diff --git a/flatland/envs/observations.py b/flatland/envs/observations.py
index de9ee2a45ebdeabec5202be4f12593a82b4e20e4..6f771eb4d5ba73d0f83949907215ca5280659c28 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/observations.py
+++ b/flatland/envs/observations.py
@@ -508,14 +508,14 @@ class GlobalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):
         - transition map array with dimensions (env.height, env.width, 16),\
           assuming 16 bits encoding of transitions.
+        - A 3D array (map_height, map_width, 4) with
+            - first channel containing the agents position and direction
+            - second channel containing the other agents positions and diretion
+            - third channel containing agent/other agent malfunctions
+            - fourth channel containing agent/other agent fractional speeds
         - Two 2D arrays (map_height, map_width, 2) containing respectively the position of the given agent\
          target and the positions of the other agents targets.
-        - A 3D array (map_height, map_width, 4) wtih
-            - first channel containing the agents position and direction
-            - second channel containing the other agents positions and diretions
-            - third channel containing agent malfunctions
-            - fourth channel containing agent fractional speeds
     def __init__(self):
@@ -535,22 +535,21 @@ class GlobalObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):
                 self.rail_obs[i, j] = np.array(bitlist)
     def get(self, handle: int = 0) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
         obs_targets = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 2))
-        obs_agents_state = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 4))
-        agents = self.env.agents
-        agent = agents[handle]
+        obs_agents_state = np.zeros((self.env.height, self.env.width, 4)) - 1
-        agent_pos = agents[handle].position
-        obs_agents_state[agent_pos][0] = agents[handle].direction
+        agent = self.env.agents[handle]
+        obs_agents_state[agent.position][0] = agent.direction
         obs_targets[agent.target][0] = 1
-        for i in range(len(agents)):
-            if i != handle:  # TODO: handle used as index...?
-                agent2 = agents[i]
-                obs_agents_state[agent2.position][1] = agent2.direction
-                obs_targets[agent2.target][1] = 1
-            obs_agents_state[agents[i].position][2] = agents[i].malfunction_data['malfunction']
-            obs_agents_state[agents[i].position][3] = agents[i].speed_data['speed']
+        for i in range(len(self.env.agents)):
+            other_agent = self.env.agents[i]
+            if i != handle:
+                obs_agents_state[other_agent.position][1] = other_agent.direction
+                obs_targets[other_agent.target][1] = 1
+            obs_agents_state[other_agent.position][2] = other_agent.malfunction_data['malfunction']
+            obs_agents_state[other_agent.position][3] = other_agent.speed_data['speed']
         return self.rail_obs, obs_agents_state, obs_targets
diff --git a/tests/test_flatland_envs_observations.py b/tests/test_flatland_envs_observations.py
index d2663916a17a70597d10e489da7aead4f8932dc4..0d6d309765690b1f95c681d7d109a13071d7f86b 100644
--- a/tests/test_flatland_envs_observations.py
+++ b/tests/test_flatland_envs_observations.py
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ def test_global_obs():
     # If this assertion is wrong, it means that the observation returned
     # places the agent on an empty cell
-    assert (np.sum(rail_map * global_obs[0][1][:, :, :4].sum(2)) > 0)
+    obs_agents_state = global_obs[0][1]
+    obs_agents_state = obs_agents_state + 1
+    assert (np.sum(rail_map * obs_agents_state[:, :, :4].sum(2)) > 0)
 def _step_along_shortest_path(env, obs_builder, rail):
diff --git a/tests/test_global_observation.py b/tests/test_global_observation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7213560f9e9873ea4488b96d30223bab8128b37b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_global_observation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import numpy as np
+from flatland.envs.observations import GlobalObsForRailEnv
+from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
+from flatland.envs.rail_generators import sparse_rail_generator
+from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import sparse_schedule_generator
+def test_get_global_observation():
+    np.random.seed(1)
+    number_of_agents = 20
+    stochastic_data = {'prop_malfunction': 1.,  # Percentage of defective agents
+                       'malfunction_rate': 30,  # Rate of malfunction occurence
+                       'min_duration': 3,  # Minimal duration of malfunction
+                       'max_duration': 20  # Max duration of malfunction
+                       }
+    speed_ration_map = {1.: 0.25,  # Fast passenger train
+                        1. / 2.: 0.25,  # Fast freight train
+                        1. / 3.: 0.25,  # Slow commuter train
+                        1. / 4.: 0.25}  # Slow freight train
+    env = RailEnv(width=50,
+                  height=50,
+                  rail_generator=sparse_rail_generator(num_cities=25,
+                                                       # Number of cities in map (where train stations are)
+                                                       num_intersections=10,
+                                                       # Number of intersections (no start / target)
+                                                       num_trainstations=50,  # Number of possible start/targets on map
+                                                       min_node_dist=3,  # Minimal distance of nodes
+                                                       node_radius=4,  # Proximity of stations to city center
+                                                       num_neighb=4,
+                                                       # Number of connections to other cities/intersections
+                                                       seed=15,  # Random seed
+                                                       grid_mode=True,
+                                                       enhance_intersection=False
+                                                       ),
+                  schedule_generator=sparse_schedule_generator(speed_ration_map),
+                  number_of_agents=number_of_agents, stochastic_data=stochastic_data,  # Malfunction data generator
+                  obs_builder_object=GlobalObsForRailEnv())
+    obs, all_rewards, done, _ = env.step({0: 0})
+    for i in range(len(env.agents)):
+        obs_agents_state = obs[i][1]
+        obs_targets = obs[i][2]
+        nr_agents = np.count_nonzero(obs_targets[:, :, 0])
+        nr_agents_other = np.count_nonzero(obs_targets[:, :, 1])
+        assert nr_agents == 1
+        assert nr_agents_other == (number_of_agents - 1)
+        # since the array is initialized with -1 add one in order to used np.count_nonzero
+        obs_agents_state += 1
+        obs_agents_state_0 = np.count_nonzero(obs_agents_state[:, :, 0])
+        obs_agents_state_1 = np.count_nonzero(obs_agents_state[:, :, 1])
+        obs_agents_state_2 = np.count_nonzero(obs_agents_state[:, :, 2])
+        obs_agents_state_3 = np.count_nonzero(obs_agents_state[:, :, 3])
+        assert obs_agents_state_0 == 1
+        assert obs_agents_state_1 == (number_of_agents - 1)
+        assert obs_agents_state_2 == number_of_agents
+        assert obs_agents_state_3 == number_of_agents