======== flatland ======== .. image:: https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/flatland/flatland/badges/master/pipeline.svg :target: https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/flatland/flatland/pipelines :alt: Test Running .. image:: https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/flatland/flatland/badges/master/coverage.svg :target: https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/flatland/flatland/pipelines :alt: Test Coverage Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning on Trains Generate Docs -------------- | The docs have a lot more details about how to interact with this codebase. | **TODO**: Mohanty to add atleast a neat outline herefor the contents to the docs here. .. code-block:: bash git clone git@gitlab.aicrowd.com:flatland/flatland.git cd flatland pip install -r requirements_dev.txt make docs Features -------- * TODO Authors -------- * Sharada Mohanty <mohanty@aicrowd.com> * Giacomo Spigler <giacomo.spigler@gmail.com> <please fill yourself in>