diff --git a/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.meta b/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.meta
index 9346fabc64acda708cfa4b7153867cd7e9cc908c..86356a4182e2dfe3f589ef620f88beca40694952 100644
Binary files a/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.meta and b/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.meta differ
diff --git a/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.optimizer b/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.optimizer
index cbaca012f49cee8e248536632f37ee8734a65ecd..bc423f8c53440c69332bef7afc73b23fe4908c61 100644
Binary files a/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.optimizer and b/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.optimizer differ
diff --git a/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.policy b/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.policy
index 43b03075f900b82fa4eac79dc21c9ce0e158a128..a739edb31c3fbf01d2658a714222d2973246416c 100644
Binary files a/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.policy and b/checkpoints/ppo/model_checkpoint.policy differ
diff --git a/dump.rdb b/dump.rdb
index bcb60c2ec208cac6ff4ea41cc5bd2d73a8e3e945..d719ed7cce7a692fb2775ab881f5020877164240 100644
Binary files a/dump.rdb and b/dump.rdb differ
diff --git a/src/extra.py b/src/extra.py
index 7049bc05dd5454b2fec68bee61ae69c3a92d8644..f9f015bbdb27bb0ec8c064811ad2c27ffe54a93d 100644
--- a/src/extra.py
+++ b/src/extra.py
@@ -1,409 +1,404 @@
-# Author Adrian Egli
-# This observation solves the FLATland challenge ROUND 1 - with agent's done 19.3%
-# Training:
-# For the training of the PPO RL agent I showed 10k episodes - The episodes used for the training
-# consists of 1..20 agents on a 50x50 grid. Thus the RL agent has to learn to handle 1 upto 20 agents.
-#   - https://github.com/mitchellgoffpc/flatland-training
-# ./adrian_egli_ppo_training_done.png
-# The key idea behind this observation is that agent's can not freely choose where they want.
-# ./images/adrian_egli_decisions.png
-# ./images/adrian_egli_info.png
-# ./images/adrian_egli_start.png
-# ./images/adrian_egli_target.png
-# Private submission
-# http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/adrian_egli/neurips2020-flatland-starter-kit/issues/8
-import numpy as np
-from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import ObservationBuilder
-from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
-from flatland.envs.agent_utils import RailAgentStatus
-from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnvActions
-from src.ppo.agent import Agent
-# ------------------------------------- USE FAST_METHOD from FLATland master ------------------------------------------
-# Adrian Egli performance fix (the fast methods brings more than 50%)
-def fast_isclose(a, b, rtol):
-    return (a < (b + rtol)) or (a < (b - rtol))
-def fast_clip(position: (int, int), min_value: (int, int), max_value: (int, int)) -> bool:
-    return (
-        max(min_value[0], min(position[0], max_value[0])),
-        max(min_value[1], min(position[1], max_value[1]))
-    )
-def fast_argmax(possible_transitions: (int, int, int, int)) -> bool:
-    if possible_transitions[0] == 1:
-        return 0
-    if possible_transitions[1] == 1:
-        return 1
-    if possible_transitions[2] == 1:
-        return 2
-    return 3
-def fast_position_equal(pos_1: (int, int), pos_2: (int, int)) -> bool:
-    return pos_1[0] == pos_2[0] and pos_1[1] == pos_2[1]
-def fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions: (int, int, int, int)):
-    return possible_transitions[0] + possible_transitions[1] + possible_transitions[2] + possible_transitions[3]
-# ------------------------------- END - USE FAST_METHOD from FLATland master ------------------------------------------
-class Extra(ObservationBuilder):
-    def __init__(self, max_depth):
-        self.max_depth = max_depth
-        self.observation_dim = 26
-        self.agent = None
-        self.random_agent_starter = []
-    def build_data(self):
-        if self.env is not None:
-            self.env.dev_obs_dict = {}
-        self.switches = {}
-        self.switches_neighbours = {}
-        self.debug_render_list = []
-        self.debug_render_path_list = []
-        if self.env is not None:
-            self.find_all_cell_where_agent_can_choose()
-    def find_all_cell_where_agent_can_choose(self):
-        switches = {}
-        for h in range(self.env.height):
-            for w in range(self.env.width):
-                pos = (h, w)
-                for dir in range(4):
-                    possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*pos, dir)
-                    num_transitions = fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions)
-                    if num_transitions > 1:
-                        if pos not in switches.keys():
-                            switches.update({pos: [dir]})
-                        else:
-                            switches[pos].append(dir)
-        switches_neighbours = {}
-        for h in range(self.env.height):
-            for w in range(self.env.width):
-                # look one step forward
-                for dir in range(4):
-                    pos = (h, w)
-                    possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*pos, dir)
-                    for d in range(4):
-                        if possible_transitions[d] == 1:
-                            new_cell = get_new_position(pos, d)
-                            if new_cell in switches.keys() and pos not in switches.keys():
-                                if pos not in switches_neighbours.keys():
-                                    switches_neighbours.update({pos: [dir]})
-                                else:
-                                    switches_neighbours[pos].append(dir)
-        self.switches = switches
-        self.switches_neighbours = switches_neighbours
-    def check_agent_descision(self, position, direction):
-        switches = self.switches
-        switches_neighbours = self.switches_neighbours
-        agents_on_switch = False
-        agents_near_to_switch = False
-        agents_near_to_switch_all = False
-        if position in switches.keys():
-            agents_on_switch = direction in switches[position]
-        if position in switches_neighbours.keys():
-            new_cell = get_new_position(position, direction)
-            if new_cell in switches.keys():
-                if not direction in switches[new_cell]:
-                    agents_near_to_switch = direction in switches_neighbours[position]
-            else:
-                agents_near_to_switch = direction in switches_neighbours[position]
-            agents_near_to_switch_all = direction in switches_neighbours[position]
-        return agents_on_switch, agents_near_to_switch, agents_near_to_switch_all
-    def required_agent_descision(self):
-        agents_can_choose = {}
-        agents_on_switch = {}
-        agents_near_to_switch = {}
-        agents_near_to_switch_all = {}
-        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
-            ret_agents_on_switch, ret_agents_near_to_switch, ret_agents_near_to_switch_all = \
-                self.check_agent_descision(
-                    self.env.agents[a].position,
-                    self.env.agents[a].direction)
-            agents_on_switch.update({a: ret_agents_on_switch})
-            ready_to_depart = self.env.agents[a].status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART
-            agents_near_to_switch.update({a: (ret_agents_near_to_switch and not ready_to_depart)})
-            agents_can_choose.update({a: agents_on_switch[a] or agents_near_to_switch[a]})
-            agents_near_to_switch_all.update({a: (ret_agents_near_to_switch_all and not ready_to_depart)})
-        return agents_can_choose, agents_on_switch, agents_near_to_switch, agents_near_to_switch_all
-    def debug_render(self, env_renderer):
-        agents_can_choose, agents_on_switch, agents_near_to_switch, agents_near_to_switch_all = \
-            self.required_agent_descision()
-        self.env.dev_obs_dict = {}
-        for a in range(max(3, self.env.get_num_agents())):
-            self.env.dev_obs_dict.update({a: []})
-        selected_agent = None
-        if agents_can_choose[0]:
-            if self.env.agents[0].position is not None:
-                self.debug_render_list.append(self.env.agents[0].position)
-            else:
-                self.debug_render_list.append(self.env.agents[0].initial_position)
-        if self.env.agents[0].position is not None:
-            self.debug_render_path_list.append(self.env.agents[0].position)
-        else:
-            self.debug_render_path_list.append(self.env.agents[0].initial_position)
-        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[0] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("FF0000")
-        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[1] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("666600")
-        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[2] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("006666")
-        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[3] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("550000")
-        self.env.dev_obs_dict[0] = self.debug_render_list
-        self.env.dev_obs_dict[1] = self.switches.keys()
-        self.env.dev_obs_dict[2] = self.switches_neighbours.keys()
-        self.env.dev_obs_dict[3] = self.debug_render_path_list
-    def normalize_observation(self, obsData):
-        return obsData
-    def is_collision(self, obsData):
-        return False
-    def reset(self):
-        self.build_data()
-        return
-    def fast_argmax(self, array):
-        if array[0] == 1:
-            return 0
-        if array[1] == 1:
-            return 1
-        if array[2] == 1:
-            return 2
-        return 3
-    def _explore(self, handle, new_position, new_direction, depth=0):
-        has_opp_agent = 0
-        has_same_agent = 0
-        visited = []
-        # stop exploring (max_depth reached)
-        if depth >= self.max_depth:
-            return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
-        # max_explore_steps = 100
-        cnt = 0
-        while cnt < 100:
-            cnt += 1
-            visited.append(new_position)
-            opp_a = self.env.agent_positions[new_position]
-            if opp_a != -1 and opp_a != handle:
-                if self.env.agents[opp_a].direction != new_direction:
-                    # opp agent found
-                    has_opp_agent = 1
-                    return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
-                else:
-                    has_same_agent = 1
-                    return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
-            # convert one-hot encoding to 0,1,2,3
-            possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*new_position, new_direction)
-            agents_on_switch, \
-            agents_near_to_switch, \
-            agents_near_to_switch_all = \
-                self.check_agent_descision(new_position, new_direction)
-            if agents_near_to_switch:
-                return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
-            if agents_on_switch:
-                for dir_loop in range(4):
-                    if possible_transitions[dir_loop] == 1:
-                        hoa, hsa, v = self._explore(handle,
-                                                    get_new_position(new_position, dir_loop),
-                                                    dir_loop,
-                                                    depth + 1)
-                        visited.append(v)
-                        has_opp_agent = 0.5 * (has_opp_agent + hoa)
-                        has_same_agent = 0.5 * (has_same_agent + hsa)
-                return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
-            else:
-                new_direction = fast_argmax(possible_transitions)
-                new_position = get_new_position(new_position, new_direction)
-        return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
-    def get(self, handle):
-        # all values are [0,1]
-        # observation[0]  : 1 path towards target (direction 0) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
-        # observation[1]  : 1 path towards target (direction 1) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
-        # observation[2]  : 1 path towards target (direction 2) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
-        # observation[3]  : 1 path towards target (direction 3) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
-        # observation[4]  : int(agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART)
-        # observation[5]  : int(agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE)
-        # observation[6]  : int(agent.status == RailAgentStatus.DONE or agent.status == RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED)
-        # observation[7]  : current agent is located at a switch, where it can take a routing decision
-        # observation[8]  : current agent is located at a cell, where it has to take a stop-or-go decision
-        # observation[9]  : current agent is located one step before/after a switch
-        # observation[10] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 0)
-        # observation[11] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 1)
-        # observation[12] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 2)
-        # observation[13] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 3)
-        # observation[14] : If there is a path with step (direction 0) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
-        # observation[15] : If there is a path with step (direction 1) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
-        # observation[16] : If there is a path with step (direction 2) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
-        # observation[17] : If there is a path with step (direction 3) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
-        # observation[18] : If there is a path with step (direction 0) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
-        # observation[19] : If there is a path with step (direction 1) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
-        # observation[20] : If there is a path with step (direction 2) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
-        # observation[21] : If there is a path with step (direction 3) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
-        observation = np.zeros(self.observation_dim)
-        visited = []
-        agent = self.env.agents[handle]
-        agent_done = False
-        if agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART:
-            agent_virtual_position = agent.initial_position
-            observation[4] = 1
-        elif agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE:
-            agent_virtual_position = agent.position
-            observation[5] = 1
-        else:
-            observation[6] = 1
-            agent_virtual_position = (-1, -1)
-            agent_done = True
-        if not agent_done:
-            visited.append(agent_virtual_position)
-            distance_map = self.env.distance_map.get()
-            current_cell_dist = distance_map[handle,
-                                             agent_virtual_position[0], agent_virtual_position[1],
-                                             agent.direction]
-            possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*agent_virtual_position, agent.direction)
-            orientation = agent.direction
-            if fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions) == 1:
-                orientation = np.argmax(possible_transitions)
-            for dir_loop, branch_direction in enumerate([(orientation + i) % 4 for i in range(-1, 3)]):
-                if possible_transitions[branch_direction]:
-                    new_position = get_new_position(agent_virtual_position, branch_direction)
-                    new_cell_dist = distance_map[handle,
-                                                 new_position[0], new_position[1],
-                                                 branch_direction]
-                    if not (np.math.isinf(new_cell_dist) and np.math.isinf(current_cell_dist)):
-                        observation[dir_loop] = int(new_cell_dist < current_cell_dist)
-                    has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, v = self._explore(handle, new_position, branch_direction)
-                    visited.append(v)
-                    observation[10 + dir_loop] = 1
-                    observation[14 + dir_loop] = has_opp_agent
-                    observation[18 + dir_loop] = has_same_agent
-                    opp_a = self.env.agent_positions[new_position]
-                    if opp_a != -1 and opp_a != handle:
-                        observation[22 + dir_loop] = 1
-        agents_on_switch, \
-        agents_near_to_switch, \
-        agents_near_to_switch_all = \
-            self.check_agent_descision(agent_virtual_position, agent.direction)
-        observation[7] = int(agents_on_switch)
-        observation[8] = int(agents_near_to_switch)
-        observation[9] = int(agents_near_to_switch_all)
-        self.env.dev_obs_dict.update({handle: visited})
-        return observation
-    def rl_agent_act_ADRIAN(self, observation, info, eps=0.0):
-        self.loadAgent()
-        action_dict = {}
-        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
-            if info['action_required'][a]:
-                action_dict[a] = self.agent.act(observation[a], eps=eps)
-                # action_dict[a] = np.random.randint(5)
-            else:
-                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
-        return action_dict
-    def rl_agent_act(self, observation, info, eps=0.0):
-        if len(self.random_agent_starter) != self.env.get_num_agents():
-            f = self.env._max_episode_steps
-            if f is None:
-                f = 1000.0
-            else:
-                f *= 0.8
-            self.random_agent_starter = np.random.random(self.env.get_num_agents()) * f
-            self.loadAgent()
-        action_dict = {}
-        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
-            if self.random_agent_starter[a] > self.env._elapsed_steps:
-                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING
-            elif info['action_required'][a]:
-                action_dict[a] = self.agent.act(observation[a], eps=eps)
-                # action_dict[a] = np.random.randint(5)
-            else:
-                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
-        return action_dict
-    def rl_agent_act_ADRIAN_01(self, observation, info, eps=0.0):
-        self.loadAgent()
-        action_dict = {}
-        active_cnt = 0
-        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
-            if active_cnt < 10 or self.env.agents[a].status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE:
-                if observation[a][6] == 1:
-                    active_cnt += int(self.env.agents[a].status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE)
-                    action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING
-                else:
-                    active_cnt += int(self.env.agents[a].status < RailAgentStatus.DONE)
-                    if (observation[a][7] + observation[a][8] + observation[a][9] > 0) or \
-                            (self.env.agents[a].status < RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE):
-                        if info['action_required'][a]:
-                            action_dict[a] = self.agent.act(observation[a], eps=eps)
-                            # action_dict[a] = np.random.randint(5)
-                        else:
-                            action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD
-                    else:
-                        action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD
-            else:
-                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING
-        return action_dict
-    def loadAgent(self):
-        if self.agent is not None:
-            return
-        self.state_size = self.env.obs_builder.observation_dim
-        self.action_size = 5
-        print("action_size: ", self.action_size)
-        print("state_size: ", self.state_size)
-        self.agent = Agent(self.state_size, self.action_size, 0)
-        self.agent.load('./checkpoints/', 0, 1.0)
+# Author Adrian Egli
+# This observation solves the FLATland challenge ROUND 1 - with agent's done 19.3%
+# Training:
+# For the training of the PPO RL agent I showed 10k episodes - The episodes used for the training
+# consists of 1..20 agents on a 50x50 grid. Thus the RL agent has to learn to handle 1 upto 20 agents.
+#   - https://github.com/mitchellgoffpc/flatland-training
+# ./adrian_egli_ppo_training_done.png
+# The key idea behind this observation is that agent's can not freely choose where they want.
+# ./images/adrian_egli_decisions.png
+# ./images/adrian_egli_info.png
+# ./images/adrian_egli_start.png
+# ./images/adrian_egli_target.png
+# Private submission
+# http://gitlab.aicrowd.com/adrian_egli/neurips2020-flatland-starter-kit/issues/8
+import numpy as np
+from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import ObservationBuilder
+from flatland.core.grid.grid4_utils import get_new_position
+from flatland.envs.agent_utils import RailAgentStatus
+from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnvActions
+from src.ppo.agent import Agent
+# ------------------------------------- USE FAST_METHOD from FLATland master ------------------------------------------
+# Adrian Egli performance fix (the fast methods brings more than 50%)
+def fast_isclose(a, b, rtol):
+    return (a < (b + rtol)) or (a < (b - rtol))
+def fast_clip(position: (int, int), min_value: (int, int), max_value: (int, int)) -> bool:
+    return (
+        max(min_value[0], min(position[0], max_value[0])),
+        max(min_value[1], min(position[1], max_value[1]))
+    )
+def fast_argmax(possible_transitions: (int, int, int, int)) -> bool:
+    if possible_transitions[0] == 1:
+        return 0
+    if possible_transitions[1] == 1:
+        return 1
+    if possible_transitions[2] == 1:
+        return 2
+    return 3
+def fast_position_equal(pos_1: (int, int), pos_2: (int, int)) -> bool:
+    return pos_1[0] == pos_2[0] and pos_1[1] == pos_2[1]
+def fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions: (int, int, int, int)):
+    return possible_transitions[0] + possible_transitions[1] + possible_transitions[2] + possible_transitions[3]
+# ------------------------------- END - USE FAST_METHOD from FLATland master ------------------------------------------
+class Extra(ObservationBuilder):
+    def __init__(self, max_depth):
+        self.max_depth = max_depth
+        self.observation_dim = 26
+        self.agent = None
+        self.random_agent_starter = []
+    def build_data(self):
+        if self.env is not None:
+            self.env.dev_obs_dict = {}
+        self.switches = {}
+        self.switches_neighbours = {}
+        self.debug_render_list = []
+        self.debug_render_path_list = []
+        if self.env is not None:
+            self.find_all_cell_where_agent_can_choose()
+    def find_all_cell_where_agent_can_choose(self):
+        switches = {}
+        for h in range(self.env.height):
+            for w in range(self.env.width):
+                pos = (h, w)
+                for dir in range(4):
+                    possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*pos, dir)
+                    num_transitions = fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions)
+                    if num_transitions > 1:
+                        if pos not in switches.keys():
+                            switches.update({pos: [dir]})
+                        else:
+                            switches[pos].append(dir)
+        switches_neighbours = {}
+        for h in range(self.env.height):
+            for w in range(self.env.width):
+                # look one step forward
+                for dir in range(4):
+                    pos = (h, w)
+                    possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*pos, dir)
+                    for d in range(4):
+                        if possible_transitions[d] == 1:
+                            new_cell = get_new_position(pos, d)
+                            if new_cell in switches.keys() and pos not in switches.keys():
+                                if pos not in switches_neighbours.keys():
+                                    switches_neighbours.update({pos: [dir]})
+                                else:
+                                    switches_neighbours[pos].append(dir)
+        self.switches = switches
+        self.switches_neighbours = switches_neighbours
+    def check_agent_descision(self, position, direction):
+        switches = self.switches
+        switches_neighbours = self.switches_neighbours
+        agents_on_switch = False
+        agents_near_to_switch = False
+        agents_near_to_switch_all = False
+        if position in switches.keys():
+            agents_on_switch = direction in switches[position]
+        if position in switches_neighbours.keys():
+            new_cell = get_new_position(position, direction)
+            if new_cell in switches.keys():
+                if not direction in switches[new_cell]:
+                    agents_near_to_switch = direction in switches_neighbours[position]
+            else:
+                agents_near_to_switch = direction in switches_neighbours[position]
+            agents_near_to_switch_all = direction in switches_neighbours[position]
+        return agents_on_switch, agents_near_to_switch, agents_near_to_switch_all
+    def required_agent_descision(self):
+        agents_can_choose = {}
+        agents_on_switch = {}
+        agents_near_to_switch = {}
+        agents_near_to_switch_all = {}
+        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
+            ret_agents_on_switch, ret_agents_near_to_switch, ret_agents_near_to_switch_all = \
+                self.check_agent_descision(
+                    self.env.agents[a].position,
+                    self.env.agents[a].direction)
+            agents_on_switch.update({a: ret_agents_on_switch})
+            ready_to_depart = self.env.agents[a].status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART
+            agents_near_to_switch.update({a: (ret_agents_near_to_switch and not ready_to_depart)})
+            agents_can_choose.update({a: agents_on_switch[a] or agents_near_to_switch[a]})
+            agents_near_to_switch_all.update({a: (ret_agents_near_to_switch_all and not ready_to_depart)})
+        return agents_can_choose, agents_on_switch, agents_near_to_switch, agents_near_to_switch_all
+    def debug_render(self, env_renderer):
+        agents_can_choose, agents_on_switch, agents_near_to_switch, agents_near_to_switch_all = \
+            self.required_agent_descision()
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict = {}
+        for a in range(max(3, self.env.get_num_agents())):
+            self.env.dev_obs_dict.update({a: []})
+        selected_agent = None
+        if agents_can_choose[0]:
+            if self.env.agents[0].position is not None:
+                self.debug_render_list.append(self.env.agents[0].position)
+            else:
+                self.debug_render_list.append(self.env.agents[0].initial_position)
+        if self.env.agents[0].position is not None:
+            self.debug_render_path_list.append(self.env.agents[0].position)
+        else:
+            self.debug_render_path_list.append(self.env.agents[0].initial_position)
+        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[0] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("FF0000")
+        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[1] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("666600")
+        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[2] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("006666")
+        env_renderer.gl.agent_colors[3] = env_renderer.gl.rgb_s2i("550000")
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict[0] = self.debug_render_list
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict[1] = self.switches.keys()
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict[2] = self.switches_neighbours.keys()
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict[3] = self.debug_render_path_list
+    def normalize_observation(self, obsData):
+        return obsData
+    def is_collision(self, obsData):
+        return False
+    def reset(self):
+        self.build_data()
+        return
+    def fast_argmax(self, array):
+        if array[0] == 1:
+            return 0
+        if array[1] == 1:
+            return 1
+        if array[2] == 1:
+            return 2
+        return 3
+    def _explore(self, handle, new_position, new_direction, depth=0):
+        has_opp_agent = 0
+        has_same_agent = 0
+        visited = []
+        # stop exploring (max_depth reached)
+        if depth >= self.max_depth:
+            return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
+        # max_explore_steps = 100
+        cnt = 0
+        while cnt < 100:
+            cnt += 1
+            visited.append(new_position)
+            opp_a = self.env.agent_positions[new_position]
+            if opp_a != -1 and opp_a != handle:
+                if self.env.agents[opp_a].direction != new_direction:
+                    # opp agent found
+                    has_opp_agent = 1
+                    return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
+                else:
+                    has_same_agent = 1
+                    return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
+            # convert one-hot encoding to 0,1,2,3
+            possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*new_position, new_direction)
+            agents_on_switch, \
+            agents_near_to_switch, \
+            agents_near_to_switch_all = \
+                self.check_agent_descision(new_position, new_direction)
+            if agents_near_to_switch:
+                return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
+            if agents_on_switch:
+                for dir_loop in range(4):
+                    if possible_transitions[dir_loop] == 1:
+                        hoa, hsa, v = self._explore(handle,
+                                                    get_new_position(new_position, dir_loop),
+                                                    dir_loop,
+                                                    depth + 1)
+                        visited.append(v)
+                        has_opp_agent = 0.5 * (has_opp_agent + hoa)
+                        has_same_agent = 0.5 * (has_same_agent + hsa)
+                return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
+            else:
+                new_direction = fast_argmax(possible_transitions)
+                new_position = get_new_position(new_position, new_direction)
+        return has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, visited
+    def get(self, handle):
+        # all values are [0,1]
+        # observation[0]  : 1 path towards target (direction 0) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
+        # observation[1]  : 1 path towards target (direction 1) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
+        # observation[2]  : 1 path towards target (direction 2) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
+        # observation[3]  : 1 path towards target (direction 3) / otherwise 0 -> path is longer or there is no path
+        # observation[4]  : int(agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART)
+        # observation[5]  : int(agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE)
+        # observation[6]  : int(agent.status == RailAgentStatus.DONE or agent.status == RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED)
+        # observation[7]  : current agent is located at a switch, where it can take a routing decision
+        # observation[8]  : current agent is located at a cell, where it has to take a stop-or-go decision
+        # observation[9]  : current agent is located one step before/after a switch
+        # observation[10] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 0)
+        # observation[11] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 1)
+        # observation[12] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 2)
+        # observation[13] : 1 if there is a path (track/branch) otherwise 0 (direction 3)
+        # observation[14] : If there is a path with step (direction 0) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
+        # observation[15] : If there is a path with step (direction 1) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
+        # observation[16] : If there is a path with step (direction 2) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
+        # observation[17] : If there is a path with step (direction 3) and there is a agent with opposite direction -> 1
+        # observation[18] : If there is a path with step (direction 0) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
+        # observation[19] : If there is a path with step (direction 1) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
+        # observation[20] : If there is a path with step (direction 2) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
+        # observation[21] : If there is a path with step (direction 3) and there is a agent with same direction -> 1
+        observation = np.zeros(self.observation_dim)
+        visited = []
+        agent = self.env.agents[handle]
+        agent_done = False
+        if agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART:
+            agent_virtual_position = agent.initial_position
+            observation[4] = 1
+        elif agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE:
+            agent_virtual_position = agent.position
+            observation[5] = 1
+        else:
+            observation[6] = 1
+            agent_virtual_position = (-1, -1)
+            agent_done = True
+        if not agent_done:
+            visited.append(agent_virtual_position)
+            distance_map = self.env.distance_map.get()
+            current_cell_dist = distance_map[handle,
+                                             agent_virtual_position[0], agent_virtual_position[1],
+                                             agent.direction]
+            possible_transitions = self.env.rail.get_transitions(*agent_virtual_position, agent.direction)
+            orientation = agent.direction
+            if fast_count_nonzero(possible_transitions) == 1:
+                orientation = np.argmax(possible_transitions)
+            for dir_loop, branch_direction in enumerate([(orientation + i) % 4 for i in range(-1, 3)]):
+                if possible_transitions[branch_direction]:
+                    new_position = get_new_position(agent_virtual_position, branch_direction)
+                    new_cell_dist = distance_map[handle,
+                                                 new_position[0], new_position[1],
+                                                 branch_direction]
+                    if not (np.math.isinf(new_cell_dist) and np.math.isinf(current_cell_dist)):
+                        observation[dir_loop] = int(new_cell_dist < current_cell_dist)
+                    has_opp_agent, has_same_agent, v = self._explore(handle, new_position, branch_direction)
+                    visited.append(v)
+                    observation[10 + dir_loop] = 1
+                    observation[14 + dir_loop] = has_opp_agent
+                    observation[18 + dir_loop] = has_same_agent
+                    opp_a = self.env.agent_positions[new_position]
+                    if opp_a != -1 and opp_a != handle:
+                        observation[22 + dir_loop] = 1
+        agents_on_switch, \
+        agents_near_to_switch, \
+        agents_near_to_switch_all = \
+            self.check_agent_descision(agent_virtual_position, agent.direction)
+        observation[7] = int(agents_on_switch)
+        observation[8] = int(agents_near_to_switch)
+        observation[9] = int(agents_near_to_switch_all)
+        self.env.dev_obs_dict.update({handle: visited})
+        return observation
+    def rl_agent_act(self, observation, info, eps=0.0):
+        self.loadAgent()
+        action_dict = {}
+        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
+            if info['action_required'][a]:
+                action_dict[a] = self.agent.act(observation[a], eps=eps)
+                # action_dict[a] = np.random.randint(5)
+            else:
+                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
+        return action_dict
+    def rl_agent_act_ADRIAN(self, observation, info, eps=0.0):
+        if len(self.random_agent_starter) != self.env.get_num_agents():
+            self.random_agent_starter = np.random.random(self.env.get_num_agents()) * 1000.0
+            self.loadAgent()
+        action_dict = {}
+        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
+            if self.random_agent_starter[a] > self.env._elapsed_steps:
+                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING
+            elif info['action_required'][a]:
+                action_dict[a] = self.agent.act(observation[a], eps=eps)
+                # action_dict[a] = np.random.randint(5)
+            else:
+                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.DO_NOTHING
+        return action_dict
+    def rl_agent_act_ADRIAN_01(self, observation, info, eps=0.0):
+        self.loadAgent()
+        action_dict = {}
+        active_cnt = 0
+        for a in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
+            if active_cnt < 10 or self.env.agents[a].status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE:
+                if observation[a][6] == 1:
+                    active_cnt += int(self.env.agents[a].status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE)
+                    action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING
+                else:
+                    active_cnt += int(self.env.agents[a].status < RailAgentStatus.DONE)
+                    if (observation[a][7] + observation[a][8] + observation[a][9] > 0) or \
+                            (self.env.agents[a].status < RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE):
+                        if info['action_required'][a]:
+                            action_dict[a] = self.agent.act(observation[a], eps=eps)
+                            # action_dict[a] = np.random.randint(5)
+                        else:
+                            action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD
+                    else:
+                        action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.MOVE_FORWARD
+            else:
+                action_dict[a] = RailEnvActions.STOP_MOVING
+        return action_dict
+    def loadAgent(self):
+        if self.agent is not None:
+            return
+        self.state_size = self.env.obs_builder.observation_dim
+        self.action_size = 5
+        print("action_size: ", self.action_size)
+        print("state_size: ", self.state_size)
+        self.agent = Agent(self.state_size, self.action_size, 0)
+        self.agent.load('./checkpoints/', 0, 1.0)