diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index d197ac7e2fc76830908840bf238d32a5528238da..02a715503602cf016a3b0ba8253cb509e155d9d3 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@ before_script:
     stage: tests
-    script:
+    before_script:
         - apt update
         - apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx xvfb graphviz xdg-utils libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev
         - wget -nv https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
         - bash /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p /tmp/miniconda3
         - export PATH=/tmp/miniconda3/bin:$PATH; bash getting_started/getting_started.sh
-        - pip install tox
+        - pip install tox awscli
+        - conda install -c conda-forge tox-conda
+    script:
         - xvfb-run tox -v --recreate
@@ -40,8 +42,12 @@ build_and_deploy_docs:
         - tests
         - apt update
-        - apt install -y graphviz libgl1-mesa-glx xvfb xdg-utils libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev
+        - apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx xvfb graphviz xdg-utils libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev
+        - wget -nv https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
+        - bash /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p /tmp/miniconda3
+        - export PATH=/tmp/miniconda3/bin:$PATH; bash getting_started/getting_started.sh
         - pip install tox awscli
+        - conda install -c conda-forge tox-conda
         - echo "Bucket=${BUCKET_NAME}"
@@ -59,10 +65,15 @@ benchmarks_and_profiling:
-    script:
+    before_script:
         - apt update
         - apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx xvfb graphviz xdg-utils libcairo2-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev
-        - pip install tox
+        - wget -nv https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
+        - bash /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p /tmp/miniconda3
+        - export PATH=/tmp/miniconda3/bin:$PATH; bash getting_started/getting_started.sh
+        - pip install tox awscli
+        - conda install -c conda-forge tox-conda
+    script:
         - xvfb-run tox -e benchmarks,profiling -v --recreate
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.rst b/CONTRIBUTING.rst
index aef3f026d5cce98e20c1946d259de84a8af3c95e..66fb76e8023e881f2aa8abacf9ac33256e2b7f69 100644
@@ -64,20 +64,17 @@ Ready to contribute? Here's how to set up `flatland` for local development.
     $ git clone git@gitlab.aicrowd.com:flatland/flatland.git
-3. Install the software dependencies via Anaconda. (This assumes you have Anaconda installed by following the instructions `here <https://www.anaconda.com/distribution>`_)
+3. Install the software dependencies via Anaconda-3 or Miniconda-3. (This assumes you have Anaconda installed by following the instructions `here <https://www.anaconda.com/distribution>`_)
-    $ conda create python=3.6 --name flatland-rl
-    $ conda activate flatland-rl
-    $ conda install -c conda-forge cairosvg pycairo
-    $ conda install -c anaconda tk
-    $ cd flatland
-    $ pip install -e .
+    $ conda install -c conda-forge tox-conda
+    $ conda install tox
+    $ tox -v --recreate
     These steps are performed if you run
     $ getting_started/getting_started.bat/.sh
-    from Anaconda prompt. Only prerequisites: git and Miniconda-3 or Anaconda-3.
+    from Anaconda prompt.
 4. Create a branch for local development::
diff --git a/getting_started/getting_started.bat b/getting_started/getting_started.bat
index 48833ab83ebc62a3bbb7edfc8312251c48bb17dc..3289769ba1f628def40200e7154b0245351b8f8a 100644
--- a/getting_started/getting_started.bat
+++ b/getting_started/getting_started.bat
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ echo "************ TESTING PREREQUISITES PYTHON3 + GIT + GIT *******************
 git --version || goto :error
 python --version || goto :error
-rem deactivate in case we're in virtualenv
-call conda deactivate || call deactivate
 @echo off
diff --git a/requirements_dev.txt b/requirements_dev.txt
index ea46eb245842881f1c51ededa5284300836a36ba..25a1ff17cfa02a2e7c760ac912c828c376c3861f 100644
--- a/requirements_dev.txt
+++ b/requirements_dev.txt
@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ svgutils>=0.3.1
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 2047166aace141680561623c7edf4d11a2b4534f..7bd40ed43bf8ed2e9c7ac0d48302673b0b10292d 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -73,7 +73,13 @@ passenv =
 ; HTTP_PROXY+HTTPS_PROXY required behind corporate proxies
-whitelist_externals = sh
+    cairosvg
+    pycairo
+    tk
+    conda-forge
+    anaconda
 deps =
@@ -90,13 +96,19 @@ passenv =
 ; HTTP_PROXY+HTTPS_PROXY required behind corporate proxies
-whitelist_externals = sh
+    cairosvg
+    pycairo
+    tk
+    conda-forge
+    anaconda
 deps =
+; run tests from subfolder to ensure that resources are accessed via resources and not via relative paths
+changedir = {envtmpdir}/c236d3c240d61a0969d4cb59e2180ce5
 commands =
-; run examples from subfolder to ensure that resources are accessed via resources and not via relative paths
-    sh -c 'mkdir -p {envtmpdir}/c236d3c240d61a0969d4cb59e2180ce5'
-    sh -c 'cd {envtmpdir}/c236d3c240d61a0969d4cb59e2180ce5 &&  python {toxinidir}/benchmarks/run_all_examples.py'
+    python {toxinidir}/benchmarks/run_all_examples.py
 basepython = python
@@ -112,20 +124,27 @@ whitelist_externals = sh
 deps =
+    cairosvg
+    pycairo
+    tk
+    conda-forge
+    anaconda
+; run tests from subfolder to ensure that resources are accessed via resources and not via relative paths
+changedir = {envtmpdir}/6f59bc68108c3895b1828abdd04b9a06
 commands =
 ; run tests from subfolder to ensure that resources are accessed via resources and not via relative paths
-    sh -c 'mkdir -p {envtmpdir}/6f59bc68108c3895b1828abdd04b9a06'
     sh -c 'jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension'
     sh -c 'jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension'
     sh -c 'jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix jpy_canvas'
     sh -c 'jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix jpy_canvas'
 ; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35545402/how-to-run-an-ipynb-jupyter-notebook-from-terminal/35545463
     sh -c 'ls notebooks/*.ipynb  | xargs -n 1 jupyter nbconvert --to python'
-    sh -c 'cd {envtmpdir}/6f59bc68108c3895b1828abdd04b9a06 && ls {toxinidir}/notebooks/*.py  | xargs -I{} -n 1 sh -c "echo -e \"\n====== Running {} ========\n\"; ipython {}"'
+    sh -c 'ls {toxinidir}/notebooks/*.py  | xargs -I{} -n 1 sh -c "echo -e \"\n====== Running {} ========\n\"; ipython {}"'
-whitelist_externals = sh
-                      pip
+whitelist_externals = pip
 setenv =
     PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}
 passenv =
@@ -134,9 +153,16 @@ passenv =
 ; HTTP_PROXY+HTTPS_PROXY required behind corporate proxies
+    cairosvg
+    pycairo
+    tk
+    conda-forge
+    anaconda
 deps =
-commands =
 ; run tests from subfolder to ensure that resources are accessed via resources and not via relative paths
-    sh -c 'mkdir -p {envtmpdir}/fefed3ba12bf1ed81dbcc20fb52706ea'
-    sh -c 'cd {envtmpdir}/fefed3ba12bf1ed81dbcc20fb52706ea && py.test --basetemp={envtmpdir} {toxinidir}'
+changedir = {envtmpdir}/fefed3ba12bf1ed81dbcc20fb52706ea
+commands =
+    py.test --basetemp={envtmpdir} {toxinidir}