diff --git a/examples/simple_example_city_railway_generator.py b/examples/simple_example_city_railway_generator.py
index 7aa9f142631e1a07b77b416cdadd13a42ac83dc7..b14ac3693e8752a699c3c78455872b4064fa3721 100644
--- a/examples/simple_example_city_railway_generator.py
+++ b/examples/simple_example_city_railway_generator.py
@@ -1,508 +1,16 @@
-import copy
 import os
-import warnings
-from typing import Sequence, Optional
+from typing import Sequence
 import numpy as np
-from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import Vec2dOperations as Vec2d, IntVector2DArray, IntVector2DDistance, \
-    IntVector2DArrayArray
-from flatland.core.grid.rail_env_grid import RailEnvTransitions
-from flatland.core.transition_map import GridTransitionMap
-from flatland.envs.grid4_generators_utils import connect_from_nodes, connect_nodes, connect_rail
+from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import Vec2dOperations as Vec2d
 from flatland.envs.observations import GlobalObsForRailEnv
 from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
-from flatland.envs.rail_generators import RailGenerator, RailGeneratorProduct
-from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import sparse_schedule_generator
+from flatland.envs.rail_generators_city_generator import city_generator
+from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import city_schedule_generator
 from flatland.utils.rendertools import RenderTool, AgentRenderVariant
-FloatArrayType = []
-def realistic_rail_generator(num_cities: int = 5,
-                             city_size: int = 10,
-                             allowed_rotation_angles: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None,
-                             max_number_of_station_tracks: int = 4,
-                             nbr_of_switches_per_station_track: int = 2,
-                             connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: int = 4,
-                             do_random_connect_stations: bool = False,
-                             a_star_distance_function: IntVector2DDistance = Vec2d.get_manhattan_distance,
-                             seed: int = 0,
-                             print_out_info: bool = True) -> RailGenerator:
-    """
-    This is a level generator which generates a realistic rail configurations
-    :param num_cities: Number of city node
-    :param city_size: Length of city measure in cells
-    :param allowed_rotation_angles: Rotate the city (around center)
-    :param max_number_of_station_tracks: max number of tracks per station
-    :param nbr_of_switches_per_station_track: number of switches per track (max)
-    :param connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: max number of connecting track between stations
-    :param do_random_connect_stations : if false connect the stations along the grid (top,left -> down,right), else rand
-    :param a_star_distance_function: Heuristic how the distance between two nodes get estimated in the "a-star" path
-    :param seed: Random Seed
-    :param print_out_info: print debug info if True
-    :return:
-        -------
-    numpy.ndarray of type numpy.uint16
-        The matrix with the correct 16-bit bitmaps for each cell.
-    """
-    def do_generate_city_locations(width: int,
-                                   height: int,
-                                   intern_city_size: int,
-                                   intern_max_number_of_station_tracks: int) -> (IntVector2DArray, int):
-        X = int(np.floor(max(1, height - 2 * intern_max_number_of_station_tracks - 1) / intern_city_size))
-        Y = int(np.floor(max(1, width - 2 * intern_max_number_of_station_tracks - 1) / intern_city_size))
-        max_num_cities = min(num_cities, X * Y)
-        cities_at = np.random.choice(X * Y, max_num_cities, False)
-        cities_at = np.sort(cities_at)
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("max nbr of cities with given configuration is:", max_num_cities)
-        x = np.floor(cities_at / Y)
-        y = cities_at - x * Y
-        xs = (x * intern_city_size + intern_max_number_of_station_tracks) + intern_city_size / 2
-        ys = (y * intern_city_size + intern_max_number_of_station_tracks) + intern_city_size / 2
-        generate_city_locations = [[(int(xs[i]), int(ys[i])), (int(xs[i]), int(ys[i]))] for i in range(len(xs))]
-        return generate_city_locations, max_num_cities
-    def do_orient_cities(generate_city_locations: IntVector2DArrayArray, intern_city_size: int,
-                         rotation_angles_set: FloatArrayType):
-        for i in range(len(generate_city_locations)):
-            # station main orientation  (horizontal or vertical
-            rot_angle = np.random.choice(rotation_angles_set)
-            add_pos_val = Vec2d.scale(Vec2d.rotate((1, 0), rot_angle),
-                                      int(max(1.0, (intern_city_size - 3) / 2)))
-            generate_city_locations[i][0] = Vec2d.add(generate_city_locations[i][1], add_pos_val)
-            add_pos_val = Vec2d.scale(Vec2d.rotate((1, 0), 180 + rot_angle),
-                                      int(max(1.0, (intern_city_size - 3) / 2)))
-            generate_city_locations[i][1] = Vec2d.add(generate_city_locations[i][1], add_pos_val)
-        return generate_city_locations
-    def create_stations_from_city_locations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions,
-                                            grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
-                                            generate_city_locations: IntVector2DArray,
-                                            intern_max_number_of_station_tracks: int) -> (IntVector2DArray,
-                                                                                          IntVector2DArray,
-                                                                                          IntVector2DArray,
-                                                                                          IntVector2DArray,
-                                                                                          IntVector2DArray):
-        nodes_added = []
-        start_nodes_added = [[] for _ in range(len(generate_city_locations))]
-        end_nodes_added = [[] for _ in range(len(generate_city_locations))]
-        station_slots = [[] for _ in range(len(generate_city_locations))]
-        station_tracks = [[[] for _ in range(intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)] for _ in range(len(
-            generate_city_locations))]
-        station_slots_cnt = 0
-        for city_loop in range(len(generate_city_locations)):
-            # Connect train station to the correct node
-            number_of_connecting_tracks = np.random.choice(max(0, intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)) + 1
-            track_id = 0
-            for ct in range(number_of_connecting_tracks):
-                org_start_node = generate_city_locations[city_loop][0]
-                org_end_node = generate_city_locations[city_loop][1]
-                ortho_trans = Vec2d.make_orthogonal(
-                    Vec2d.normalize(Vec2d.subtract(org_start_node, org_end_node)))
-                s = (ct - number_of_connecting_tracks / 2.0)
-                start_node = Vec2d.ceil(
-                    Vec2d.add(org_start_node, Vec2d.scale(ortho_trans, s)))
-                end_node = Vec2d.ceil(
-                    Vec2d.add(org_end_node, Vec2d.scale(ortho_trans, s)))
-                connection = connect_from_nodes(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
-                if len(connection) > 0:
-                    nodes_added.append(start_node)
-                    nodes_added.append(end_node)
-                    start_nodes_added[city_loop].append(start_node)
-                    end_nodes_added[city_loop].append(end_node)
-                    # place in the center of path a station slot
-                    # station_slots[city_loop].append(connection[int(np.floor(len(connection) / 2))])
-                    for c_loop in range(len(connection)):
-                        station_slots[city_loop].append(connection[c_loop])
-                    station_slots_cnt += len(connection)
-                    station_tracks[city_loop][track_id] = connection
-                    track_id += 1
-                else:
-                    if print_out_info:
-                        print("create_stations_from_city_locations : connect_from_nodes -> no path found")
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("max nbr of station slots with given configuration is:", station_slots_cnt)
-        return nodes_added, station_slots, start_nodes_added, end_nodes_added, station_tracks
-    def create_switches_at_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions,
-                                    grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
-                                    station_tracks: IntVector2DArray,
-                                    nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
-                                    intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track: int) -> IntVector2DArray:
-        for k_loop in range(intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track):
-            for city_loop in range(len(station_tracks)):
-                k = k_loop + city_loop
-                datas = station_tracks[city_loop]
-                if len(datas) > 1:
-                    track = datas[0]
-                    if len(track) > 0:
-                        if k % 2 == 0:
-                            x = int(np.random.choice(int(len(track) / 2)) + 1)
-                        else:
-                            x = len(track) - int(np.random.choice(int(len(track) / 2)) + 1)
-                        start_node = track[x]
-                        for i in np.arange(1, len(datas)):
-                            track = datas[i]
-                            if len(track) > 1:
-                                if k % 2 == 0:
-                                    x = x + 2
-                                    if len(track) <= x:
-                                        x = 1
-                                else:
-                                    x = x - 2
-                                    if x < 2:
-                                        x = len(track) - 1
-                                end_node = track[x]
-                                connection = connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node,
-                                                          a_star_distance_function)
-                                if len(connection) == 0:
-                                    if print_out_info:
-                                        print("create_switches_at_stations : connect_rail -> no path found")
-                                    start_node = datas[i][0]
-                                    end_node = datas[i - 1][0]
-                                    connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
-                                nodes_added.append(start_node)
-                                nodes_added.append(end_node)
-                                if k % 2 == 0:
-                                    x = x + 2
-                                    if len(track) <= x:
-                                        x = 1
-                                else:
-                                    x = x - 2
-                                    if x < 2:
-                                        x = len(track) - 2
-                                start_node = track[x]
-        return nodes_added
-    def create_graph_edge(from_city_index: int, to_city_index: int) -> (int, int, int):
-        return from_city_index, to_city_index, np.inf
-    def calc_nbr_of_graphs(graph: []) -> ([], []):
-        for i in range(len(graph)):
-            for j in range(len(graph)):
-                a = graph[i]
-                b = graph[j]
-                connected = False
-                if a[0] == b[0] or a[1] == b[0]:
-                    connected = True
-                if a[0] == b[1] or a[1] == b[1]:
-                    connected = True
-                if connected:
-                    a = [graph[i][0], graph[i][1], graph[i][2]]
-                    b = [graph[j][0], graph[j][1], graph[j][2]]
-                    graph[i] = (graph[i][0], graph[i][1], min(np.min(a), np.min(b)))
-                    graph[j] = (graph[j][0], graph[j][1], min(np.min(a), np.min(b)))
-                else:
-                    a = [graph[i][0], graph[i][1], graph[i][2]]
-                    graph[i] = (graph[i][0], graph[i][1], np.min(a))
-                    b = [graph[j][0], graph[j][1], graph[j][2]]
-                    graph[j] = (graph[j][0], graph[j][1], np.min(b))
-        graph_ids = []
-        for i in range(len(graph)):
-            graph_ids.append(graph[i][2])
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("************* NBR of graphs:", len(np.unique(graph_ids)))
-        return graph, np.unique(graph_ids).astype(int)
-    def connect_sub_graphs(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
-                           org_s_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
-                           org_e_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
-                           city_edges: IntVector2DArray,
-                           nodes_added: IntVector2DArray):
-        _, graphids = calc_nbr_of_graphs(city_edges)
-        if len(graphids) > 0:
-            for i in range(len(graphids) - 1):
-                connection = []
-                iteration_counter = 0
-                while len(connection) == 0 and iteration_counter < 100:
-                    s_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_s_nodes)
-                    e_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_e_nodes)
-                    start_nodes = s_nodes[graphids[i]]
-                    end_nodes = e_nodes[graphids[i + 1]]
-                    start_node = start_nodes[np.random.choice(len(start_nodes))]
-                    end_node = end_nodes[np.random.choice(len(end_nodes))]
-                    # TODO : removing, what the hell is going on, why we have to set rail_array -> transition to zero
-                    # TODO : before we can call connect_rail. If we don't reset the transistion to zero -> no rail
-                    # TODO : will be generated.
-                    grid_map.grid[start_node] = 0
-                    grid_map.grid[end_node] = 0
-                    connection = connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
-                    if len(connection) > 0:
-                        nodes_added.append(start_node)
-                        nodes_added.append(end_node)
-                    else:
-                        if print_out_info:
-                            print("connect_sub_graphs : connect_rail -> no path found")
-                    iteration_counter += 1
-    def connect_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions,
-                         grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
-                         org_s_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
-                         org_e_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
-                         nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
-                         intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: int):
-        city_edges = []
-        s_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_s_nodes)
-        e_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_e_nodes)
-        for nbr_connected in range(intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city):
-            for city_loop in range(len(s_nodes)):
-                sns = s_nodes[city_loop]
-                for start_node in sns:
-                    min_distance = np.inf
-                    end_node = None
-                    cl = 0
-                    for city_loop_find_shortest in range(len(e_nodes)):
-                        if city_loop_find_shortest == city_loop:
-                            continue
-                        ens = e_nodes[city_loop_find_shortest]
-                        for en in ens:
-                            d = Vec2d.get_euclidean_distance(start_node, en)
-                            if d < min_distance:
-                                min_distance = d
-                                end_node = en
-                                cl = city_loop_find_shortest
-                    if end_node is not None:
-                        tmp_trans_sn = grid_map.grid[start_node]
-                        tmp_trans_en = grid_map.grid[end_node]
-                        grid_map.grid[start_node] = 0
-                        grid_map.grid[end_node] = 0
-                        connection = connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
-                        if len(connection) > 0:
-                            s_nodes[city_loop].remove(start_node)
-                            e_nodes[cl].remove(end_node)
-                            edge = create_graph_edge(city_loop, cl)
-                            if city_loop > cl:
-                                edge = create_graph_edge(cl, city_loop)
-                            if not (edge in city_edges):
-                                city_edges.append(edge)
-                            nodes_added.append(start_node)
-                            nodes_added.append(end_node)
-                        else:
-                            if print_out_info:
-                                print("connect_stations : connect_rail -> no path found")
-                            grid_map.grid[start_node] = tmp_trans_sn
-                            grid_map.grid[end_node] = tmp_trans_en
-        connect_sub_graphs(rail_trans, grid_map, org_s_nodes, org_e_nodes, city_edges, nodes_added)
-    def connect_random_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
-                                start_nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
-                                end_nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
-                                nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
-                                intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: int):
-        if len(start_nodes_added) < 1:
-            return
-        x = np.arange(len(start_nodes_added))
-        random_city_idx = np.random.choice(x, len(x), False)
-        # cyclic connection
-        random_city_idx = np.append(random_city_idx, random_city_idx[0])
-        for city_loop in range(len(random_city_idx) - 1):
-            idx_a = random_city_idx[city_loop + 1]
-            idx_b = random_city_idx[city_loop]
-            s_nodes = start_nodes_added[idx_a]
-            e_nodes = end_nodes_added[idx_b]
-            max_input_output = max(len(s_nodes), len(e_nodes))
-            max_input_output = min(intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city, max_input_output)
-            idx_s_nodes = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(s_nodes)), len(s_nodes), False)
-            idx_e_nodes = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(e_nodes)), len(e_nodes), False)
-            if len(idx_s_nodes) < max_input_output:
-                idx_s_nodes = np.append(idx_s_nodes, np.random.choice(np.arange(len(s_nodes)), max_input_output - len(
-                    idx_s_nodes)))
-            if len(idx_e_nodes) < max_input_output:
-                idx_e_nodes = np.append(idx_e_nodes,
-                                        np.random.choice(np.arange(len(idx_e_nodes)), max_input_output - len(
-                                            idx_e_nodes)))
-            if len(idx_s_nodes) > intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city:
-                idx_s_nodes = np.random.choice(idx_s_nodes, intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city, False)
-            if len(idx_e_nodes) > intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city:
-                idx_e_nodes = np.random.choice(idx_e_nodes, intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city, False)
-            for i in range(max_input_output):
-                start_node = s_nodes[idx_s_nodes[i]]
-                end_node = e_nodes[idx_e_nodes[i]]
-                grid_map.grid[start_node] = 0
-                grid_map.grid[end_node] = 0
-                connection = connect_nodes(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
-                if len(connection) > 0:
-                    nodes_added.append(start_node)
-                    nodes_added.append(end_node)
-                else:
-                    if print_out_info:
-                        print("connect_random_stations : connect_nodes -> no path found")
-    def remove_switch_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
-                               train_stations: IntVector2DArray):
-        tmp_train_stations = copy.deepcopy(train_stations)
-        for city_loop in range(len(train_stations)):
-            for n in tmp_train_stations[city_loop]:
-                do_remove = True
-                trans = rail_trans.transition_list[1]
-                for _ in range(4):
-                    trans = rail_trans.rotate_transition(trans, rotation=90)
-                    if grid_map.grid[n] == trans:
-                        do_remove = False
-                if do_remove:
-                    train_stations[city_loop].remove(n)
-    def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0) -> RailGeneratorProduct:
-        rail_trans = RailEnvTransitions()
-        grid_map = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=rail_trans)
-        grid_map.grid.fill(0)
-        np.random.seed(seed + num_resets)
-        intern_city_size = city_size
-        if city_size < 3:
-            warnings.warn("min city_size requried to be > 3!")
-            intern_city_size = 3
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("intern_city_size:", intern_city_size)
-        intern_max_number_of_station_tracks = max_number_of_station_tracks
-        if max_number_of_station_tracks < 1:
-            warnings.warn("min max_number_of_station_tracks requried to be > 1!")
-            intern_max_number_of_station_tracks = 1
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("intern_max_number_of_station_tracks:", intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)
-        intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track = nbr_of_switches_per_station_track
-        if nbr_of_switches_per_station_track < 1:
-            warnings.warn("min intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track requried to be > 2!")
-            intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track = 2
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track:", intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track)
-        intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city = connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city
-        if connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city < 1:
-            warnings.warn("min intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city requried to be > 1!")
-            intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city = 1
-        if print_out_info:
-            print("intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city:", intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city)
-        agent_start_targets_nodes = []
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # generate city locations
-        generate_city_locations, max_num_cities = do_generate_city_locations(width, height, intern_city_size,
-                                                                             intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # apply orientation to cities (horizontal, vertical)
-        generate_city_locations = do_orient_cities(generate_city_locations, intern_city_size, allowed_rotation_angles)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # generate city topology
-        nodes_added, train_stations, s_nodes, e_nodes, station_tracks = \
-            create_stations_from_city_locations(rail_trans, grid_map,
-                                                generate_city_locations,
-                                                intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)
-        # build switches
-        # TODO remove true/false block
-        if True:
-            create_switches_at_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, station_tracks, nodes_added,
-                                        intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # connect stations
-        # TODO remove true/false block
-        if True:
-            if do_random_connect_stations:
-                connect_random_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, s_nodes, e_nodes, nodes_added,
-                                        intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city)
-            else:
-                connect_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, s_nodes, e_nodes, nodes_added,
-                                 intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # fix all transition at starting / ending points (mostly add a dead end, if missing)
-        # TODO i would like to remove the fixing stuff.
-        for i in range(len(nodes_added)):
-            grid_map.fix_transitions(nodes_added[i])
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # remove stations where rail is a switch
-        remove_switch_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, train_stations)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        # Slot availability in node
-        node_available_start = []
-        node_available_target = []
-        for node_idx in range(max_num_cities):
-            node_available_start.append(len(train_stations[node_idx]))
-            node_available_target.append(len(train_stations[node_idx]))
-        # Assign agents to slots
-        for agent_idx in range(num_agents):
-            avail_start_nodes = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(node_available_start) if val > 0]
-            avail_target_nodes = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(node_available_target) if val > 0]
-            if len(avail_target_nodes) == 0:
-                num_agents -= 1
-                continue
-            start_node = np.random.choice(avail_start_nodes)
-            target_node = np.random.choice(avail_target_nodes)
-            tries = 0
-            found_agent_pair = True
-            while target_node == start_node:
-                target_node = np.random.choice(avail_target_nodes)
-                tries += 1
-                # Test again with new start node if no pair is found (This code needs to be improved)
-                if (tries + 1) % 10 == 0:
-                    start_node = np.random.choice(avail_start_nodes)
-                if tries > 100:
-                    warnings.warn("Could not set train_stations, removing agent!")
-                    found_agent_pair = False
-                    break
-            if found_agent_pair:
-                node_available_start[start_node] -= 1
-                node_available_target[target_node] -= 1
-                agent_start_targets_nodes.append((start_node, target_node))
-            else:
-                num_agents -= 1
-        return grid_map, {'agents_hints': {
-            'num_agents': num_agents,
-            'agent_start_targets_nodes': agent_start_targets_nodes,
-            'train_stations': train_stations
-        }}
-    return generator
+FloatArrayType = Sequence[float]
 if os.path.exists("./../render_output/"):
     for itrials in np.arange(1, 1000, 1):
@@ -510,18 +18,18 @@ if os.path.exists("./../render_output/"):
         env = RailEnv(width=40 + np.random.choice(100),
                       height=40 + np.random.choice(100),
-                      rail_generator=realistic_rail_generator(num_cities=5 + np.random.choice(10),
-                                                              city_size=10 + np.random.choice(5),
-                                                              allowed_rotation_angles=np.arange(0, 360, 6),
-                                                              max_number_of_station_tracks=4 + np.random.choice(4),
-                                                              nbr_of_switches_per_station_track=2 + np.random.choice(2),
-                                                              connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city=2 + np.random.choice(4),
-                                                              do_random_connect_stations=itrials % 2 == 0,
-                                                              a_star_distance_function=Vec2d.get_euclidean_distance,
-                                                              seed=itrials,
-                                                              print_out_info=False
-                                                              ),
-                      schedule_generator=sparse_schedule_generator(),
+                      rail_generator=city_generator(num_cities=5 + np.random.choice(10),
+                                                    city_size=10 + np.random.choice(5),
+                                                    allowed_rotation_angles=np.arange(0, 360, 6),
+                                                    max_number_of_station_tracks=4 + np.random.choice(4),
+                                                    nbr_of_switches_per_station_track=2 + np.random.choice(2),
+                                                    connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city=2 + np.random.choice(4),
+                                                    do_random_connect_stations=itrials % 2 == 0,
+                                                    a_star_distance_function=Vec2d.get_euclidean_distance,
+                                                    seed=itrials,
+                                                    print_out_info=False
+                                                    ),
+                      schedule_generator=city_schedule_generator(),
diff --git a/flatland/envs/rail_generators_city_generator.py b/flatland/envs/rail_generators_city_generator.py
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..2d740fc3a2ecd65f9b7a9308e08cc528d7873176 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/rail_generators_city_generator.py
+++ b/flatland/envs/rail_generators_city_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+import copy
+import warnings
+from typing import Sequence, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import Vec2dOperations as Vec2d, IntVector2DArray, IntVector2DDistance, \
+    IntVector2DArrayArray
+from flatland.core.grid.rail_env_grid import RailEnvTransitions
+from flatland.core.transition_map import GridTransitionMap
+from flatland.envs.grid4_generators_utils import connect_from_nodes, connect_nodes, connect_rail
+from flatland.envs.rail_generators import RailGenerator, RailGeneratorProduct
+FloatArrayType = Sequence[float]
+def city_generator(num_cities: int = 5,
+                   city_size: int = 10,
+                   allowed_rotation_angles: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None,
+                   max_number_of_station_tracks: int = 4,
+                   nbr_of_switches_per_station_track: int = 2,
+                   connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: int = 4,
+                   do_random_connect_stations: bool = False,
+                   a_star_distance_function: IntVector2DDistance = Vec2d.get_manhattan_distance,
+                   seed: int = 0,
+                   print_out_info: bool = True) -> RailGenerator:
+    """
+    This is a level generator which generates a realistic rail configurations
+    :param num_cities: Number of city node
+    :param city_size: Length of city measure in cells
+    :param allowed_rotation_angles: Rotate the city (around center)
+    :param max_number_of_station_tracks: max number of tracks per station
+    :param nbr_of_switches_per_station_track: number of switches per track (max)
+    :param connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: max number of connecting track between stations
+    :param do_random_connect_stations : if false connect the stations along the grid (top,left -> down,right), else rand
+    :param a_star_distance_function: Heuristic how the distance between two nodes get estimated in the "a-star" path
+    :param seed: Random Seed
+    :param print_out_info: print debug info if True
+    :return:
+        -------
+    numpy.ndarray of type numpy.uint16
+        The matrix with the correct 16-bit bitmaps for each cell.
+    """
+    def do_generate_city_locations(width: int,
+                                   height: int,
+                                   intern_city_size: int,
+                                   intern_max_number_of_station_tracks: int) -> (IntVector2DArray, int):
+        X = int(np.floor(max(1, height - 2 * intern_max_number_of_station_tracks - 1) / intern_city_size))
+        Y = int(np.floor(max(1, width - 2 * intern_max_number_of_station_tracks - 1) / intern_city_size))
+        max_num_cities = min(num_cities, X * Y)
+        cities_at = np.random.choice(X * Y, max_num_cities, False)
+        cities_at = np.sort(cities_at)
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("max nbr of cities with given configuration is:", max_num_cities)
+        x = np.floor(cities_at / Y)
+        y = cities_at - x * Y
+        xs = (x * intern_city_size + intern_max_number_of_station_tracks) + intern_city_size / 2
+        ys = (y * intern_city_size + intern_max_number_of_station_tracks) + intern_city_size / 2
+        generate_city_locations = [[(int(xs[i]), int(ys[i])), (int(xs[i]), int(ys[i]))] for i in range(len(xs))]
+        return generate_city_locations, max_num_cities
+    def do_orient_cities(generate_city_locations: IntVector2DArrayArray, intern_city_size: int,
+                         rotation_angles_set: FloatArrayType):
+        for i in range(len(generate_city_locations)):
+            # station main orientation  (horizontal or vertical
+            rot_angle = np.random.choice(rotation_angles_set)
+            add_pos_val = Vec2d.scale(Vec2d.rotate((1, 0), rot_angle),
+                                      int(max(1.0, (intern_city_size - 3) / 2)))
+            generate_city_locations[i][0] = Vec2d.add(generate_city_locations[i][1], add_pos_val)
+            add_pos_val = Vec2d.scale(Vec2d.rotate((1, 0), 180 + rot_angle),
+                                      int(max(1.0, (intern_city_size - 3) / 2)))
+            generate_city_locations[i][1] = Vec2d.add(generate_city_locations[i][1], add_pos_val)
+        return generate_city_locations
+    def create_stations_from_city_locations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions,
+                                            grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
+                                            generate_city_locations: IntVector2DArray,
+                                            intern_max_number_of_station_tracks: int) -> (IntVector2DArray,
+                                                                                          IntVector2DArray,
+                                                                                          IntVector2DArray,
+                                                                                          IntVector2DArray,
+                                                                                          IntVector2DArray):
+        nodes_added = []
+        start_nodes_added = [[] for _ in range(len(generate_city_locations))]
+        end_nodes_added = [[] for _ in range(len(generate_city_locations))]
+        station_slots = [[] for _ in range(len(generate_city_locations))]
+        station_tracks = [[[] for _ in range(intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)] for _ in range(len(
+            generate_city_locations))]
+        station_slots_cnt = 0
+        for city_loop in range(len(generate_city_locations)):
+            # Connect train station to the correct node
+            number_of_connecting_tracks = np.random.choice(max(0, intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)) + 1
+            track_id = 0
+            for ct in range(number_of_connecting_tracks):
+                org_start_node = generate_city_locations[city_loop][0]
+                org_end_node = generate_city_locations[city_loop][1]
+                ortho_trans = Vec2d.make_orthogonal(
+                    Vec2d.normalize(Vec2d.subtract(org_start_node, org_end_node)))
+                s = (ct - number_of_connecting_tracks / 2.0)
+                start_node = Vec2d.ceil(
+                    Vec2d.add(org_start_node, Vec2d.scale(ortho_trans, s)))
+                end_node = Vec2d.ceil(
+                    Vec2d.add(org_end_node, Vec2d.scale(ortho_trans, s)))
+                connection = connect_from_nodes(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
+                if len(connection) > 0:
+                    nodes_added.append(start_node)
+                    nodes_added.append(end_node)
+                    start_nodes_added[city_loop].append(start_node)
+                    end_nodes_added[city_loop].append(end_node)
+                    # place in the center of path a station slot
+                    # station_slots[city_loop].append(connection[int(np.floor(len(connection) / 2))])
+                    for c_loop in range(len(connection)):
+                        station_slots[city_loop].append(connection[c_loop])
+                    station_slots_cnt += len(connection)
+                    station_tracks[city_loop][track_id] = connection
+                    track_id += 1
+                else:
+                    if print_out_info:
+                        print("create_stations_from_city_locations : connect_from_nodes -> no path found")
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("max nbr of station slots with given configuration is:", station_slots_cnt)
+        return nodes_added, station_slots, start_nodes_added, end_nodes_added, station_tracks
+    def create_switches_at_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions,
+                                    grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
+                                    station_tracks: IntVector2DArray,
+                                    nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
+                                    intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track: int) -> IntVector2DArray:
+        for k_loop in range(intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track):
+            for city_loop in range(len(station_tracks)):
+                k = k_loop + city_loop
+                datas = station_tracks[city_loop]
+                if len(datas) > 1:
+                    track = datas[0]
+                    if len(track) > 0:
+                        if k % 2 == 0:
+                            x = int(np.random.choice(int(len(track) / 2)) + 1)
+                        else:
+                            x = len(track) - int(np.random.choice(int(len(track) / 2)) + 1)
+                        start_node = track[x]
+                        for i in np.arange(1, len(datas)):
+                            track = datas[i]
+                            if len(track) > 1:
+                                if k % 2 == 0:
+                                    x = x + 2
+                                    if len(track) <= x:
+                                        x = 1
+                                else:
+                                    x = x - 2
+                                    if x < 2:
+                                        x = len(track) - 1
+                                end_node = track[x]
+                                connection = connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node,
+                                                          a_star_distance_function)
+                                if len(connection) == 0:
+                                    if print_out_info:
+                                        print("create_switches_at_stations : connect_rail -> no path found")
+                                    start_node = datas[i][0]
+                                    end_node = datas[i - 1][0]
+                                    connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
+                                nodes_added.append(start_node)
+                                nodes_added.append(end_node)
+                                if k % 2 == 0:
+                                    x = x + 2
+                                    if len(track) <= x:
+                                        x = 1
+                                else:
+                                    x = x - 2
+                                    if x < 2:
+                                        x = len(track) - 2
+                                start_node = track[x]
+        return nodes_added
+    def create_graph_edge(from_city_index: int, to_city_index: int) -> (int, int, int):
+        return from_city_index, to_city_index, np.inf
+    def calc_nbr_of_graphs(graph: []) -> ([], []):
+        for i in range(len(graph)):
+            for j in range(len(graph)):
+                a = graph[i]
+                b = graph[j]
+                connected = False
+                if a[0] == b[0] or a[1] == b[0]:
+                    connected = True
+                if a[0] == b[1] or a[1] == b[1]:
+                    connected = True
+                if connected:
+                    a = [graph[i][0], graph[i][1], graph[i][2]]
+                    b = [graph[j][0], graph[j][1], graph[j][2]]
+                    graph[i] = (graph[i][0], graph[i][1], min(np.min(a), np.min(b)))
+                    graph[j] = (graph[j][0], graph[j][1], min(np.min(a), np.min(b)))
+                else:
+                    a = [graph[i][0], graph[i][1], graph[i][2]]
+                    graph[i] = (graph[i][0], graph[i][1], np.min(a))
+                    b = [graph[j][0], graph[j][1], graph[j][2]]
+                    graph[j] = (graph[j][0], graph[j][1], np.min(b))
+        graph_ids = []
+        for i in range(len(graph)):
+            graph_ids.append(graph[i][2])
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("************* NBR of graphs:", len(np.unique(graph_ids)))
+        return graph, np.unique(graph_ids).astype(int)
+    def connect_sub_graphs(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
+                           org_s_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
+                           org_e_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
+                           city_edges: IntVector2DArray,
+                           nodes_added: IntVector2DArray):
+        _, graphids = calc_nbr_of_graphs(city_edges)
+        if len(graphids) > 0:
+            for i in range(len(graphids) - 1):
+                connection = []
+                iteration_counter = 0
+                while len(connection) == 0 and iteration_counter < 100:
+                    s_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_s_nodes)
+                    e_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_e_nodes)
+                    start_nodes = s_nodes[graphids[i]]
+                    end_nodes = e_nodes[graphids[i + 1]]
+                    start_node = start_nodes[np.random.choice(len(start_nodes))]
+                    end_node = end_nodes[np.random.choice(len(end_nodes))]
+                    # TODO : removing, what the hell is going on, why we have to set rail_array -> transition to zero
+                    # TODO : before we can call connect_rail. If we don't reset the transistion to zero -> no rail
+                    # TODO : will be generated.
+                    grid_map.grid[start_node] = 0
+                    grid_map.grid[end_node] = 0
+                    connection = connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
+                    if len(connection) > 0:
+                        nodes_added.append(start_node)
+                        nodes_added.append(end_node)
+                    else:
+                        if print_out_info:
+                            print("connect_sub_graphs : connect_rail -> no path found")
+                    iteration_counter += 1
+    def connect_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions,
+                         grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
+                         org_s_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
+                         org_e_nodes: IntVector2DArray,
+                         nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
+                         intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: int):
+        city_edges = []
+        s_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_s_nodes)
+        e_nodes = copy.deepcopy(org_e_nodes)
+        for nbr_connected in range(intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city):
+            for city_loop in range(len(s_nodes)):
+                sns = s_nodes[city_loop]
+                for start_node in sns:
+                    min_distance = np.inf
+                    end_node = None
+                    cl = 0
+                    for city_loop_find_shortest in range(len(e_nodes)):
+                        if city_loop_find_shortest == city_loop:
+                            continue
+                        ens = e_nodes[city_loop_find_shortest]
+                        for en in ens:
+                            d = Vec2d.get_euclidean_distance(start_node, en)
+                            if d < min_distance:
+                                min_distance = d
+                                end_node = en
+                                cl = city_loop_find_shortest
+                    if end_node is not None:
+                        tmp_trans_sn = grid_map.grid[start_node]
+                        tmp_trans_en = grid_map.grid[end_node]
+                        grid_map.grid[start_node] = 0
+                        grid_map.grid[end_node] = 0
+                        connection = connect_rail(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
+                        if len(connection) > 0:
+                            s_nodes[city_loop].remove(start_node)
+                            e_nodes[cl].remove(end_node)
+                            edge = create_graph_edge(city_loop, cl)
+                            if city_loop > cl:
+                                edge = create_graph_edge(cl, city_loop)
+                            if not (edge in city_edges):
+                                city_edges.append(edge)
+                            nodes_added.append(start_node)
+                            nodes_added.append(end_node)
+                        else:
+                            if print_out_info:
+                                print("connect_stations : connect_rail -> no path found")
+                            grid_map.grid[start_node] = tmp_trans_sn
+                            grid_map.grid[end_node] = tmp_trans_en
+        connect_sub_graphs(rail_trans, grid_map, org_s_nodes, org_e_nodes, city_edges, nodes_added)
+    def connect_random_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
+                                start_nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
+                                end_nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
+                                nodes_added: IntVector2DArray,
+                                intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city: int):
+        if len(start_nodes_added) < 1:
+            return
+        x = np.arange(len(start_nodes_added))
+        random_city_idx = np.random.choice(x, len(x), False)
+        # cyclic connection
+        random_city_idx = np.append(random_city_idx, random_city_idx[0])
+        for city_loop in range(len(random_city_idx) - 1):
+            idx_a = random_city_idx[city_loop + 1]
+            idx_b = random_city_idx[city_loop]
+            s_nodes = start_nodes_added[idx_a]
+            e_nodes = end_nodes_added[idx_b]
+            max_input_output = max(len(s_nodes), len(e_nodes))
+            max_input_output = min(intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city, max_input_output)
+            idx_s_nodes = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(s_nodes)), len(s_nodes), False)
+            idx_e_nodes = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(e_nodes)), len(e_nodes), False)
+            if len(idx_s_nodes) < max_input_output:
+                idx_s_nodes = np.append(idx_s_nodes, np.random.choice(np.arange(len(s_nodes)), max_input_output - len(
+                    idx_s_nodes)))
+            if len(idx_e_nodes) < max_input_output:
+                idx_e_nodes = np.append(idx_e_nodes,
+                                        np.random.choice(np.arange(len(idx_e_nodes)), max_input_output - len(
+                                            idx_e_nodes)))
+            if len(idx_s_nodes) > intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city:
+                idx_s_nodes = np.random.choice(idx_s_nodes, intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city, False)
+            if len(idx_e_nodes) > intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city:
+                idx_e_nodes = np.random.choice(idx_e_nodes, intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city, False)
+            for i in range(max_input_output):
+                start_node = s_nodes[idx_s_nodes[i]]
+                end_node = e_nodes[idx_e_nodes[i]]
+                grid_map.grid[start_node] = 0
+                grid_map.grid[end_node] = 0
+                connection = connect_nodes(rail_trans, grid_map, start_node, end_node, a_star_distance_function)
+                if len(connection) > 0:
+                    nodes_added.append(start_node)
+                    nodes_added.append(end_node)
+                else:
+                    if print_out_info:
+                        print("connect_random_stations : connect_nodes -> no path found")
+    def remove_switch_stations(rail_trans: RailEnvTransitions, grid_map: GridTransitionMap,
+                               train_stations: IntVector2DArray):
+        tmp_train_stations = copy.deepcopy(train_stations)
+        for city_loop in range(len(train_stations)):
+            for n in tmp_train_stations[city_loop]:
+                do_remove = True
+                trans = rail_trans.transition_list[1]
+                for _ in range(4):
+                    trans = rail_trans.rotate_transition(trans, rotation=90)
+                    if grid_map.grid[n] == trans:
+                        do_remove = False
+                if do_remove:
+                    train_stations[city_loop].remove(n)
+    def generator(width: int, height: int, num_agents: int, num_resets: int = 0) -> RailGeneratorProduct:
+        rail_trans = RailEnvTransitions()
+        grid_map = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=rail_trans)
+        grid_map.grid.fill(0)
+        np.random.seed(seed + num_resets)
+        intern_city_size = city_size
+        if city_size < 3:
+            warnings.warn("min city_size requried to be > 3!")
+            intern_city_size = 3
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("intern_city_size:", intern_city_size)
+        intern_max_number_of_station_tracks = max_number_of_station_tracks
+        if max_number_of_station_tracks < 1:
+            warnings.warn("min max_number_of_station_tracks requried to be > 1!")
+            intern_max_number_of_station_tracks = 1
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("intern_max_number_of_station_tracks:", intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)
+        intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track = nbr_of_switches_per_station_track
+        if nbr_of_switches_per_station_track < 1:
+            warnings.warn("min intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track requried to be > 2!")
+            intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track = 2
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track:", intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track)
+        intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city = connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city
+        if connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city < 1:
+            warnings.warn("min intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city requried to be > 1!")
+            intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city = 1
+        if print_out_info:
+            print("intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city:", intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city)
+        agent_start_targets_nodes = []
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # generate city locations
+        generate_city_locations, max_num_cities = do_generate_city_locations(width, height, intern_city_size,
+                                                                             intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # apply orientation to cities (horizontal, vertical)
+        generate_city_locations = do_orient_cities(generate_city_locations, intern_city_size, allowed_rotation_angles)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # generate city topology
+        nodes_added, train_stations, s_nodes, e_nodes, station_tracks = \
+            create_stations_from_city_locations(rail_trans, grid_map,
+                                                generate_city_locations,
+                                                intern_max_number_of_station_tracks)
+        # build switches
+        # TODO remove true/false block
+        if True:
+            create_switches_at_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, station_tracks, nodes_added,
+                                        intern_nbr_of_switches_per_station_track)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # connect stations
+        # TODO remove true/false block
+        if True:
+            if do_random_connect_stations:
+                connect_random_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, s_nodes, e_nodes, nodes_added,
+                                        intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city)
+            else:
+                connect_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, s_nodes, e_nodes, nodes_added,
+                                 intern_connect_max_nbr_of_shortes_city)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # fix all transition at starting / ending points (mostly add a dead end, if missing)
+        # TODO i would like to remove the fixing stuff.
+        for i in range(len(nodes_added)):
+            grid_map.fix_transitions(nodes_added[i])
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # remove stations where rail is a switch
+        remove_switch_stations(rail_trans, grid_map, train_stations)
+        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        # Slot availability in node
+        node_available_start = []
+        node_available_target = []
+        for node_idx in range(max_num_cities):
+            node_available_start.append(len(train_stations[node_idx]))
+            node_available_target.append(len(train_stations[node_idx]))
+        # Assign agents to slots
+        for agent_idx in range(num_agents):
+            avail_start_nodes = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(node_available_start) if val > 0]
+            avail_target_nodes = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(node_available_target) if val > 0]
+            if len(avail_target_nodes) == 0:
+                num_agents -= 1
+                continue
+            start_node = np.random.choice(avail_start_nodes)
+            target_node = np.random.choice(avail_target_nodes)
+            tries = 0
+            found_agent_pair = True
+            while target_node == start_node:
+                target_node = np.random.choice(avail_target_nodes)
+                tries += 1
+                # Test again with new start node if no pair is found (This code needs to be improved)
+                if (tries + 1) % 10 == 0:
+                    start_node = np.random.choice(avail_start_nodes)
+                if tries > 100:
+                    warnings.warn("Could not set train_stations, removing agent!")
+                    found_agent_pair = False
+                    break
+            if found_agent_pair:
+                node_available_start[start_node] -= 1
+                node_available_target[target_node] -= 1
+                agent_start_targets_nodes.append((start_node, target_node))
+            else:
+                num_agents -= 1
+        return grid_map, {'agents_hints': {
+            'num_agents': num_agents,
+            'agent_start_targets_nodes': agent_start_targets_nodes,
+            'train_stations': train_stations
+        }}
+    return generator