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Optimize CI/CD pipeline for faster testing

jyotish requested to merge parallelize-ci-cd-pipeline into master

What does this merge request do?

  • Split the tests for py36, py37, notebooks, examples, docs and coverage into independant tasks. This way they can run in parallel and won't get blocked by each other.
  • Remove the CI/CD caching. Cache is stored locally on the node on which the CI/CD job runs. These nodes are shut down once the jobs are executed. So, there is no point of caching the tox files since they are dropped anyway (this saves a few minutes of time as well).
  • Remove the integration_tests job. This job is running the tests for the above mentioned six environments sequentially. Later starts a jupyter notebook (and doesn't do anything).
  • Fix coverage report
Edited by jyotish

Merge request reports
