diff --git a/torch_training/Getting_Started_Training.md b/torch_training/Getting_Started_Training.md
index 8fa740d8dfc448cbed721e5c11257b3fcfc1ac7a..273404195f5ac490c8c5080497fc6144bb087808 100644
--- a/torch_training/Getting_Started_Training.md
+++ b/torch_training/Getting_Started_Training.md
@@ -23,4 +23,30 @@ Here is a small example of a railway network with an agent in the top left corne
 As we move along the allowed transitions we build up a tree where a new node is created at every cell where the agent has different possibilities (Switch) or the target is reached. It is important to note that the tree observation is always build according to the orientation of the agent at a given node. This means that each node always has 4 branches coming from it in the directions *Left, Forward, Right and Backward*. These are illustrated with different colors in the figure below. The tree is build form the example rail above. Nodes where there are no possibilitis are fill with `-inf` and are not all shown here for simplicity. The tree however, always hase the same number of nodes for a given tree depth.
\ No newline at end of file
+### Node Information
+Each node is filled with information gathered along the path to the node. Currently each node contains 9 features:
+- 1: if own target lies on the explored branch the current distance from the agent in number of cells is stored.
+- 2: if another agents target is detected the distance in number of cells from the agents current locaiton is stored.
+- 3: if another agent is detected the distance in number of cells from current agent position is stored.
+- 4: possible conflict detected
+    tot_dist = Other agent predicts to pass along this cell at the same time as the agent, we store the distance in number of cells from current agent position 0 = No other agent reserve the same cell at similar time.
+- 5: if an not usable switch (for agent) is detected we store the distance.
+- 6: This feature stores the distance in number of cells to the next branching  (current node)
+- 7: minimum distance from node to the agent's target given the direction of the agent if this path is chosen
+- 8: agent in the same direction
+    - n = number of agents present same direction (possible future use: number of other agents in the same direction in this branch)
+    - 0 = no agent present same direction
+- 9: agent in the opposite direction
+    - n = number of agents present other direction than myself
+    - 0 = no agent present other direction than myself