From c5c0576ef4efc6006df6c60216831752d1c36e0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: u214892 <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2019 15:57:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] #62 increase unit test coverage

 flatland/core/grid/       | 106 +++++++
 flatland/core/grid/       |  74 +++++
 flatland/core/grid/        |  58 ++++
 flatland/core/grid/     |  32 --
 flatland/envs/            |  32 --
 flatland/envs/              | 369 ------------------------
 flatland/envs/             |   6 +-
 flatland/envs/ | 135 +++++++++
 flatland/envs/           |   2 +-
 flatland/envs/            |   2 +-
 flatland/envs/               |   2 +-
 flatland/                    |   3 -
 flatland/utils/                |   2 +-
 flatland/utils/                   |   6 +-
 tests/ |   2 +-
 tests/   |   3 +-
 16 files changed, 385 insertions(+), 449 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 flatland/core/grid/
 create mode 100644 flatland/core/grid/
 create mode 100644 flatland/core/grid/
 delete mode 100644 flatland/envs/
 create mode 100644 flatland/envs/
 delete mode 100644 flatland/

diff --git a/flatland/core/grid/ b/flatland/core/grid/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..feb72313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flatland/core/grid/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import validate_new_transition
+class AStarNode():
+    """A node class for A* Pathfinding"""
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, pos=None):
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.pos = pos
+        self.g = 0
+        self.h = 0
+        self.f = 0
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self.pos == other.pos
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self.pos)
+    def update_if_better(self, other):
+        if other.g < self.g:
+            self.parent = other.parent
+            self.g = other.g
+            self.h = other.h
+            self.f = other.f
+def a_star(rail_trans, rail_array, start, end):
+    """
+    Returns a list of tuples as a path from the given start to end.
+    If no path is found, returns path to closest point to end.
+    """
+    rail_shape = rail_array.shape
+    start_node = AStarNode(None, start)
+    end_node = AStarNode(None, end)
+    open_nodes = set()
+    closed_nodes = set()
+    open_nodes.add(start_node)
+    while len(open_nodes) > 0:
+        # get node with current shortest est. path (lowest f)
+        current_node = None
+        for item in open_nodes:
+            if current_node is None:
+                current_node = item
+                continue
+            if item.f < current_node.f:
+                current_node = item
+        # pop current off open list, add to closed list
+        open_nodes.remove(current_node)
+        closed_nodes.add(current_node)
+        # found the goal
+        if current_node == end_node:
+            path = []
+            current = current_node
+            while current is not None:
+                path.append(current.pos)
+                current = current.parent
+            # return reversed path
+            return path[::-1]
+        # generate children
+        children = []
+        if current_node.parent is not None:
+            prev_pos = current_node.parent.pos
+        else:
+            prev_pos = None
+        for new_pos in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]:
+            node_pos = (current_node.pos[0] + new_pos[0], current_node.pos[1] + new_pos[1])
+            if node_pos[0] >= rail_shape[0] or node_pos[0] < 0 or node_pos[1] >= rail_shape[1] or node_pos[1] < 0:
+                continue
+            # validate positions
+            if not validate_new_transition(rail_trans, rail_array, prev_pos, current_node.pos, node_pos, end_node.pos):
+                continue
+            # create new node
+            new_node = AStarNode(current_node, node_pos)
+            children.append(new_node)
+        # loop through children
+        for child in children:
+            # already in closed list?
+            if child in closed_nodes:
+                continue
+            # create the f, g, and h values
+            child.g = current_node.g + 1
+            # this heuristic favors diagonal paths:
+            # child.h = ((child.pos[0] - end_node.pos[0]) ** 2) + ((child.pos[1] - end_node.pos[1]) ** 2) \#  noqa: E800
+            # this heuristic avoids diagonal paths
+            child.h = abs(child.pos[0] - end_node.pos[0]) + abs(child.pos[1] - end_node.pos[1])
+            child.f = child.g + child.h
+            # already in the open list?
+            if child in open_nodes:
+                continue
+            # add the child to the open list
+            open_nodes.add(child)
+        # no full path found
+        if len(open_nodes) == 0:
+            return []
diff --git a/flatland/core/grid/ b/flatland/core/grid/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d64a160b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flatland/core/grid/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum
+def get_direction(pos1, pos2) -> Grid4TransitionsEnum:
+    """
+    Assumes pos1 and pos2 are adjacent location on grid.
+    Returns direction (int) that can be used with transitions.
+    """
+    diff_0 = pos2[0] - pos1[0]
+    diff_1 = pos2[1] - pos1[1]
+    if diff_0 < 0:
+        return 0
+    if diff_0 > 0:
+        return 2
+    if diff_1 > 0:
+        return 1
+    if diff_1 < 0:
+        return 3
+    raise Exception("Could not determine direction {}->{}".format(pos1, pos2))
+def mirror(dir):
+    return (dir + 2) % 4
+def validate_new_transition(rail_trans, rail_array, prev_pos, current_pos, new_pos, end_pos):
+    # start by getting direction used to get to current node
+    # and direction from current node to possible child node
+    new_dir = get_direction(current_pos, new_pos)
+    if prev_pos is not None:
+        current_dir = get_direction(prev_pos, current_pos)
+    else:
+        current_dir = new_dir
+    # create new transition that would go to child
+    new_trans = rail_array[current_pos]
+    if prev_pos is None:
+        if new_trans == 0:
+            # need to flip direction because of how end points are defined
+            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(current_dir), new_dir, 1)
+        else:
+            # check if matches existing layout
+            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
+    else:
+        # set the forward path
+        new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
+        # set the backwards path
+        new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(new_dir), mirror(current_dir), 1)
+    if new_pos == end_pos:
+        # need to validate end pos setup as well
+        new_trans_e = rail_array[end_pos]
+        if new_trans_e == 0:
+            # need to flip direction because of how end points are defined
+            new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, mirror(new_dir), 1)
+        else:
+            # check if matches existing layout
+            new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, new_dir, 1)
+        if not rail_trans.is_valid(new_trans_e):
+            return False
+    # is transition is valid?
+    return rail_trans.is_valid(new_trans)
+def get_new_position(position, movement):
+    """ Utility function that converts a compass movement over a 2D grid to new positions (r, c). """
+    if movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.NORTH:
+        return (position[0] - 1, position[1])
+    elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.EAST:
+        return (position[0], position[1] + 1)
+    elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.SOUTH:
+        return (position[0] + 1, position[1])
+    elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.WEST:
+        return (position[0], position[1] - 1)
diff --git a/flatland/core/grid/ b/flatland/core/grid/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f51d2859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flatland/core/grid/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+import numpy as np
+def position_to_coordinate(depth, positions):
+    """Converts coordinates to positions:
+         [ (0,0) (0,1) ..  (0,w-1)
+           (1,0) (1,1)     (1,w-1)
+           ...
+           (d-1,0) (d-1,1)     (d-1,w-1)
+          ]
+         -->
+         [ 0      d    ..  (w-1)*d
+           1      d+1
+           ...
+           d-1    2d-1     w*d-1
+         ]
+    :param depth:
+    :param positions:
+    :return:
+    """
+    coords = ()
+    for p in positions:
+        coords = coords + ((int(p) % depth, int(p) // depth),)  # changed x_dim to y_dim
+    return coords
+def coordinate_to_position(depth, coords):
+    """
+    Converts positions to coordinates:
+         [ 0      d    ..  (w-1)*d
+           1      d+1
+           ...
+           d-1    2d-1     w*d-1
+         ]
+         -->
+         [ (0,0) (0,1) ..  (0,w-1)
+           (1,0) (1,1)     (1,w-1)
+           ...
+           (d-1,0) (d-1,1)     (d-1,w-1)
+          ]
+    :param depth:
+    :param coords:
+    :return:
+    """
+    position = np.empty(len(coords), dtype=int)
+    idx = 0
+    for t in coords:
+        position[idx] = int(t[1] * depth + t[0])
+        idx += 1
+    return position
+def distance_on_rail(pos1, pos2):
+    return abs(pos1[0] - pos2[0]) + abs(pos1[1] - pos2[1])
diff --git a/flatland/core/grid/ b/flatland/core/grid/
index c043b42f..680e9453 100644
--- a/flatland/core/grid/
+++ b/flatland/core/grid/
@@ -62,38 +62,6 @@ class RailEnvTransitions(Grid4Transitions):
         print("S", format(cell_transition >> (1 * 4) & 0xF, '04b'))
         print("W", format(cell_transition >> (0 * 4) & 0xF, '04b'))
-    def repr(self, cell_transition, version=0):
-        """
-        Provide a string representation of the cell transitions.
-        This class doesn't represent an individual cell,
-        but a way of interpreting the contents of a cell.
-        So using the ad hoc name repr rather than __repr__.
-        """
-        # binary format string without leading 0b
-        sbinTrans = format(cell_transition, "#018b")[2:]
-        if version == 0:
-            sRepr = " ".join([
-                "{}:{}".format(sDir, sbinTrans[i:(i + 4)])
-                for i, sDir in
-                zip(
-                    range(0, len(sbinTrans), 4),
-                    self.lsDirs)])  # NESW
-            return sRepr
-        if version == 1:
-            lsRepr = []
-            for iDirIn in range(0, 4):
-                sDirTrans = sbinTrans[(iDirIn * 4):(iDirIn * 4 + 4)]
-                if sDirTrans == "0000":
-                    continue
-                sDirsOut = [
-                    self.lsDirs[iDirOut]
-                    for iDirOut in range(0, 4)
-                    if sDirTrans[iDirOut] == "1"]
-                lsRepr.append(self.lsDirs[iDirIn] + ":" + "".join(sDirsOut))
-            return ", ".join(lsRepr)
     def is_valid(self, cell_transition):
         Checks if a cell transition is a valid cell setup.
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
index aa46aecd..5eadb933 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -4,20 +4,6 @@ import numpy as np
 from attr import attrs, attrib
-class EnvDescription(object):
-    """ EnvDescription - This is a description of a random env,
-        based around the rail_generator and stats like size and n_agents.
-        It mirrors the parameters given to the RailEnv constructor.
-        Not currently used.
-    """
-    n_agents = attrib()
-    height = attrib()
-    width = attrib()
-    rail_generator = attrib()
-    obs_builder = attrib()  # not sure if this should closer to the agent than the env
 class EnvAgentStatic(object):
     """ EnvAgentStatic - Stores initial position, direction and target.
@@ -34,18 +20,6 @@ class EnvAgentStatic(object):
     # cell if speed=1, as default)
     speed_data = attrib(default=dict({'position_fraction': 0.0, 'speed': 1.0, 'transition_action_on_cellexit': 0}))
-    def __init__(self,
-                 position,
-                 direction,
-                 target,
-                 moving=False,
-                 speed_data={'position_fraction': 0.0, 'speed': 1.0, 'transition_action_on_cellexit': 0}):
-        self.position = position
-        self.direction = direction
- = target
-        self.moving = moving
-        self.speed_data = speed_data
     def from_lists(cls, positions, directions, targets, speeds=None):
         """ Create a list of EnvAgentStatics from lists of positions, directions and targets
@@ -84,12 +58,6 @@ class EnvAgent(EnvAgentStatic):
     old_direction = attrib(default=None)
     old_position = attrib(default=None)
-    def __init__(self, position, direction, target, handle, old_direction, old_position):
-        super(EnvAgent, self).__init__(position, direction, target)
-        self.handle = handle
-        self.old_direction = old_direction
-        self.old_position = old_position
     def to_list(self):
         return [
             self.position, self.direction,, self.handle,
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19da8946..00000000
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-Definition of the RailEnv environment and related level-generation functions.
-Generator functions are functions that take width, height and num_resets as arguments and return
-a GridTransitionMap object.
-import numpy as np
-from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum
-def get_direction(pos1, pos2) -> Grid4TransitionsEnum:
-    """
-    Assumes pos1 and pos2 are adjacent location on grid.
-    Returns direction (int) that can be used with transitions.
-    """
-    diff_0 = pos2[0] - pos1[0]
-    diff_1 = pos2[1] - pos1[1]
-    if diff_0 < 0:
-        return 0
-    if diff_0 > 0:
-        return 2
-    if diff_1 > 0:
-        return 1
-    if diff_1 < 0:
-        return 3
-    raise Exception("Could not determine direction {}->{}".format(pos1, pos2))
-def mirror(dir):
-    return (dir + 2) % 4
-def validate_new_transition(rail_trans, rail_array, prev_pos, current_pos, new_pos, end_pos):
-    # start by getting direction used to get to current node
-    # and direction from current node to possible child node
-    new_dir = get_direction(current_pos, new_pos)
-    if prev_pos is not None:
-        current_dir = get_direction(prev_pos, current_pos)
-    else:
-        current_dir = new_dir
-    # create new transition that would go to child
-    new_trans = rail_array[current_pos]
-    if prev_pos is None:
-        if new_trans == 0:
-            # need to flip direction because of how end points are defined
-            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(current_dir), new_dir, 1)
-        else:
-            # check if matches existing layout
-            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
-    else:
-        # set the forward path
-        new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
-        # set the backwards path
-        new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(new_dir), mirror(current_dir), 1)
-    if new_pos == end_pos:
-        # need to validate end pos setup as well
-        new_trans_e = rail_array[end_pos]
-        if new_trans_e == 0:
-            # need to flip direction because of how end points are defined
-            new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, mirror(new_dir), 1)
-        else:
-            # check if matches existing layout
-            new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, new_dir, 1)
-        if not rail_trans.is_valid(new_trans_e):
-            return False
-    # is transition is valid?
-    return rail_trans.is_valid(new_trans)
-def position_to_coordinate(depth, positions):
-    """Converts coordinates to positions:
-         [ (0,0) (0,1) ..  (0,w-1)
-           (1,0) (1,1)     (1,w-1)
-           ...
-           (d-1,0) (d-1,1)     (d-1,w-1)
-          ]
-         -->
-         [ 0      d    ..  (w-1)*d
-           1      d+1
-           ...
-           d-1    2d-1     w*d-1
-         ]
-    :param depth:
-    :param positions:
-    :return:
-    """
-    coords = ()
-    for p in positions:
-        coords = coords + ((int(p) % depth, int(p) // depth),)  # changed x_dim to y_dim
-    return coords
-def coordinate_to_position(depth, coords):
-    """
-    Converts positions to coordinates:
-         [ 0      d    ..  (w-1)*d
-           1      d+1
-           ...
-           d-1    2d-1     w*d-1
-         ]
-         -->
-         [ (0,0) (0,1) ..  (0,w-1)
-           (1,0) (1,1)     (1,w-1)
-           ...
-           (d-1,0) (d-1,1)     (d-1,w-1)
-          ]
-    :param depth:
-    :param coords:
-    :return:
-    """
-    position = np.empty(len(coords), dtype=int)
-    idx = 0
-    for t in coords:
-        position[idx] = int(t[1] * depth + t[0])
-        idx += 1
-    return position
-def get_new_position(position, movement):
-    """ Utility function that converts a compass movement over a 2D grid to new positions (r, c). """
-    if movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.NORTH:
-        return (position[0] - 1, position[1])
-    elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.EAST:
-        return (position[0], position[1] + 1)
-    elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.SOUTH:
-        return (position[0] + 1, position[1])
-    elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.WEST:
-        return (position[0], position[1] - 1)
-class AStarNode():
-    """A node class for A* Pathfinding"""
-    def __init__(self, parent=None, pos=None):
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.pos = pos
-        self.g = 0
-        self.h = 0
-        self.f = 0
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.pos == other.pos
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.pos)
-    def update_if_better(self, other):
-        if other.g < self.g:
-            self.parent = other.parent
-            self.g = other.g
-            self.h = other.h
-            self.f = other.f
-def a_star(rail_trans, rail_array, start, end):
-    """
-    Returns a list of tuples as a path from the given start to end.
-    If no path is found, returns path to closest point to end.
-    """
-    rail_shape = rail_array.shape
-    start_node = AStarNode(None, start)
-    end_node = AStarNode(None, end)
-    open_nodes = set()
-    closed_nodes = set()
-    open_nodes.add(start_node)
-    while len(open_nodes) > 0:
-        # get node with current shortest est. path (lowest f)
-        current_node = None
-        for item in open_nodes:
-            if current_node is None:
-                current_node = item
-                continue
-            if item.f < current_node.f:
-                current_node = item
-        # pop current off open list, add to closed list
-        open_nodes.remove(current_node)
-        closed_nodes.add(current_node)
-        # found the goal
-        if current_node == end_node:
-            path = []
-            current = current_node
-            while current is not None:
-                path.append(current.pos)
-                current = current.parent
-            # return reversed path
-            return path[::-1]
-        # generate children
-        children = []
-        if current_node.parent is not None:
-            prev_pos = current_node.parent.pos
-        else:
-            prev_pos = None
-        for new_pos in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]:
-            node_pos = (current_node.pos[0] + new_pos[0], current_node.pos[1] + new_pos[1])
-            if node_pos[0] >= rail_shape[0] or node_pos[0] < 0 or node_pos[1] >= rail_shape[1] or node_pos[1] < 0:
-                continue
-            # validate positions
-            if not validate_new_transition(rail_trans, rail_array, prev_pos, current_node.pos, node_pos, end_node.pos):
-                continue
-            # create new node
-            new_node = AStarNode(current_node, node_pos)
-            children.append(new_node)
-        # loop through children
-        for child in children:
-            # already in closed list?
-            if child in closed_nodes:
-                continue
-            # create the f, g, and h values
-            child.g = current_node.g + 1
-            # this heuristic favors diagonal paths:
-            # child.h = ((child.pos[0] - end_node.pos[0]) ** 2) + ((child.pos[1] - end_node.pos[1]) ** 2) \#  noqa: E800
-            # this heuristic avoids diagonal paths
-            child.h = abs(child.pos[0] - end_node.pos[0]) + abs(child.pos[1] - end_node.pos[1])
-            child.f = child.g + child.h
-            # already in the open list?
-            if child in open_nodes:
-                continue
-            # add the child to the open list
-            open_nodes.add(child)
-        # no full path found
-        if len(open_nodes) == 0:
-            return []
-def connect_rail(rail_trans, rail_array, start, end):
-    """
-    Creates a new path [start,end] in rail_array, based on rail_trans.
-    """
-    # in the worst case we will need to do a A* search, so we might as well set that up
-    path = a_star(rail_trans, rail_array, start, end)
-    if len(path) < 2:
-        return []
-    current_dir = get_direction(path[0], path[1])
-    end_pos = path[-1]
-    for index in range(len(path) - 1):
-        current_pos = path[index]
-        new_pos = path[index + 1]
-        new_dir = get_direction(current_pos, new_pos)
-        new_trans = rail_array[current_pos]
-        if index == 0:
-            if new_trans == 0:
-                # end-point
-                # need to flip direction because of how end points are defined
-                new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(current_dir), new_dir, 1)
-            else:
-                # into existing rail
-                new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
-        else:
-            # set the forward path
-            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
-            # set the backwards path
-            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(new_dir), mirror(current_dir), 1)
-        rail_array[current_pos] = new_trans
-        if new_pos == end_pos:
-            # setup end pos setup
-            new_trans_e = rail_array[end_pos]
-            if new_trans_e == 0:
-                # end-point
-                new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, mirror(new_dir), 1)
-            else:
-                # into existing rail
-                new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, new_dir, 1)
-            rail_array[end_pos] = new_trans_e
-        current_dir = new_dir
-    return path
-def distance_on_rail(pos1, pos2):
-    return abs(pos1[0] - pos2[0]) + abs(pos1[1] - pos2[1])
-def get_rnd_agents_pos_tgt_dir_on_rail(rail, num_agents):
-    """
-    Given a `rail' GridTransitionMap, return a random placement of agents (initial position, direction and target).
-    TODO: add extensive documentation, as users may need this function to simplify their custom level generators.
-    """
-    def _path_exists(rail, start, direction, end):
-        # BFS - Check if a path exists between the 2 nodes
-        visited = set()
-        stack = [(start, direction)]
-        while stack:
-            node = stack.pop()
-            if node[0][0] == end[0] and node[0][1] == end[1]:
-                return 1
-            if node not in visited:
-                visited.add(node)
-                moves = rail.get_transitions((node[0][0], node[0][1], node[1]))
-                for move_index in range(4):
-                    if moves[move_index]:
-                        stack.append((get_new_position(node[0], move_index),
-                                      move_index))
-                # If cell is a dead-end, append previous node with reversed
-                # orientation!
-                nbits = 0
-                tmp = rail.get_transitions((node[0][0], node[0][1]))
-                while tmp > 0:
-                    nbits += (tmp & 1)
-                    tmp = tmp >> 1
-                if nbits == 1:
-                    stack.append((node[0], (node[1] + 2) % 4))
-        return 0
-    valid_positions = []
-    for r in range(rail.height):
-        for c in range(rail.width):
-            if rail.get_transitions((r, c)) > 0:
-                valid_positions.append((r, c))
-    re_generate = True
-    while re_generate:
-        agents_position = [
-            valid_positions[i] for i in
-            np.random.choice(len(valid_positions), num_agents)]
-        agents_target = [
-            valid_positions[i] for i in
-            np.random.choice(len(valid_positions), num_agents)]
-        # agents_direction must be a direction for which a solution is
-        # guaranteed.
-        agents_direction = [0] * num_agents
-        re_generate = False
-        for i in range(num_agents):
-            valid_movements = []
-            for direction in range(4):
-                position = agents_position[i]
-                moves = rail.get_transitions((position[0], position[1], direction))
-                for move_index in range(4):
-                    if moves[move_index]:
-                        valid_movements.append((direction, move_index))
-            valid_starting_directions = []
-            for m in valid_movements:
-                new_position = get_new_position(agents_position[i], m[1])
-                if m[0] not in valid_starting_directions and _path_exists(rail, new_position, m[0], agents_target[i]):
-                    valid_starting_directions.append(m[0])
-            if len(valid_starting_directions) == 0:
-                re_generate = True
-            else:
-                agents_direction[i] = valid_starting_directions[np.random.choice(len(valid_starting_directions), 1)[0]]
-    return agents_position, agents_direction, agents_target
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
index fa5cdccc..c3f569ae 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import numpy as np
 from flatland.core.transition_map import GridTransitionMap
 from flatland.core.grid.rail_env_grid import RailEnvTransitions
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import distance_on_rail, connect_rail, get_direction, mirror
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import get_rnd_agents_pos_tgt_dir_on_rail
+from flatland.envs.grid4_generators_utils import connect_rail
+from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import distance_on_rail
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_direction, mirror
+from flatland.envs.grid4_generators_utils import get_rnd_agents_pos_tgt_dir_on_rail
 def empty_rail_generator():
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b2ab8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Definition of the RailEnv environment and related level-generation functions.
+Generator functions are functions that take width, height and num_resets as arguments and return
+a GridTransitionMap object.
+import numpy as np
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_astar import a_star
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_direction, mirror, get_new_position
+def connect_rail(rail_trans, rail_array, start, end):
+    """
+    Creates a new path [start,end] in rail_array, based on rail_trans.
+    """
+    # in the worst case we will need to do a A* search, so we might as well set that up
+    path = a_star(rail_trans, rail_array, start, end)
+    if len(path) < 2:
+        return []
+    current_dir = get_direction(path[0], path[1])
+    end_pos = path[-1]
+    for index in range(len(path) - 1):
+        current_pos = path[index]
+        new_pos = path[index + 1]
+        new_dir = get_direction(current_pos, new_pos)
+        new_trans = rail_array[current_pos]
+        if index == 0:
+            if new_trans == 0:
+                # end-point
+                # need to flip direction because of how end points are defined
+                new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(current_dir), new_dir, 1)
+            else:
+                # into existing rail
+                new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
+        else:
+            # set the forward path
+            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, current_dir, new_dir, 1)
+            # set the backwards path
+            new_trans = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans, mirror(new_dir), mirror(current_dir), 1)
+        rail_array[current_pos] = new_trans
+        if new_pos == end_pos:
+            # setup end pos setup
+            new_trans_e = rail_array[end_pos]
+            if new_trans_e == 0:
+                # end-point
+                new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, mirror(new_dir), 1)
+            else:
+                # into existing rail
+                new_trans_e = rail_trans.set_transition(new_trans_e, new_dir, new_dir, 1)
+            rail_array[end_pos] = new_trans_e
+        current_dir = new_dir
+    return path
+def get_rnd_agents_pos_tgt_dir_on_rail(rail, num_agents):
+    """
+    Given a `rail' GridTransitionMap, return a random placement of agents (initial position, direction and target).
+    TODO: add extensive documentation, as users may need this function to simplify their custom level generators.
+    """
+    def _path_exists(rail, start, direction, end):
+        # BFS - Check if a path exists between the 2 nodes
+        visited = set()
+        stack = [(start, direction)]
+        while stack:
+            node = stack.pop()
+            if node[0][0] == end[0] and node[0][1] == end[1]:
+                return 1
+            if node not in visited:
+                visited.add(node)
+                moves = rail.get_transitions((node[0][0], node[0][1], node[1]))
+                for move_index in range(4):
+                    if moves[move_index]:
+                        stack.append((get_new_position(node[0], move_index),
+                                      move_index))
+                # If cell is a dead-end, append previous node with reversed
+                # orientation!
+                nbits = 0
+                tmp = rail.get_transitions((node[0][0], node[0][1]))
+                while tmp > 0:
+                    nbits += (tmp & 1)
+                    tmp = tmp >> 1
+                if nbits == 1:
+                    stack.append((node[0], (node[1] + 2) % 4))
+        return 0
+    valid_positions = []
+    for r in range(rail.height):
+        for c in range(rail.width):
+            if rail.get_transitions((r, c)) > 0:
+                valid_positions.append((r, c))
+    re_generate = True
+    while re_generate:
+        agents_position = [
+            valid_positions[i] for i in
+            np.random.choice(len(valid_positions), num_agents)]
+        agents_target = [
+            valid_positions[i] for i in
+            np.random.choice(len(valid_positions), num_agents)]
+        # agents_direction must be a direction for which a solution is
+        # guaranteed.
+        agents_direction = [0] * num_agents
+        re_generate = False
+        for i in range(num_agents):
+            valid_movements = []
+            for direction in range(4):
+                position = agents_position[i]
+                moves = rail.get_transitions((position[0], position[1], direction))
+                for move_index in range(4):
+                    if moves[move_index]:
+                        valid_movements.append((direction, move_index))
+            valid_starting_directions = []
+            for m in valid_movements:
+                new_position = get_new_position(agents_position[i], m[1])
+                if m[0] not in valid_starting_directions and _path_exists(rail, new_position, m[0], agents_target[i]):
+                    valid_starting_directions.append(m[0])
+            if len(valid_starting_directions) == 0:
+                re_generate = True
+            else:
+                agents_direction[i] = valid_starting_directions[np.random.choice(len(valid_starting_directions), 1)[0]]
+    return agents_position, agents_direction, agents_target
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
index ecb06978..8c3f260b 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import ObservationBuilder
 from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import coordinate_to_position
+from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import coordinate_to_position
 class TreeObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
index 43909669..654f5490 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Collection of environment-specific PredictionBuilder.
 import numpy as np
 from flatland.core.env_prediction_builder import PredictionBuilder
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import get_new_position
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
 from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnvActions
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
index 8cf6d52f..05738ecc 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from flatland.core.env import Environment
 from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgentStatic, EnvAgent
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import get_new_position
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
 from flatland.envs.generators import random_rail_generator
 from flatland.envs.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv
diff --git a/flatland/ b/flatland/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fbbae4f..00000000
--- a/flatland/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Main module."""
diff --git a/flatland/utils/ b/flatland/utils/
index 9979122b..f5813356 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/
+++ b/flatland/utils/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from numpy import array
 import flatland.utils.rendertools as rt
 from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgent, EnvAgentStatic
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import mirror
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import mirror
 from flatland.envs.generators import complex_rail_generator, empty_rail_generator
 from flatland.envs.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv
 from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv, random_rail_generator
diff --git a/flatland/utils/ b/flatland/utils/
index b2e02844..e8399d51 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/
+++ b/flatland/utils/
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ class SVG(object):
         elif svgETree is not None:
             self.svg = svgETree
-        self.init2()
-    def init2(self):
         expr = "//*[local-name() = $name]"
         self.eStyle = self.svg.root.xpath(expr, name="style")[0]
         ltMatch = re.findall(r".st([a-zA-Z0-9]+)[{]([^}]*)}", self.eStyle.text)
@@ -25,8 +22,7 @@ class SVG(object):
     def copy(self):
         new_svg = copy.deepcopy(self.svg)
-        self2 = SVG(svgETree=new_svg)
-        return self2
+        return SVG(svgETree=new_svg)
     def merge(self, svg2):
         svg3 = svg2.copy()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 048520c1..9d4a72c0 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import numpy as np
 from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4Transitions
 from flatland.core.grid.grid8 import Grid8Transitions
 from flatland.core.grid.rail_env_grid import RailEnvTransitions
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import validate_new_transition
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import validate_new_transition
 # remove whitespace in string; keep whitespace below for easier reading
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 49b619a1..b95922cf 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import numpy as np
 import pytest
 from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum
-from flatland.envs.env_utils import position_to_coordinate, coordinate_to_position, get_direction
+from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import position_to_coordinate, coordinate_to_position
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_direction
 depth_to_test = 5
 positions_to_test = [0, 5, 1, 6, 20, 30]