From e4c43e71fbb881c3a9df383a9e2bdc46de0d3187 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erik Nygren <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2019 12:29:36 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Added new observation and prediction builders to deviate from
 standard implementation in flatland

 torch_training/       |   8 +-
 .../observation_builders/          |   0
 .../observation_builders/      | 567 ++++++++++++++++++
 torch_training/predictors/         |   0
 torch_training/predictors/      | 103 ++++
 utils/                    |   1 -
 6 files changed, 674 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 torch_training/observation_builders/
 create mode 100644 torch_training/observation_builders/
 create mode 100644 torch_training/predictors/
 create mode 100644 torch_training/predictors/

diff --git a/torch_training/ b/torch_training/
index 6a9ed8e..5cd8e07 100644
--- a/torch_training/
+++ b/torch_training/
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ from collections import deque
 import numpy as np
 import torch
 from flatland.envs.generators import rail_from_file, complex_rail_generator
-from flatland.envs.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv
-from flatland.envs.predictions import ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv
+from observation_builders.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv
+from predictors.predictions import ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv
 from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
 from flatland.utils.rendertools import RenderTool
 from importlib_resources import path
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from utils.observation_utils import normalize_observation
-file_name = "./railway/testing_stuff.pkl"
+file_name = "./railway/simple_avoid.pkl"
 env = RailEnv(width=10,
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ for trials in range(1, n_trials + 1):
         if record_images:
             frame_step += 1
-        time.sleep(1.5)
+        # time.sleep(1.5)
         # Action
         for a in range(env.get_num_agents()):
             action = agent.act(agent_obs[a], eps=0)
diff --git a/torch_training/observation_builders/ b/torch_training/observation_builders/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/torch_training/observation_builders/ b/torch_training/observation_builders/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3d52d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torch_training/observation_builders/
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+Collection of environment-specific ObservationBuilder.
+import pprint
+from collections import deque
+import numpy as np
+from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import ObservationBuilder
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4 import Grid4TransitionsEnum
+from flatland.core.grid.grid_utils import coordinate_to_position
+class TreeObsForRailEnv(ObservationBuilder):
+    """
+    TreeObsForRailEnv object.
+    This object returns observation vectors for agents in the RailEnv environment.
+    The information is local to each agent and exploits the graph structure of the rail
+    network to simplify the representation of the state of the environment for each agent.
+    For details about the features in the tree observation see the get() function.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, max_depth, predictor=None):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.max_depth = max_depth
+        self.observation_dim = 9
+        # Compute the size of the returned observation vector
+        size = 0
+        pow4 = 1
+        for i in range(self.max_depth + 1):
+            size += pow4
+            pow4 *= 4
+        self.observation_dim = 9
+        self.observation_space = [size * self.observation_dim]
+        self.location_has_agent = {}
+        self.location_has_agent_direction = {}
+        self.predictor = predictor
+        self.agents_previous_reset = None
+        self.tree_explored_actions = [1, 2, 3, 0]
+        self.tree_explorted_actions_char = ['L', 'F', 'R', 'B']
+        self.distance_map = None
+        self.distance_map_computed = False
+    def reset(self):
+        agents = self.env.agents
+        nb_agents = len(agents)
+        compute_distance_map = True
+        if self.agents_previous_reset is not None and nb_agents == len(self.agents_previous_reset):
+            compute_distance_map = False
+            for i in range(nb_agents):
+                if agents[i].target != self.agents_previous_reset[i].target:
+                    compute_distance_map = True
+        # Don't compute the distance map if it was loaded
+        if self.agents_previous_reset is None and self.distance_map is not None:
+            self.location_has_target = {tuple( 1 for agent in agents}
+            compute_distance_map = False
+        if compute_distance_map:
+            self._compute_distance_map()
+        self.agents_previous_reset = agents
+    def _compute_distance_map(self):
+        agents = self.env.agents
+        # For testing only --> To assert if a distance map need to be recomputed.
+        self.distance_map_computed = True
+        nb_agents = len(agents)
+        self.distance_map = np.inf * np.ones(shape=(nb_agents,
+                                                    self.env.height,
+                                                    self.env.width,
+                                                    4))
+        self.max_dist = np.zeros(nb_agents)
+        self.max_dist = [self._distance_map_walker(, i) for i, agent in enumerate(agents)]
+        # Update local lookup table for all agents' target locations
+        self.location_has_target = {tuple( 1 for agent in agents}
+    def _distance_map_walker(self, position, target_nr):
+        """
+        Utility function to compute distance maps from each cell in the rail network (and each possible
+        orientation within it) to each agent's target cell.
+        """
+        # Returns max distance to target, from the farthest away node, while filling in distance_map
+        self.distance_map[target_nr, position[0], position[1], :] = 0
+        # Fill in the (up to) 4 neighboring nodes
+        # direction is the direction of movement, meaning that at least a possible orientation of an agent
+        # in cell (row,col) allows a movement in direction `direction'
+        nodes_queue = deque(self._get_and_update_neighbors(position, target_nr, 0, enforce_target_direction=-1))
+        # BFS from target `position' to all the reachable nodes in the grid
+        # Stop the search if the target position is re-visited, in any direction
+        visited = {(position[0], position[1], 0), (position[0], position[1], 1), (position[0], position[1], 2),
+                   (position[0], position[1], 3)}
+        max_distance = 0
+        while nodes_queue:
+            node = nodes_queue.popleft()
+            node_id = (node[0], node[1], node[2])
+            if node_id not in visited:
+                visited.add(node_id)
+                # From the list of possible neighbors that have at least a path to the current node, only keep those
+                # whose new orientation in the current cell would allow a transition to direction node[2]
+                valid_neighbors = self._get_and_update_neighbors((node[0], node[1]), target_nr, node[3], node[2])
+                for n in valid_neighbors:
+                    nodes_queue.append(n)
+                if len(valid_neighbors) > 0:
+                    max_distance = max(max_distance, node[3] + 1)
+        return max_distance
+    def _get_and_update_neighbors(self, position, target_nr, current_distance, enforce_target_direction=-1):
+        """
+        Utility function used by _distance_map_walker to perform a BFS walk over the rail, filling in the
+        minimum distances from each target cell.
+        """
+        neighbors = []
+        possible_directions = [0, 1, 2, 3]
+        if enforce_target_direction >= 0:
+            # The agent must land into the current cell with orientation `enforce_target_direction'.
+            # This is only possible if the agent has arrived from the cell in the opposite direction!
+            possible_directions = [(enforce_target_direction + 2) % 4]
+        for neigh_direction in possible_directions:
+            new_cell = self._new_position(position, neigh_direction)
+            if new_cell[0] >= 0 and new_cell[0] < self.env.height and new_cell[1] >= 0 and new_cell[1] < self.env.width:
+                desired_movement_from_new_cell = (neigh_direction + 2) % 4
+                # Check all possible transitions in new_cell
+                for agent_orientation in range(4):
+                    # Is a transition along movement `desired_movement_from_new_cell' to the current cell possible?
+                    is_valid = self.env.rail.get_transition((new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation),
+                                                            desired_movement_from_new_cell)
+                    if is_valid:
+                        """
+                        # TODO: check that it works with deadends! -- still bugged!
+                        movement = desired_movement_from_new_cell
+                        if isNextCellDeadEnd:
+                            movement = (desired_movement_from_new_cell+2) % 4
+                        """
+                        new_distance = min(self.distance_map[target_nr, new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation],
+                                           current_distance + 1)
+                        neighbors.append((new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation, new_distance))
+                        self.distance_map[target_nr, new_cell[0], new_cell[1], agent_orientation] = new_distance
+        return neighbors
+    def _new_position(self, position, movement):
+        """
+        Utility function that converts a compass movement over a 2D grid to new positions (r, c).
+        """
+        if movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.NORTH:
+            return (position[0] - 1, position[1])
+        elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.EAST:
+            return (position[0], position[1] + 1)
+        elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.SOUTH:
+            return (position[0] + 1, position[1])
+        elif movement == Grid4TransitionsEnum.WEST:
+            return (position[0], position[1] - 1)
+    def get_many(self, handles=None):
+        """
+        Called whenever an observation has to be computed for the `env' environment, for each agent with handle
+        in the `handles' list.
+        """
+        if handles is None:
+            handles = []
+        if self.predictor:
+            self.max_prediction_depth = 0
+            self.predicted_pos = {}
+            self.predicted_dir = {}
+            self.predictions = self.predictor.get(custom_args={'distance_map': self.distance_map})
+            if self.predictions:
+                for t in range(len(self.predictions[0])):
+                    pos_list = []
+                    dir_list = []
+                    for a in handles:
+                        pos_list.append(self.predictions[a][t][1:3])
+                        dir_list.append(self.predictions[a][t][3])
+                    self.predicted_pos.update({t: coordinate_to_position(self.env.width, pos_list)})
+                    self.predicted_dir.update({t: dir_list})
+                self.max_prediction_depth = len(self.predicted_pos)
+        observations = {}
+        for h in handles:
+            observations[h] = self.get(h)
+        return observations
+    def get(self, handle):
+        """
+        Computes the current observation for agent `handle' in env
+        The observation vector is composed of 4 sequential parts, corresponding to data from the up to 4 possible
+        movements in a RailEnv (up to because only a subset of possible transitions are allowed in RailEnv).
+        The possible movements are sorted relative to the current orientation of the agent, rather than NESW as for
+        the transitions. The order is:
+            [data from 'left'] + [data from 'forward'] + [data from 'right'] + [data from 'back']
+        Each branch data is organized as:
+            [root node information] +
+            [recursive branch data from 'left'] +
+            [... from 'forward'] +
+            [... from 'right] +
+            [... from 'back']
+        Each node information is composed of 9 features:
+        #1: if own target lies on the explored branch the current distance from the agent in number of cells is stored.
+        #2: if another agents target is detected the distance in number of cells from the agents current locaiton
+            is stored
+        #3: if another agent is detected the distance in number of cells from current agent position is stored.
+        #4: possible conflict detected
+            tot_dist = Other agent predicts to pass along this cell at the same time as the agent, we store the
+             distance in number of cells from current agent position
+            0 = No other agent reserve the same cell at similar time
+        #5: if an not usable switch (for agent) is detected we store the distance.
+        #6: This feature stores the distance in number of cells to the next branching  (current node)
+        #7: minimum distance from node to the agent's target given the direction of the agent if this path is chosen
+        #8: agent in the same direction
+            n = number of agents present same direction
+                (possible future use: number of other agents in the same direction in this branch)
+            0 = no agent present same direction
+        #9: agent in the opposite direction
+            n = number of agents present other direction than myself (so conflict)
+                (possible future use: number of other agents in other direction in this branch, ie. number of conflicts)
+            0 = no agent present other direction than myself
+        Missing/padding nodes are filled in with -inf (truncated).
+        Missing values in present node are filled in with +inf (truncated).
+        In case of the root node, the values are [0, 0, 0, 0, distance from agent to target].
+        In case the target node is reached, the values are [0, 0, 0, 0, 0].
+        """
+        # Update local lookup table for all agents' positions
+        self.location_has_agent = {tuple(agent.position): 1 for agent in self.env.agents}
+        self.location_has_agent_direction = {tuple(agent.position): agent.direction for agent in self.env.agents}
+        if handle > len(self.env.agents):
+            print("ERROR: obs _get - handle ", handle, " len(agents)", len(self.env.agents))
+        agent = self.env.agents[handle]  # TODO: handle being treated as index
+        possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*agent.position, agent.direction)
+        num_transitions = np.count_nonzero(possible_transitions)
+        # Root node - current position
+        observation = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.distance_map[(handle, *agent.position, agent.direction)], 0, 0]
+        visited = set()
+        # Start from the current orientation, and see which transitions are available;
+        # organize them as [left, forward, right, back], relative to the current orientation
+        # If only one transition is possible, the tree is oriented with this transition as the forward branch.
+        orientation = agent.direction
+        if num_transitions == 1:
+            orientation = np.argmax(possible_transitions)
+        for branch_direction in [(orientation + i) % 4 for i in range(-1, 3)]:
+            if possible_transitions[branch_direction]:
+                new_cell = self._new_position(agent.position, branch_direction)
+                branch_observation, branch_visited = \
+                    self._explore_branch(handle, new_cell, branch_direction, 1, 1)
+                observation = observation + branch_observation
+                visited = visited.union(branch_visited)
+            else:
+                # add cells filled with infinity if no transition is possible
+                observation = observation + [-np.inf] * self._num_cells_to_fill_in(self.max_depth)
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict[handle] = visited
+        return observation
+    def _num_cells_to_fill_in(self, remaining_depth):
+        """Computes the length of observation vector: sum_{i=0,depth-1} 2^i * observation_dim."""
+        num_observations = 0
+        pow4 = 1
+        for i in range(remaining_depth):
+            num_observations += pow4
+            pow4 *= 4
+        return num_observations * self.observation_dim
+    def _explore_branch(self, handle, position, direction, tot_dist, depth):
+        """
+        Utility function to compute tree-based observations.
+        We walk along the branch and collect the information documented in the get() function.
+        If there is a branching point a new node is created and each possible branch is explored.
+        """
+        # [Recursive branch opened]
+        if depth >= self.max_depth + 1:
+            return [], []
+        # Continue along direction until next switch or
+        # until no transitions are possible along the current direction (i.e., dead-ends)
+        # We treat dead-ends as nodes, instead of going back, to avoid loops
+        exploring = True
+        last_is_switch = False
+        last_is_dead_end = False
+        last_is_terminal = False  # wrong cell OR cycle;  either way, we don't want the agent to land here
+        last_is_target = False
+        visited = set()
+        agent = self.env.agents[handle]
+        own_target_encountered = np.inf
+        other_agent_encountered = np.inf
+        other_target_encountered = np.inf
+        potential_conflict = np.inf
+        unusable_switch = np.inf
+        other_agent_same_direction = 0
+        other_agent_opposite_direction = 0
+        num_steps = 1
+        while exploring:
+            # #############################
+            # #############################
+            # Modify here to compute any useful data required to build the end node's features. This code is called
+            # for each cell visited between the previous branching node and the next switch / target / dead-end.
+            if position in self.location_has_agent:
+                if tot_dist < other_agent_encountered:
+                    other_agent_encountered = tot_dist
+                if self.location_has_agent_direction[position] == direction:
+                    # Cummulate the number of agents on branch with same direction
+                    other_agent_same_direction += 1
+                if self.location_has_agent_direction[position] != direction:
+                    # Cummulate the number of agents on branch with other direction
+                    other_agent_opposite_direction += 1
+            # Check number of possible transitions for agent and total number of transitions in cell (type)
+            cell_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*position, direction)
+            transition_bit = bin(self.env.rail.get_full_transitions(*position))
+            total_transitions = transition_bit.count("1")
+            crossing_found = False
+            if int(transition_bit, 2) == int('1000010000100001', 2):
+                crossing_found = True
+            # Register possible future conflict
+            if self.predictor and num_steps < self.max_prediction_depth:
+                int_position = coordinate_to_position(self.env.width, [position])
+                if tot_dist < self.max_prediction_depth:
+                    pre_step = max(0, tot_dist - 1)
+                    post_step = min(self.max_prediction_depth - 1, tot_dist + 1)
+                    # Look for conflicting paths at distance num_step
+                    if int_position in np.delete(self.predicted_pos[tot_dist], handle, 0):
+                        conflicting_agent = np.where(self.predicted_pos[tot_dist] == int_position)
+                        for ca in conflicting_agent[0]:
+                            if direction != self.predicted_dir[tot_dist][ca] and tot_dist < potential_conflict:
+                                potential_conflict = tot_dist
+                            if self.env.dones[ca] and tot_dist < potential_conflict:
+                                potential_conflict = tot_dist
+                    # Look for conflicting paths at distance num_step-1
+                    elif int_position in np.delete(self.predicted_pos[pre_step], handle, 0):
+                        conflicting_agent = np.where(self.predicted_pos[pre_step] == int_position)
+                        for ca in conflicting_agent[0]:
+                            if direction != self.predicted_dir[pre_step][ca] and tot_dist < potential_conflict:
+                                potential_conflict = tot_dist
+                            if self.env.dones[ca] and tot_dist < potential_conflict:
+                                potential_conflict = tot_dist
+                    # Look for conflicting paths at distance num_step+1
+                    elif int_position in np.delete(self.predicted_pos[post_step], handle, 0):
+                        conflicting_agent = np.where(self.predicted_pos[post_step] == int_position)
+                        for ca in conflicting_agent[0]:
+                            if direction != self.predicted_dir[post_step][ca] and tot_dist < potential_conflict:
+                                potential_conflict = tot_dist
+                            if self.env.dones[ca] and tot_dist < potential_conflict:
+                                potential_conflict = tot_dist
+            if position in self.location_has_target and position !=
+                if tot_dist < other_target_encountered:
+                    other_target_encountered = tot_dist
+            if position == and tot_dist < own_target_encountered:
+                own_target_encountered = tot_dist
+            # #############################
+            # #############################
+            if (position[0], position[1], direction) in visited:
+                last_is_terminal = True
+                break
+            visited.add((position[0], position[1], direction))
+            # If the target node is encountered, pick that as node. Also, no further branching is possible.
+            if np.array_equal(position, self.env.agents[handle].target):
+                last_is_target = True
+                break
+            # Check if crossing is found --> Not an unusable switch
+            if crossing_found:
+                # Treat the crossing as a straight rail cell
+                total_transitions = 2
+            num_transitions = np.count_nonzero(cell_transitions)
+            exploring = False
+            # Detect Switches that can only be used by other agents.
+            if total_transitions > 2 > num_transitions and tot_dist < unusable_switch:
+                unusable_switch = tot_dist
+            if num_transitions == 1:
+                # Check if dead-end, or if we can go forward along direction
+                nbits = total_transitions
+                if nbits == 1:
+                    # Dead-end!
+                    last_is_dead_end = True
+                if not last_is_dead_end:
+                    # Keep walking through the tree along `direction'
+                    exploring = True
+                    # convert one-hot encoding to 0,1,2,3
+                    direction = np.argmax(cell_transitions)
+                    position = self._new_position(position, direction)
+                    num_steps += 1
+                    tot_dist += 1
+            elif num_transitions > 0:
+                # Switch detected
+                last_is_switch = True
+                break
+            elif num_transitions == 0:
+                # Wrong cell type, but let's cover it and treat it as a dead-end, just in case
+                print("WRONG CELL TYPE detected in tree-search (0 transitions possible) at cell", position[0],
+                      position[1], direction)
+                last_is_terminal = True
+                break
+        # `position' is either a terminal node or a switch
+        # #############################
+        # #############################
+        # Modify here to append new / different features for each visited cell!
+        if last_is_target:
+            observation = [own_target_encountered,
+                           other_target_encountered,
+                           other_agent_encountered,
+                           potential_conflict,
+                           unusable_switch,
+                           tot_dist,
+                           0,
+                           other_agent_same_direction,
+                           other_agent_opposite_direction
+                           ]
+        elif last_is_terminal:
+            observation = [own_target_encountered,
+                           other_target_encountered,
+                           other_agent_encountered,
+                           potential_conflict,
+                           unusable_switch,
+                           np.inf,
+                           self.distance_map[handle, position[0], position[1], direction],
+                           other_agent_same_direction,
+                           other_agent_opposite_direction
+                           ]
+        else:
+            observation = [own_target_encountered,
+                           other_target_encountered,
+                           other_agent_encountered,
+                           potential_conflict,
+                           unusable_switch,
+                           tot_dist,
+                           self.distance_map[handle, position[0], position[1], direction],
+                           other_agent_same_direction,
+                           other_agent_opposite_direction,
+                           ]
+        # #############################
+        # #############################
+        # Start from the current orientation, and see which transitions are available;
+        # organize them as [left, forward, right, back], relative to the current orientation
+        # Get the possible transitions
+        possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*position, direction)
+        for branch_direction in [(direction + 4 + i) % 4 for i in range(-1, 3)]:
+            if last_is_dead_end and self.env.rail.get_transition((*position, direction),
+                                                                 (branch_direction + 2) % 4):
+                # Swap forward and back in case of dead-end, so that an agent can learn that going forward takes
+                # it back
+                new_cell = self._new_position(position, (branch_direction + 2) % 4)
+                branch_observation, branch_visited = self._explore_branch(handle,
+                                                                          new_cell,
+                                                                          (branch_direction + 2) % 4,
+                                                                          tot_dist + 1,
+                                                                          depth + 1)
+                observation = observation + branch_observation
+                if len(branch_visited) != 0:
+                    visited = visited.union(branch_visited)
+            elif last_is_switch and possible_transitions[branch_direction]:
+                new_cell = self._new_position(position, branch_direction)
+                branch_observation, branch_visited = self._explore_branch(handle,
+                                                                          new_cell,
+                                                                          branch_direction,
+                                                                          tot_dist + 1,
+                                                                          depth + 1)
+                observation = observation + branch_observation
+                if len(branch_visited) != 0:
+                    visited = visited.union(branch_visited)
+            else:
+                # no exploring possible, add just cells with infinity
+                observation = observation + [-np.inf] * self._num_cells_to_fill_in(self.max_depth - depth)
+        return observation, visited
+    def util_print_obs_subtree(self, tree):
+        """
+        Utility function to pretty-print tree observations returned by this object.
+        """
+        pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
+        pp.pprint(self.unfold_observation_tree(tree))
+    def unfold_observation_tree(self, tree, current_depth=0, actions_for_display=True):
+        """
+        Utility function to pretty-print tree observations returned by this object.
+        """
+        if len(tree) < self.observation_dim:
+            return
+        depth = 0
+        tmp = len(tree) / self.observation_dim - 1
+        pow4 = 4
+        while tmp > 0:
+            tmp -= pow4
+            depth += 1
+            pow4 *= 4
+        unfolded = {}
+        unfolded[''] = tree[0:self.observation_dim]
+        child_size = (len(tree) - self.observation_dim) // 4
+        for child in range(4):
+            child_tree = tree[(self.observation_dim + child * child_size):
+                              (self.observation_dim + (child + 1) * child_size)]
+            observation_tree = self.unfold_observation_tree(child_tree, current_depth=current_depth + 1)
+            if observation_tree is not None:
+                if actions_for_display:
+                    label = self.tree_explorted_actions_char[child]
+                else:
+                    label = self.tree_explored_actions[child]
+                unfolded[label] = observation_tree
+        return unfolded
+    def _set_env(self, env):
+        self.env = env
+        if self.predictor:
+            self.predictor._set_env(self.env)
diff --git a/torch_training/predictors/ b/torch_training/predictors/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3836ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torch_training/predictors/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Collection of environment-specific PredictionBuilder.
+import numpy as np
+from flatland.core.env_prediction_builder import PredictionBuilder
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
+from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnvActions
+class ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv(PredictionBuilder):
+    """
+    ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv object.
+    This object returns shortest-path predictions for agents in the RailEnv environment.
+    The prediction acts as if no other agent is in the environment and always takes the forward action.
+    """
+    def get(self, custom_args=None, handle=None):
+        """
+        Called whenever get_many in the observation build is called.
+        Requires distance_map to extract the shortest path.
+        Parameters
+        -------
+        custom_args: dict
+            - distance_map : dict
+        handle : int (optional)
+            Handle of the agent for which to compute the observation vector.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        np.array
+            Returns a dictionary indexed by the agent handle and for each agent a vector of (max_depth + 1)x5 elements:
+            - time_offset
+            - position axis 0
+            - position axis 1
+            - direction
+            - action taken to come here
+            The prediction at 0 is the current position, direction etc.
+        """
+        agents = self.env.agents
+        if handle:
+            agents = [self.env.agents[handle]]
+        assert custom_args is not None
+        distance_map = custom_args.get('distance_map')
+        assert distance_map is not None
+        prediction_dict = {}
+        for agent in agents:
+            _agent_initial_position = agent.position
+            _agent_initial_direction = agent.direction
+            prediction = np.zeros(shape=(self.max_depth + 1, 5))
+            prediction[0] = [0, *_agent_initial_position, _agent_initial_direction, 0]
+            visited = set()
+            for index in range(1, self.max_depth + 1):
+                # if we're at the target, stop moving...
+                if agent.position ==
+                    prediction[index] = [index, *, agent.direction, RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING]
+                    visited.add((agent.position[0], agent.position[1], agent.direction))
+                    continue
+                if not agent.moving:
+                    prediction[index] = [index, *agent.position, agent.direction, RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING]
+                    visited.add((agent.position[0], agent.position[1], agent.direction))
+                    continue
+                # Take shortest possible path
+                cell_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*agent.position, agent.direction)
+                new_position = None
+                new_direction = None
+                if np.sum(cell_transitions) == 1:
+                    new_direction = np.argmax(cell_transitions)
+                    new_position = get_new_position(agent.position, new_direction)
+                elif np.sum(cell_transitions) > 1:
+                    min_dist = np.inf
+                    no_dist_found = True
+                    for direction in range(4):
+                        if cell_transitions[direction] == 1:
+                            neighbour_cell = get_new_position(agent.position, direction)
+                            target_dist = distance_map[agent.handle, neighbour_cell[0], neighbour_cell[1], direction]
+                            if target_dist < min_dist or no_dist_found:
+                                min_dist = target_dist
+                                new_direction = direction
+                                no_dist_found = False
+                    new_position = get_new_position(agent.position, new_direction)
+                else:
+                    raise Exception("No transition possible {}".format(cell_transitions))
+                # update the agent's position and direction
+                agent.position = new_position
+                agent.direction = new_direction
+                # prediction is ready
+                prediction[index] = [index, *new_position, new_direction, 0]
+                visited.add((new_position[0], new_position[1], new_direction))
+            self.env.dev_pred_dict[agent.handle] = visited
+            prediction_dict[agent.handle] = prediction
+            # cleanup: reset initial position
+            agent.position = _agent_initial_position
+            agent.direction = _agent_initial_direction
+        return prediction_dict
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 26108cc..7891c28 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ def split_tree(tree, num_features_per_node, current_depth=0):
     return tree_data, distance_data, agent_data
 def normalize_observation(observation, num_features_per_node=9, observation_radius=0):
     data, distance, agent_data = split_tree(tree=np.array(observation), num_features_per_node=num_features_per_node,