diff --git a/docs/observation_actions.rst b/docs/observation_actions.rst
index 2b658e7a793d562b688231ebdc6677dee1186b3e..397b4f9bb9bce0cab6d7061dc2417c1dbdc5ee1f 100644
--- a/docs/observation_actions.rst
+++ b/docs/observation_actions.rst
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Tree Observation
 The tree observations is build by exploiting the graph structure of the railway network. The observation is generated by spanning a **4 branched tree** from the current position of the agent. Each branch follows the allowed transitions (backward branch only allowed at dead-ends) untill a cell with multiple allowed transitions is reached. Here the information gathered along the branch is stored as a node in the tree.
 Figure bellow illustrates how such a tree observation is build:
-1. From Agent location probe all 4 directions (``L:Blue``, ``F:Green``,``R:Purple``,``B:Red``) starting with left and start branches when transition is allowed.
+1. From Agent location probe all 4 directions (``L:Blue``, ``F:Green``, ``R:Purple``, ``B:Red``) starting with left and start branches when transition is allowed.
     1. For each branch walk along the allowed transition till you reach a dead-end, switch or the target destination.
     2. Create a node an fill in node information as stated below.