diff --git a/examples/simple_example_3.py b/examples/simple_example_3.py
index eb7ac9ab820199f71db2d0a5af25a2dd636c614e..ddb98e9979c059f3a08840a7d229448c83b839d2 100644
--- a/examples/simple_example_3.py
+++ b/examples/simple_example_3.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import random
 import numpy as np
-from flatland.envs.generators import random_rail_generator, complex_rail_generator
+from flatland.envs.generators import complex_rail_generator
 from flatland.envs.observations import TreeObsForRailEnv
 from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
 from flatland.utils.rendertools import RenderTool
diff --git a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
index 9216402421ad0ff0d674438bd4a7a45148008ac7..7932aacafe5c67e188afa9f52a90ec47f73ff8da 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
+++ b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import time
 from collections import deque
+from enum import IntEnum
 import numpy as np
 from numpy import array
@@ -10,6 +11,13 @@ from flatland.utils.graphics_pil import PILGL, PILSVG
 # TODO: suggested renaming to RailEnvRenderTool, as it will only work with RailEnv!
+class AgentRenderVariant(IntEnum):
+    BOX_ONLY = 0
 class RenderTool(object):
     """ Class to render the RailEnv and agents.
@@ -30,12 +38,14 @@ class RenderTool(object):
     gTheta = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 5)
     gArc = array([np.cos(gTheta), np.sin(gTheta)]).T  # from [1,0] to [0,1]
-    def __init__(self, env, gl="PILSVG", jupyter=False):
+    def __init__(self, env, gl="PILSVG", jupyter=False, agentRenderVariant=AgentRenderVariant.AGENT_SHOWS_OPTIONS):
         self.env = env
         self.iFrame = 0
         self.time1 = time.time()
         self.lTimes = deque()
+        self.agentRenderVariant = agentRenderVariant
         if gl == "PIL":
             self.gl = PILGL(env.width, env.height, jupyter)
         elif gl == "PILSVG":
@@ -664,18 +674,39 @@ class RenderTool(object):
             if agent is None:
-            if agent.old_position is not None:
-                position = agent.old_position
-                direction = agent.direction
-                old_direction = agent.old_direction
+            if self.agentRenderVariant == AgentRenderVariant.BOX_ONLY:
+                self.gl.setCellOccupied(iAgent, *(agent.position))
+            elif self.agentRenderVariant == AgentRenderVariant.ONE_STEP_BEHIND or \
+                    self.agentRenderVariant == AgentRenderVariant.ONE_STEP_BEHIND_AND_BOX:
+                if agent.old_position is not None:
+                    position = agent.old_position
+                    direction = agent.direction
+                    old_direction = agent.old_direction
+                else:
+                    position = agent.position
+                    direction = agent.direction
+                    old_direction = agent.direction
+                # setAgentAt uses the agent index for the color
+                if self.agentRenderVariant == AgentRenderVariant.ONE_STEP_BEHIND_AND_BOX:
+                    self.gl.setCellOccupied(iAgent, *(agent.position))
+                self.gl.setAgentAt(iAgent, *position, old_direction, direction, iSelectedAgent == iAgent)
                 position = agent.position
                 direction = agent.direction
-                old_direction = agent.direction
-            # setAgentAt uses the agent index for the color
-            self.gl.setCellOccupied(iAgent, *(agent.position))
-            self.gl.setAgentAt(iAgent, *position, old_direction, direction, iSelectedAgent == iAgent)
+                for possible_directions in range(4):
+                    # Is a transition along movement `desired_movement_from_new_cell' to the current cell possible?
+                    isValid = env.rail.get_transition((*agent.position, agent.direction), possible_directions)
+                    if isValid:
+                        direction = possible_directions
+                        # setAgentAt uses the agent index for the color
+                        self.gl.setAgentAt(iAgent, *position, agent.direction, direction, iSelectedAgent == iAgent)
+                # setAgentAt uses the agent index for the color
+                if self.agentRenderVariant == AgentRenderVariant.AGENT_SHOWS_OPTIONS_AND_BOX:
+                    self.gl.setCellOccupied(iAgent, *(agent.position))
+                self.gl.setAgentAt(iAgent, *position, agent.direction, direction, iSelectedAgent == iAgent)
         if show_observations:
             self.renderObs(range(env.get_num_agents()), env.dev_obs_dict)