diff --git a/flatland/core/transition_map.py b/flatland/core/transition_map.py
index bd6e79a4fb5d7ea544619ebb00899ec863b106d1..bce795e4bdff3829c7c8e7ab7474701856f9a239 100644
--- a/flatland/core/transition_map.py
+++ b/flatland/core/transition_map.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ TransitionMap and derived classes.
 import numpy as np
+from numpy import array
 from .transitions import Grid4Transitions, Grid8Transitions, RailEnvTransitions
@@ -297,6 +298,71 @@ class GridTransitionMap(TransitionMap):
                       0:min(self.width, new_width)] = new_grid[0:min(self.height, new_height),
                                                                0:min(self.width, new_width)]
+    def is_cell_valid(self, rcPos):
+        cell_transition = self.grid[tuple(rcPos)]
+        if not self.transitions.is_valid(cell_transition):
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    def cell_neighbours_valid(self, rcPos, check_this_cell=False):
+        """
+        Check validity of cell at rcPos = tuple(row, column)
+        Checks that:
+        - surrounding cells have inbound transitions for all the
+            outbound transitions of this cell.
+        These are NOT checked - see transition.is_valid:
+        - all transitions have the mirror transitions (N->E <=> W->S)
+        - Reverse transitions (N -> S) only exist for a dead-end
+        - a cell contains either no dead-ends or exactly one
+        Returns: True (valid) or False (invalid)
+        """
+        cell_transition = self.grid[tuple(rcPos)]
+        if check_this_cell:
+            if not self.transitions.is_valid(cell_transition):
+                return False
+        gDir2dRC = self.transitions.gDir2dRC  # [[-1,0] = N, [0,1]=E, etc]
+        grcPos = array(rcPos)
+        grcMax = self.grid.shape
+        binTrans = self.get_transitions(rcPos)  # 16bit integer - all trans in/out
+        lnBinTrans = array([binTrans >> 8, binTrans & 0xff], dtype=np.uint8)  # 2 x uint8
+        g2binTrans = np.unpackbits(lnBinTrans).reshape(4, 4)  # 4x4 x uint8 binary(0,1)
+        # gDirIn = g2binTrans.any(axis=1)     # inbound directions as boolean array (4)
+        gDirOut = g2binTrans.any(axis=0)    # outbound directions as boolean array (4)
+        giDirOut = np.argwhere(gDirOut)[:, 0]   # valid outbound directions as array of int
+        # loop over available outbound directions (indices) for rcPos
+        for iDirOut in giDirOut:
+            gdRC = gDir2dRC[iDirOut]  # row,col increment
+            gPos2 = grcPos + gdRC  # next cell in that direction
+            # Check the adjacent cell is within bounds
+            # if not, then this transition is invalid!
+            if np.any(gPos2 < 0):
+                return False
+            if np.any(gPos2 >= grcMax):
+                return False
+            # Get the transitions out of gPos2, using iDirOut as the inbound direction
+            # if there are no available transitions, ie (0,0,0,0), then rcPos is invalid
+            t4Trans2 = self.get_transitions((*gPos2, iDirOut))
+            if any(t4Trans2):
+                continue
+            else:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def cell_repr(self, rcPos):
+        return self.transitions.repr(self.get_transitions(rcPos))
 # TODO: GIACOMO: is it better to provide those methods with lists of cell_ids
 # (most general implementation) or to make Grid-class specific methods for
 # slicing over the 3 dimensions?  I'd say both perhaps.
diff --git a/flatland/core/transitions.py b/flatland/core/transitions.py
index cdc657cf0e10fc41e0a2bbec465bf39979e04819..4b1874a880a086324f7da8aa48e31529ca6985a3 100644
--- a/flatland/core/transitions.py
+++ b/flatland/core/transitions.py
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ derived GridTransitions class, which allows for the specification of
 possible transitions over a 2D grid.
+import numpy as np
 class Transitions:
@@ -159,6 +161,11 @@ class Grid4Transitions(Transitions):
     def __init__(self, transitions):
         self.transitions = transitions
+        self.sDirs = "NESW"
+        self.lsDirs = list(self.sDirs)
+        # row,col delta for each direction
+        self.gDir2dRC = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1]])
     def get_transitions(self, cell_transition, orientation):
@@ -216,6 +223,7 @@ class Grid4Transitions(Transitions):
             (new_transitions[1] & 1) << 2 | \
             (new_transitions[2] & 1) << 1 | \
             (new_transitions[3] & 1)
+        # new_transitions = np.packbits((0, 0, 0, 0) + new_transitions)  # alternative
         cell_transition = (cell_transition & negmask) | (new_transitions << ((3 - orientation) * 4))
@@ -559,6 +567,40 @@ class RailEnvTransitions(Grid4Transitions):
         print("S", format(cell_transition >> (1*4) & 0xF, '04b'))
         print("W", format(cell_transition >> (0*4) & 0xF, '04b'))
+    def repr(self, cell_transition, version=0):
+        """
+        Provide a string representation of the cell transitions.
+        This class doesn't represent an individual cell,
+        but a way of interpreting the contents of a cell.
+        So using the ad hoc name repr rather than __repr__.
+        """
+        # binary format string without leading 0b
+        sbinTrans = format(cell_transition, "#018b")[2:]
+        if version == 0:
+            sRepr = " ".join([
+                "{}:{}".format(sDir, sbinTrans[i:i+4])
+                for i, sDir in
+                    zip(
+                        range(0, len(sbinTrans), 4),
+                        self.lsDirs  # NESW
+                    )])
+            return sRepr
+        if version == 1:
+            lsRepr = []
+            for iDirIn in range(0, 4):
+                sDirTrans = sbinTrans[iDirIn*4:iDirIn*4+4]
+                if sDirTrans == "0000":
+                    continue
+                sDirsOut = [
+                    self.lsDirs[iDirOut]
+                    for iDirOut in range(0, 4)
+                    if sDirTrans[iDirOut] == "1"
+                    ]
+                lsRepr.append(self.lsDirs[iDirIn] + ":" + "".join(sDirsOut))
+            return ", ".join(lsRepr)
     def is_valid(self, cell_transition):
         Checks if a cell transition is a valid cell setup.
@@ -578,3 +620,12 @@ class RailEnvTransitions(Grid4Transitions):
                 return True
         return False
+    def has_deadend(self, cell_transition):
+        binDeadends = 0b0010000110000100
+        if cell_transition & binDeadends > 0:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    # def remove_deadends(self, cell_transition)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/flatland/envs/rail_env.py b/flatland/envs/rail_env.py
index d82f1703e44da8c01034c0920d98fc013639b6bd..d8f1af4724c33772dd2b12b28f4d9e392a87b728 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/rail_env.py
+++ b/flatland/envs/rail_env.py
@@ -212,11 +212,14 @@ class RailEnv(Environment):
         iAgent = self.number_of_agents
-        self.agents_position.append(tuple(rcPos))  # ensure it's a tuple not a list
-        self.agents_handles.append(max(self.agents_handles + [-1]) + 1)  # max(handles) + 1, starting at 0
         if iDir is None:
             iDir = self.pick_agent_direction(rcPos, rcTarget)
+        if iDir is None:
+            print("Error picking agent direction at pos:", rcPos)
+            return None
+        self.agents_position.append(tuple(rcPos))  # ensure it's a tuple not a list
+        self.agents_handles.append(max(self.agents_handles + [-1]) + 1)  # max(handles) + 1, starting at 0
         self.agents_target.append(rcPos)  # set the target to the origin initially
         self.number_of_agents += 1
diff --git a/flatland/utils/editor.py b/flatland/utils/editor.py
index b7b09b771ba49630d6a90a8f517b07dbbea747fc..a09b131eb6e72ac3a4445b65da4d3cbca4b4d6c1 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/editor.py
+++ b/flatland/utils/editor.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv, random_rail_generator
 from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import TreeObsForRailEnv
 import flatland.utils.rendertools as rt
 from examples.play_model import Player
+from flatland.envs.env_utils import mirror
 class View(object):
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ class JupEditor(object):
     def event_handler(self, wid, event):
-        """Mouse motion event handler
+        """Mouse motion event handler for drawing.
         x = event['canvasX']
         y = event['canvasY']
@@ -161,6 +162,11 @@ class JupEditor(object):
             while len(rcHistory) >= 3:
                 rc3Cells = array(rcHistory[:3])  # the 3 cells
                 rcMiddle = rc3Cells[1]  # the middle cell which we will update
+                # Save the original state of the cell
+                oTransrcMiddle = self.env.rail.get_transitions(rcMiddle)
+                sTransrcMiddle = self.env.rail.cell_repr(rcMiddle)
                 # get the 2 row, col deltas between the 3 cells, eg [-1,0] = North
                 rc2Trans = np.diff(rc3Cells, axis=0)
@@ -181,21 +187,49 @@ class JupEditor(object):
                 if len(liTrans) == 2:
                     # Set the transition
                     env.rail.set_transition((*rcMiddle, liTrans[0]), liTrans[1], bTransition)
-                    # iValCell = env.rail.transitions.set_transition(
-                    #    env.rail.grid[tuple(rcMiddle)], liTrans[0], liTrans[1], bTransition)
                     # Also set the reverse transition
-                    # iValCell = env.rail.transitions.set_transition(
-                    #    iValCell,
-                    #    (liTrans[1] + 2) % 4, # use the reversed outbound transition for inbound
-                    #    (liTrans[0] + 2) % 4, # use the reversed inbound transition for outbound
-                    #    bTransition)
-                    # Write the cell transition value back into the grid
-                    # env.rail.grid[tuple(rcMiddle)] = iValCell
+                    # use the reversed outbound transition for inbound
+                    # and the reversed inbound transition for outbound
+                    env.rail.set_transition((*rcMiddle, mirror(liTrans[1])), mirror(liTrans[0]), bTransition)
+                    bValid = env.rail.is_cell_valid(rcMiddle)
+                    if not bValid:
+                        # Reset cell transition values
+                        env.rail.grid[tuple(rcMiddle)] = oTransrcMiddle
+                self.log(rcMiddle, "Orig:", sTransrcMiddle, "Mod:", self.env.rail.cell_repr(rcMiddle))
                 rcHistory.pop(0)  # remove the last-but-one
+            # If final cell empty, insert deadend:
+            if len(rcHistory) == 2 and (self.env.rail.get_transitions(rcHistory[1]) == 0):
+                rc2Cells = array(rcHistory[:2])  # the 2 cells
+                rcFinal = rc2Cells[1]  # the final cell which we will update
+                # get the row, col delta between the 2 cells, eg [-1,0] = North
+                rc2Trans = np.diff(rc2Cells, axis=0)
+                # get the direction index for the 2 transitions
+                liTrans = []
+                for rcTrans in rc2Trans:
+                    iTrans = np.argwhere(np.all(self.gRCTrans - rcTrans == 0, axis=1))
+                    if len(iTrans) > 0:
+                        iTrans = iTrans[0][0]
+                        liTrans.append(iTrans)
+                # check that we have one transition
+                if len(liTrans) == 1:
+                    # Set the transition as a deadend
+                    env.rail.set_transition((*rcFinal, liTrans[0]), mirror(liTrans[0]), bTransition)
+                    bValid = env.rail.is_cell_valid(rcMiddle)
+                    if not bValid:
+                        # Reset cell transition values
+                        env.rail.grid[tuple(rcMiddle)] = oTransrcMiddle
+                self.log(rcMiddle, "Orig:", sTransrcMiddle, "Mod:", self.env.rail.cell_repr(rcMiddle))
+                rcHistory.pop(0)  # remove the last-but-one
             bRedrawn = True
diff --git a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
index 6c5a17555beb95ce80d023d0c10376650f06ec3b..29a337239fc7d4df737b4482c81ceabff4600e7e 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
+++ b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         xyDir = np.matmul(rcDir, rt.grc2xy)          # agent direction in xy
         xyPos = np.matmul(rcPos - rcDir / 2, rt.grc2xy) + rt.xyHalf
+        print("Agent:", rcPos, iDir, rcDir, xyDir, xyPos)
         self.gl.scatter(*xyPos, color=color, marker="o", s=100)            # agent location
         xyDirLine = array([xyPos, xyPos + xyDir/2]).T  # line for agent orient.
@@ -523,6 +524,8 @@ class RenderTool(object):
                 # cell transition values
                 oCell = env.rail.get_transitions((r, c))
+                bCellValid = env.rail.cell_neighbours_valid((r, c))
                 # Special Case 7, with a single bit; terminate at center
                 nbits = 0
                 tmp = oCell
@@ -535,6 +538,10 @@ class RenderTool(object):
                 # it's a dead env.
                 bDeadEnd = nbits == 1
+                if not bCellValid:
+                    print("invalid:", r, c)
+                    self.gl.scatter(*xyCentre, color="r", s=50)
                 for orientation in range(4):  # ori is where we're heading
                     from_ori = (orientation + 2) % 4  # 0123=NESW -> 2301=SWNE
                     from_xy = coords[from_ori]