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AIcrowd / poker-ai-starter-kit
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Flatland / baselines
MIT LicenseIntroductory reinforcement learning and operations research algorithms baselines for Flatland
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AIcrowd / Challenges / Meta Comprehensive RAG Benchmark - KDD Cup 2024 / CRAG-Mock-API
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
adrian_egli / neurips2020-flatland-starter-kit
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BenediktSchifferer / KDD2023Cup_NVIDIAMerlin
Apache License 2.0This repository contains the code of the 1st solution of the Amazon KDD Cup 2023 - Multilingual Recommendation Challenge developed by NVIDIA Merlin, a collaboration of NVIDIA Merlin and NVIDIA KGMONs.
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Starter kit for music demixing track from the Sound Demixing Challenging 2023
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'cntnt_dtbs' aka [[cntnt]], or "content database" is an new, introverted programmer's first public repo. I've been convinced to make a public repo by umpteen inanimate non-human algorithms telling me my work seeing the light of day is warranted.