From 39b33de10492aafaf15b3128294f37a135fe1596 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: u214892 <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 15:43:17 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] #62 first steps unit test coverage

 flatland/core/            |  8 ++------
 flatland/envs/             | 20 ++++++++++++--------
 tests/ | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/flatland/core/ b/flatland/core/
index 6c38a39..1c3c924 100644
--- a/flatland/core/
+++ b/flatland/core/
@@ -556,12 +556,8 @@ class RailEnvTransitions(Grid4Transitions):
     In the example, the agent can move from North to South and viceversa.
-    """
-    transitions[] is indexed by case type/id, and returns the 4x4-bit [NESW]
-    transitions available as a function of the agent's orientation
-    (north, east, south, west)
-    """
+    # Contains the basic transitions;
+    # the set of all valid transitions is obtained by successive 90-degree rotation of one of these basic transitions.
     transition_list = [int('0000000000000000', 2),  # empty cell - Case 0
                        int('1000000000100000', 2),  # Case 1 - straight
                        int('1001001000100000', 2),  # Case 2 - simple switch
diff --git a/flatland/envs/ b/flatland/envs/
index f644bc1..08d99c2 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/
+++ b/flatland/envs/
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def rail_from_manual_specifications_generator(rail_spec):
     rail_spec : list of list of tuples
-        List (rows) of lists (columns) of tuples, each specifying a cell for
+        List (rows) of lists (columns) of tuples, each specifying a rail_spec_of_cell for
         the RailEnv environment as (cell_type, rotation), with rotation being
         clock-wise and in [0, 90, 180, 270].
@@ -161,23 +161,27 @@ def rail_from_manual_specifications_generator(rail_spec):
         Generator function that always returns a GridTransitionMap object with
-        the matrix of correct 16-bit bitmaps for each cell.
+        the matrix of correct 16-bit bitmaps for each rail_spec_of_cell.
     def generator(width, height, num_agents, num_resets=0):
-        t_utils = RailEnvTransitions()
+        rail_env_transitions = RailEnvTransitions()
         height = len(rail_spec)
         width = len(rail_spec[0])
-        rail = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=t_utils)
+        rail = GridTransitionMap(width=width, height=height, transitions=rail_env_transitions)
         for r in range(height):
             for c in range(width):
-                cell = rail_spec[r][c]
-                if cell[0] < 0 or cell[0] >= len(t_utils.transitions):
-                    print("ERROR - invalid cell type=", cell[0])
+                rail_spec_of_cell = rail_spec[r][c]
+                index_basic_type_of_cell_ = rail_spec_of_cell[0]
+                rotation_cell_ = rail_spec_of_cell[1]
+                if index_basic_type_of_cell_ < 0 or index_basic_type_of_cell_ >= len(rail_env_transitions.transitions):
+                    print("ERROR - invalid rail_spec_of_cell type=", index_basic_type_of_cell_)
                     return []
-                rail.set_transitions((r, c), t_utils.rotate_transition(t_utils.transitions[cell[0]], cell[1]))
+                basic_type_of_cell_ = rail_env_transitions.transitions[index_basic_type_of_cell_]
+                effective_transition_cell = rail_env_transitions.rotate_transition(basic_type_of_cell_, rotation_cell_)
+                rail.set_transitions((r, c), effective_transition_cell)
         agents_position, agents_direction, agents_target = get_rnd_agents_pos_tgt_dir_on_rail(
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 9d02553..c32b038 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -8,6 +8,31 @@ from flatland.core.transitions import RailEnvTransitions, Grid8Transitions
 from flatland.envs.env_utils import validate_new_transition
+def test_rotate_railenv_transition():
+    rail_env_transitions = RailEnvTransitions()
+    transition_cycles = [
+        # empty cell - Case 0
+        [int('0000000000000000', 2), int('0000000000000000', 2), int('0000000000000000', 2), int('0000000000000000', 2)],
+            # Case 1 - straight
+        [int('1000000000100000', 2), int('0000000100000100', 2)],
+    ]
+    for cycle in transition_cycles:
+        for i in range(4):
+            assert rail_env_transitions.rotate_transition(cycle[0], i) == cycle[i % len(cycle)]
+    #
+    #                int('1001001000100000', 2),  # Case 2 - simple switch
+    #                int('1000010000100001', 2),  # Case 3 - diamond drossing
+    #                int('1001011000100001', 2),  # Case 4 - single slip
+    #                int('1100110000110011', 2),  # Case 5 - double slip
+    #                int('0101001000000010', 2),  # Case 6 - symmetrical
+    #                int('0010000000000000', 2),  # Case 7 - dead end
+    #                int('0100000000000010', 2),  # Case 1b (8)  - simple turn right
+    #                int('0001001000000000', 2),  # Case 1c (9)  - simple turn left
+    #                int('1100000000100010', 2)]  # Case 2b (10) - simple switch mirrored
 def test_is_valid_railenv_transitions():
     rail_env_trans = RailEnvTransitions()
     transition_list = rail_env_trans.transitions