From 98f8ce49a4fd04a24921102b56ad0a8f4e85d182 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michel Marti <>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 12:39:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] added Deadlock_Checker class

 flatland/contrib/utils/ | 112 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 112 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 flatland/contrib/utils/

diff --git a/flatland/contrib/utils/ b/flatland/contrib/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57968893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flatland/contrib/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+from typing import List
+from flatland.envs.agent_utils import EnvAgent
+from flatland.envs.step_utils.states import TrainState
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
+from flatland.envs.step_utils import env_utils
+class Deadlock_Checker:
+  def __init__(self, env):
+    self.env = env
+    self.deadlocked_agents = []
+    self.immediate_deadlocked = []
+  def reset(self) -> None:
+    self.deadlocked_agents = []
+    self.immediate_deadlocked = []
+  # an immediate deadlock consists of two trains "trying to pass through each other".
+  # An agent may have a free possible transition, but took a bad action and "ran into another train". This is now a deadlock, and the other free
+  # direction can not be chosen anymore!
+  def check_immediate_deadlocks(self, action_dict) -> List[EnvAgent]:
+    """
+      output: list of agents who are in immediate deadlocks
+    """
+    env = self.env
+    newly_deadlocked_agents = []
+    # TODO: check restrictions to relevant agents (status ACTIVE, etc.)
+    relevant_agents = [agent for agent in env.agents if agent.state != TrainState.DONE and agent.position is not None]
+    for agent in relevant_agents:
+      other_agents = [other_agent for other_agent in env.agents if other_agent != agent] # check if this is a good test for inequality. Maybe use handles...
+      # get the transitions the agent can take from his current position and orientation
+      # an indicator array of the form e.g. (0,1,1,0) meaning that he can only go to east and south, not to north and west.
+      possible_transitions = env.rail.get_transitions(*agent.position, agent.direction)
+      #print(f"possible transitions: {possible_transitions}")
+      # the directions are: 0(north), 1(east), 2(south) and 3(west)
+      #possible_directions = [direction for direction, flag in enumerate(possible_transitions) if flag == 1]
+      #print(f"possible directions: {possible_directions}")
+      ################### only consider direction for actually chosen action ###############################
+      new_position, new_direction = env_utils.apply_action_independent(action=action_dict[agent.handle], rail=env.rail, position=agent.position, direction=agent.direction)
+      #assert new_direction in possible_directions, "Error, action leads to impossible direction"
+      assert new_position == get_new_position(agent.position, new_direction), "Error, something is wrong with new position"
+      opposed_agent_id = env.agent_positions[new_position] # TODO: check that agent_positions now works correctly in flatland V3 (i.e. gets correctly updated...)
+      # agent_positions[cell] is an agent_id if an agent is there, otherwise -1.
+      if opposed_agent_id != -1:
+        opposed_agent = env.agents[opposed_agent_id]
+        # other agent with opposing direction is in the way --> deadlock
+        # an opposing direction means having a different direction than our agent would have if he moved to the new cell. (180 degrees or 90 degrees to our agent)
+        if opposed_agent.direction != new_direction:
+          if agent not in newly_deadlocked_agents: # to avoid duplicates
+            newly_deadlocked_agents.append(agent)
+          if opposed_agent not in newly_deadlocked_agents: # to avoid duplicates
+            newly_deadlocked_agents.append(opposed_agent)
+    self.immediate_deadlocked = newly_deadlocked_agents
+    return newly_deadlocked_agents
+  # main method to check for all deadlocks
+  def check_deadlocks(self, action_dict) -> List[EnvAgent]:
+    env = self.env
+    relevant_agents = [agent for agent in env.agents if agent.state != TrainState.DONE and agent.position is not None]
+    immediate_deadlocked = self.check_immediate_deadlocks(action_dict)
+    self.immediate_deadlocked = immediate_deadlocked
+    deadlocked = immediate_deadlocked[:] 
+    # now we have to "close": each train which is blocked by another deadlocked train becomes deadlocked itself.
+    still_changing = True
+    while still_changing:
+      still_changing = False # will be overwritten below if a change did occur
+      # check if for any agent, there is a new deadlock found
+      for agent in relevant_agents:
+        #possible_transitions = env.rail.get_transitions(*agent.position, agent.direction)
+        #print(f"possible transitions: {possible_transitions}")
+        # the directions are: 0 (north), 1(east), 2(south) and 3(west)
+        #possible_directions = [direction for direction, flag in enumerate(possible_transitions) if flag == 1]
+        #print(f"possible directions: {possible_directions}")
+        new_position, new_direction = env_utils.apply_action_independent(action=action_dict[agent.handle], rail=env.rail, position=agent.position, direction=agent.direction)
+        #assert new_direction in possible_directions, "Error, action leads to impossible direction"
+        assert new_position == get_new_position(agent.position, new_direction), "Error, something is wrong with new position"
+        opposed_agent_id = env.agent_positions[new_position]
+        if opposed_agent_id != -1: # there is an opposed agent there
+          opposed_agent = env.agents[opposed_agent_id]
+          if opposed_agent in deadlocked:
+            if agent not in deadlocked: # to avoid duplicates
+              deadlocked.append(agent)
+              still_changing = True
+    self.deadlocked_agents = deadlocked
+    return deadlocked
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