obs_agents_state = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 5))
-        agents = self.env.agents
-        agent = agents[handle]
-        direction = agent.direction
-        idx = np.tile(np.arange(16), 2)
-        rail_obs = self.rail_obs[:, :, idx[direction * 4: direction * 4 + 16]]
-        if direction == 1:
-            rail_obs = np.flip(rail_obs, axis=1)
-        elif direction == 2:
-            rail_obs = np.flip(rail_obs)
-        elif direction == 3:
-            rail_obs = np.flip(rail_obs, axis=0)
-        agent_pos = agents[handle].position
-        obs_agents_state[agent_pos][0] = 1
-        obs_targets[agent.target][0] += 1
-        idx = np.tile(np.arange(4), 2)
-        for i in range(len(agents)):
-            if i != handle:  # TODO: handle used as index...?
-                agent2 = agents[i]
-                obs_agents_state[agent2.position][1 + idx[4 + (agent2.direction - direction)]] = 1
-                obs_targets[agent2.target][1] += 1
-        direction = self._get_one_hot_for_agent_direction(agent)
-        return rail_obs, obs_agents_state, obs_targets, direction
+        return self.rail_obs, obs_agents_state, obs_targets
 class LocalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):