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Nexaslimprijsbe / Nexaslim Prijs be
MIT LicenseNexaslim vallen op als een revolutionair product dat geworteld is in de principes van het ketogene dieet.
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Starter kit for getting started in the Music Demixing Challenge.
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Shubham Kumar / flat-ui-custom
MIT LicenseUpdated -
fredrik_noren / flatland-book
MIT LicenseDocumentation of the Flatland environment and challenges: https://flatland.aicrowd.com/
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shanmukh_alle8 / flatland-book
MIT LicenseDocumentation of the Flatland environment and challenges: https://flatland.aicrowd.com/
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RickYang2020 / flatland-book
MIT LicenseDocumentation of the Flatland environment and challenges: https://flatland.aicrowd.com/
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AIcrowd / discourse-ipynb-onebox-service
MIT LicenseUpdated -
'cntnt_dtbs' aka [[cntnt]], or "content database" is an new, introverted programmer's first public repo. I've been convinced to make a public repo by umpteen inanimate non-human algorithms telling me my work seeing the light of day is warranted.
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