diff --git a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
index 1af7c12f8124624b55493cc7da81fb77443c817e..8a8c64eabc5aaf4be0e02381f1c41a4493bdf6bd 100644
--- a/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
+++ b/flatland/utils/rendertools.py
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
 from recordtype import recordtype
 import numpy as np
@@ -9,21 +6,25 @@ import xarray as xr
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 from flatland.core.transitions import RailEnvTransitions
-class RenderTool(object):
+class RenderTool(object):
     Visit = recordtype("Visit", ["rc", "iDir", "iDepth", "prev"])
     lColors = list("brgcmyk")
-    gTransRC = np.array([[-1,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1]]) # \delta RC for NESW
+    # \delta RC for NESW
+    gTransRC = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1]])
     nPixCell = 1
     nPixHalf = nPixCell / 2
     xyHalf = array([nPixHalf, -nPixHalf])
-    grc2xy = array([[0,-nPixCell],[nPixCell,0]])
-    gGrid = array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), -np.arange(10))) * array([[[nPixCell]],[[nPixCell]]])
-    xyPixHalf = xr.DataArray([nPixHalf, -nPixHalf], dims="xy", coords={"xy": ["x", "y"]})
-    gCentres = xr.DataArray(gGrid, dims=["xy", "p1", "p2"], coords={"xy":["x", "y"]}) + xyPixHalf
+    grc2xy = array([[0, -nPixCell], [nPixCell, 0]])
+    gGrid = array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), -np.arange(10))) * \
+        array([[[nPixCell]], [[nPixCell]]])
+    xyPixHalf = xr.DataArray([nPixHalf, -nPixHalf],
+                             dims="xy",
+                             coords={"xy": ["x", "y"]})
+    gCentres = xr.DataArray(gGrid,
+                            dims=["xy", "p1", "p2"],
+                            coords={"xy": ["x", "y"]}) + xyPixHalf
     RETrans = RailEnvTransitions()
     def __init__(self, env):
@@ -31,95 +32,93 @@ class RenderTool(object):
     def plotTreeOnRail(self, rcPos, iDir, nDepth=10):
-        Derives and plots a tree of transitions starting at position rcPos in direction iDir
+        Derives and plots a tree of transitions starting at position rcPos
+        in direction iDir.
         Returns a list of Visits which are the nodes / vertices in the tree.
-        #gGrid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), -np.arange(10))
-        rt=self.__class__
-        #plt.scatter(*rt.gCentres, s=5, color="r")
+        # gGrid = np.meshgrid(np.arange(10), -np.arange(10))
+        rt = self.__class__
+        # plt.scatter(*rt.gCentres, s=5, color="r")
         if False:
             for iAgent in range(self.env.number_of_agents):
                 sColor = rt.lColors[iAgent]
                 rcPos = self.env.agents_position[iAgent]
-                iDir = self.env.agents_direction[iAgent] # agent direction index
+                iDir = self.env.agents_direction[iAgent]  # agent dir index
                 self.plotAgent(rcPos, iDir, sColor)
                 gTransRCAg = self.getTransRC(rcPos, iDir)
                 self.plotTrans(rcPos, gTransRCAg)
                 if False:
-                    rcNext = rcPos + rcDir
-                    oTrans = self.env.rail[rcNext[0]][rcNext[1]] # transition for next cell
-                    tbTrans = RailEnvTransitions.get_transitions_from_orientation(oTrans, iDir)
+                    # TODO: this was `rcDir' but it was undefined
+                    rcNext = rcPos + iDir
+                    # transition for next cell
+                    oTrans = self.env.rail[rcNext[0]][rcNext[1]]
+                    tbTrans = RailEnvTransitions. \
+                        get_transitions_from_orientation(oTrans, iDir)
                     giTrans = np.where(tbTrans)[0]  # RC list of transitions
-                    #print("agent", iAgent, array(list("NESW"))[giTrans], gTransRC[giTrans])
-                    gTransRCAg = gTransRC[giTrans]
+                    gTransRCAg = self.__class__.gTransRC[giTrans]
-        #rcPos=(6,4)
-        #iDir=2
+        # rcPos=(6,4)
+        # iDir=2
         gTransRCAg = self.getTransRC(rcPos, iDir)
-        self.plotTrans(rcPos, gTransRCAg )
+        self.plotTrans(rcPos, gTransRCAg)
         lVisits = self.getTreeFromRail(rcPos, iDir, nDepth=nDepth)
         return lVisits
     def plotAgents(self):
-        rt=self.__class__
-        #plt.scatter(*rt.gCentres, s=5, color="r")
+        rt = self.__class__
+        # plt.scatter(*rt.gCentres, s=5, color="r")
         for iAgent in range(self.env.number_of_agents):
             sColor = rt.lColors[iAgent]
             rcPos = self.env.agents_position[iAgent]
-            iDir = self.env.agents_direction[iAgent] # agent direction index
+            iDir = self.env.agents_direction[iAgent]  # agent direction index
             self.plotAgent(rcPos, iDir, sColor)
             gTransRCAg = self.getTransRC(rcPos, iDir)
             self.plotTrans(rcPos, gTransRCAg)
     def getTransRC(self, rcPos, iDir, bgiTrans=False):
-        """ 
-            get the available transitions for rcPos in direction iDir,
-            as row & col deltas.
-            if bgiTrans is True, return a grid of indices of available transitions.
-            eg for a cell rcPos = (4,5), in direction iDir = 0 (N), 
-            where the available transitions are N and E, returns:
-            [[-1,0], [0,1]] ie N=up one row, and E=right one col.
-            and if bgiTrans is True, returns a tuple:
-            (
-                [[-1,0], [0,1]], # deltas as before
-                [0, 1] #  available transition indices, ie N, E 
-            )
+        """
+        Get the available transitions for rcPos in direction iDir,
+        as row & col deltas.
+        If bgiTrans is True, return a grid of indices of available transitions.
+        eg for a cell rcPos = (4,5), in direction iDir = 0 (N),
+        where the available transitions are N and E, returns:
+        [[-1,0], [0,1]] ie N=up one row, and E=right one col.
+        and if bgiTrans is True, returns a tuple:
+        (
+            [[-1,0], [0,1]], # deltas as before
+            [0, 1] #  available transition indices, ie N, E
+        )
         rt = self.__class__
-        gTransRC = np.array([[-1,0],[0,1],[1,0],[0,-1]]) # \delta RC for NESW
         # TODO: suggest we provide an accessor in RailEnv
-        oTrans = self.env.rail[rcPos] # transition for current cell
+        oTrans = self.env.rail[rcPos]   # transition for current cell
         tbTrans = rt.RETrans.get_transitions_from_orientation(oTrans, iDir)
         giTrans = np.where(tbTrans)[0]  # RC list of transitions
         # HACK: workaround dead-end transitions
         if len(giTrans) == 0:
-            #print("Dead End", rcPos, iDir, tbTrans, giTrans)
+            # print("Dead End", rcPos, iDir, tbTrans, giTrans)
             iDirReverse = (iDir + 2) % 4
-            tbTrans = tuple(int(iDir2 == iDirReverse) for iDir2 in range(4) )
+            tbTrans = tuple(int(iDir2 == iDirReverse) for iDir2 in range(4))
             giTrans = np.where(tbTrans)[0]  # RC list of transitions
-            #print("Dead End2", rcPos, iDirReverse, tbTrans, giTrans)
-        #print("agent", array(list("NESW"))[giTrans], gTransRC[giTrans])
-        gTransRCAg = gTransRC[giTrans]
+            # print("Dead End2", rcPos, iDirReverse, tbTrans, giTrans)
+        # print("agent", array(list("NESW"))[giTrans], self.gTransRC[giTrans])
+        gTransRCAg = self.__class__.gTransRC[giTrans]
         if bgiTrans:
             return gTransRCAg, giTrans
@@ -133,33 +132,27 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         rt = self.__class__
         xyPos = np.matmul(rcPos, rt.grc2xy) + rt.xyHalf
-        plt.scatter(*xyPos, color=sColor) # agent location
-        rcDir = rt.gTransRC[iDir]                # agent direction in RC
-        xyDir = np.matmul(rcDir, rt.grc2xy)     # agent direction in xy
-        xyDirLine = array([xyPos, xyPos+xyDir/2]).T # xy line showing agent orientation
+        plt.scatter(*xyPos, color=sColor)            # agent location
+        rcDir = rt.gTransRC[iDir]                    # agent direction in RC
+        xyDir = np.matmul(rcDir, rt.grc2xy)          # agent direction in xy
+        xyDirLine = array([xyPos, xyPos+xyDir/2]).T  # line for agent orient.
         plt.plot(*xyDirLine, color=sColor, lw=5, ms=0, alpha=0.6)
         # just mark the next cell we're heading into
         rcNext = rcPos + rcDir
         xyNext = np.matmul(rcNext, rt.grc2xy) + rt.xyHalf
-        plt.scatter(*xyNext, color = sColor)
+        plt.scatter(*xyNext, color=sColor)
     def plotTrans(self, rcPos, gTransRCAg, color="r", depth=None):
-        """
-        """
         rt = self.__class__
         xyPos = np.matmul(rcPos, rt.grc2xy) + rt.xyHalf
         gxyTrans = xyPos + np.matmul(gTransRCAg, rt.grc2xy/2.4)
-        #print(gxyTrans)
-        plt.scatter(*gxyTrans.T, color = color, marker="o", s=50, alpha=0.2)
+        # print(gxyTrans)
+        plt.scatter(*gxyTrans.T, color=color, marker="o", s=50, alpha=0.2)
         if depth is not None:
-            for x,y in gxyTrans:
-                plt.text(x,y,depth)
+            for x, y in gxyTrans:
+                plt.text(x, y, depth)
     def getTreeFromRail(self, rcPos, iDir, nDepth=10, bBFS=True):
@@ -167,48 +160,53 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         rt = self.__class__
         print(rcPos, iDir)
-        iPos = 0 if bBFS else -1 # BF / DF Search
+        iPos = 0 if bBFS else -1  # BF / DF Search
         iDepth = 0
         visited = set()
         lVisits = []
-        #stack = [ (rcPos,iDir,nDepth) ]
-        stack = [ rt.Visit(rcPos,iDir,iDepth,None) ]
+        # stack = [ (rcPos,iDir,nDepth) ]
+        stack = [rt.Visit(rcPos, iDir, iDepth, None)]
         while stack:
             visit = stack.pop(iPos)
             rcd = (visit.rc, visit.iDir)
             if visit.iDepth > nDepth:
             if rcd not in visited:
-                #moves = self._get_valid_transitions( node[0], node[1] )
-                gTransRCAg, giTrans = self.getTransRC(visit.rc, visit.iDir, bgiTrans=True)
-                #nodePos = node[0]
+                # moves = self._get_valid_transitions( node[0], node[1] )
+                gTransRCAg, giTrans = self.getTransRC(visit.rc,
+                                                      visit.iDir,
+                                                      bgiTrans=True)
+                # nodePos = node[0]
                 # enqueue the next nodes (ie transitions from this node)
                 for gTransRC2, iTrans in zip(gTransRCAg, giTrans):
-                    #print("Trans:", gTransRC2)
-                    visitNext = rt.Visit(tuple(visit.rc + gTransRC2), iTrans, visit.iDepth+1, visit)
-                    #print("node2: ", node2)
-                    stack.append( visitNext )
+                    # print("Trans:", gTransRC2)
+                    visitNext = rt.Visit(tuple(visit.rc + gTransRC2),
+                                         iTrans,
+                                         visit.iDepth+1,
+                                         visit)
+                    # print("node2: ", node2)
+                    stack.append(visitNext)
                 # plot the available transitions from this node
                 self.plotTrans(visit.rc, gTransRCAg, depth=str(visit.iDepth))
         return lVisits
     def plotTree(self, lVisits, xyTarg):
         Plot a vertical tree of transitions.
-        Returns the "visit" to the destination (ie where euclidean distance is near zero) or None if absent.
+        Returns the "visit" to the destination
+        (ie where euclidean distance is near zero) or None if absent.
         dPos = {}
         iPos = 0
         visitDest = None
@@ -220,30 +218,33 @@ class RenderTool(object):
                 xLoc = dPos[visit.rc] = iPos
                 iPos += 1
-            rDist =  np.linalg.norm(array(visit.rc) - array(xyTarg))
-            sDist = "%.1f" % rDist
+            rDist = np.linalg.norm(array(visit.rc) - array(xyTarg))
+            # sDist = "%.1f" % rDist
             xLoc = rDist + visit.iDir / 4
             # point labelled with distance
             plt.scatter(xLoc, visit.iDepth,  color="k", s=2)
-            #plt.text(xLoc, visit.iDepth, sDist, color="k", rotation=45)
+            # plt.text(xLoc, visit.iDepth, sDist, color="k", rotation=45)
             plt.text(xLoc, visit.iDepth, visit.rc, color="k", rotation=45)
-            #if len(dPos)>1:
+            # if len(dPos)>1:
             if visit.prev:
-                #print(dPos)
-                #print(tNodeDepth)
+                # print(dPos)
+                # print(tNodeDepth)
                 xLocPrev = dPos[visit.prev.rc]
-                rDistPrev =  np.linalg.norm(array(visit.prev.rc) - array(xyTarg))
-                sDist = "%.1f" % rDistPrev
+                rDistPrev = np.linalg.norm(array(visit.prev.rc) -
+                                           array(xyTarg))
+                # sDist = "%.1f" % rDistPrev
                 xLocPrev = rDistPrev + visit.prev.iDir / 4
                 # line from prev node
-                plt.plot([xLocPrev, xLoc], [ visit.iDepth-1, visit.iDepth], color="k", alpha=0.5, lw=1)
+                plt.plot([xLocPrev, xLoc],
+                         [visit.iDepth-1, visit.iDepth],
+                         color="k", alpha=0.5, lw=1)
             if rDist < 0.1:
                 visitDest = visit
@@ -252,16 +253,17 @@ class RenderTool(object):
             visit = visitDest
             xLocPrev = None
             while visit is not None:
-                rDist =  np.linalg.norm(array(visit.rc) - array(xyTarg))
+                rDist = np.linalg.norm(array(visit.rc) - array(xyTarg))
                 xLoc = rDist + visit.iDir / 4
                 if xLocPrev is not None:
-                    plt.plot([xLoc, xLocPrev], [ visit.iDepth, visit.iDepth+1], color="r", alpha=0.5, lw=2)
+                    plt.plot([xLoc, xLocPrev], [visit.iDepth, visit.iDepth+1],
+                             color="r", alpha=0.5, lw=2)
                 xLocPrev = xLoc
                 visit = visit.prev
-            #        prev = prev.prev
+            # prev = prev.prev
-        #plt.xticks(range(7)); plt.yticks(range(11))
-        ax=plt.gca()
+        # plt.xticks(range(7)); plt.yticks(range(11))
+        ax = plt.gca()
@@ -276,33 +278,34 @@ class RenderTool(object):
             visit = visitDest
             xyPrev = None
             while visit.prev is not None:
-                #rDist =  np.linalg.norm(array(visit.xy) - array(xyTarg))
-                #xLoc = rDist + visit.iDir / 4
-                #print (visit.xy)
+                # rDist =  np.linalg.norm(array(visit.xy) - array(xyTarg))
+                # xLoc = rDist + visit.iDir / 4
+                # print (visit.xy)
                 xy = np.matmul(visit.rc, rt.grc2xy) + rt.xyHalf
                 if xyPrev is not None:
-                    plt.plot([xy[0], xyPrev[0]], [ xy[1], xyPrev[1]], color="r", alpha=0.5, lw=3)
+                    plt.plot([xy[0], xyPrev[0]],
+                             [xy[1], xyPrev[1]],
+                             color="r", alpha=0.5, lw=3)
                 visit = visit.prev
                 xyPrev = xy
     def renderEnv(self):
-        Draw the environment using matplotlib.  Draw into the figure if provided.
-        Call pyplot.show() if show==True.  (Use show=False from a Jupyter notebook with %matplotlib inline)
+        Draw the environment using matplotlib.
+        Draw into the figure if provided.
+        Call pyplot.show() if show==True.
+        (Use show=False from a Jupyter notebook with %matplotlib inline)
         cell_size = 1
-        #if oFigure is None:
+        # if oFigure is None:
         #    oFigure = plt.figure()
         def drawTrans(oFrom, oTo, sColor="gray"):
-                [ oFrom[0], oTo[0] ], # x
-                [ oFrom[1], oTo[1] ], # y
+                [oFrom[0], oTo[0]],  # x
+                [oFrom[1], oTo[1]],  # y
@@ -310,85 +313,104 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         env = self.env
         # Draw cells grid
-        grid_color = [0.95,0.95,0.95]
+        grid_color = [0.95, 0.95, 0.95]
         for r in range(env.height+1):
-            plt.plot([0, (env.width+1)*cell_size], [-r*cell_size, -r*cell_size], color=grid_color)
+            plt.plot([0, (env.width+1)*cell_size],
+                     [-r*cell_size, -r*cell_size],
+                     color=grid_color)
         for c in range(env.width+1):
-            plt.plot([c*cell_size, c*cell_size], [0, -(env.height+1)*cell_size], color=grid_color)
+            plt.plot([c*cell_size, c*cell_size],
+                     [0, -(env.height+1)*cell_size],
+                     color=grid_color)
         # Draw each cell independently
         for r in range(env.height):
             for c in range(env.width):
                 trans_ = env.rail[r][c]
-                x0 = c      * cell_size
-                x1 = (c+1)  * cell_size
-                y0 = -r     * cell_size
-                y1 = -(r+1) * cell_size
+                x0 = cell_size * c
+                x1 = cell_size * (c+1)
+                y0 = cell_size * -r
+                y1 = cell_size * -(r+1)
-                coords = [ 
-                    ((x0+x1)/2.0, y0), # N middle top
-                    (x1, (y0+y1)/2.0), # E middle right
-                    ((x0+x1)/2.0,y1),  # S middle bottom
-                    (x0, (y0+y1)/2.0) # W middle left
+                coords = [
+                    ((x0+x1)/2.0, y0),  # N middle top
+                    (x1, (y0+y1)/2.0),  # E middle right
+                    ((x0+x1)/2.0, y1),  # S middle bottom
+                    (x0, (y0+y1)/2.0)   # W middle left
+                oCell = env.rail[r, c]
-                oCell = env.rail[r,c]
-                for orientation in range(4):  # orientation is where we're heading
-                    from_ori = (orientation + 2) % 4 # 0123 = NESW -> 2301 = SWNE
+                for orientation in range(4):  # ori is where we're heading
+                    from_ori = (orientation + 2) % 4  # 0123=NESW -> 2301=SWNE
                     from_xy = coords[from_ori]
-                    ## Special Case 7, with a single bit; terminate at center
-                    ## TODO: for the future, this should rather check whether the movement is allowed in a single direction or both, as per the transitions bits. Here we only check for Case 7 as a cheap hack that will hold for the competition, but it won't hold for environments specified by arbitrary transitions.
+                    # Special Case 7, with a single bit; terminate at center
                     nbits = 0
                     tmp = trans_
-                    while tmp>0:
-                        nbits += (tmp&1)
+                    while tmp > 0:
+                        nbits += (tmp & 1)
                         tmp = tmp >> 1
-                    # as above - move the from coord to the centre - it's a dead env.
-                    if nbits==1:
+                    # as above - move the from coord to the centre
+                    # it's a dead env.
+                    if nbits == 1:
                         from_xy = ((x0+x1)/2.0, (y0+y1)/2.0)
-                    #renderer.push()
-                    #renderer.translate(c * CELL_PIXELS, r * CELL_PIXELS)
+                    # renderer.push()
+                    # renderer.translate(c * CELL_PIXELS, r * CELL_PIXELS)
                     if True:
-                        tMoves = RETrans.get_transitions_from_orientation(oCell, orientation)
-                        #to_ori = (orientation + 2) % 4
+                        tMoves = RETrans.get_transitions_from_orientation(
+                                    oCell, orientation)
+                        # to_ori = (orientation + 2) % 4
                         for to_ori in range(4):
                             to_xy = coords[to_ori]
                             if False:
-                                print("r,c,ori: ", r, c, orientation, "cell:", "{0:b}".format(oCell), 
-                                    "moves:", tMoves, 
-                                    "from:", from_ori, from_xy,
-                                    "to: ", to_ori, to_xy)
+                                print("r,c,ori: ", r, c, orientation,
+                                      "cell:", "{0:b}".format(oCell),
+                                      "moves:", tMoves,
+                                      "from:", from_ori, from_xy,
+                                      "to: ", to_ori, to_xy)
                             if (tMoves[to_ori]):
                                 drawTrans(from_xy, to_xy)
         # Draw each agent + its orientation + its target
         cmap = plt.get_cmap('hsv', lut=env.number_of_agents+1)
         for i in range(env.number_of_agents):
-            self._draw_square( (env.agents_position[i][1]*cell_size+cell_size/2, -env.agents_position[i][0]*cell_size-cell_size/2), cell_size/8, cmap(i) )
+            self._draw_square((env.agents_position[i][1] *
+                              cell_size+cell_size/2,
+                              -env.agents_position[i][0] *
+                              cell_size-cell_size/2),
+                              cell_size/8, cmap(i))
         for i in range(env.number_of_agents):
-            self._draw_square( (env.agents_target[i][1]*cell_size+cell_size/2, -env.agents_target[i][0]*cell_size-cell_size/2), cell_size/3, [c for c in cmap(i)] )
-            # orientation is a line connecting the center of the cell to the side of the square of the agent
-            new_position = env._new_position(env.agents_position[i], env.agents_direction[i])
-            new_position = ( (new_position[0]+env.agents_position[i][0])/2*cell_size, (new_position[1]+env.agents_position[i][1])/2*cell_size )
-            plt.plot( [ env.agents_position[i][1]*cell_size+cell_size/2, new_position[1]+cell_size/2], [-env.agents_position[i][0]*cell_size-cell_size/2, -new_position[0]-cell_size/2], color=cmap(i), linewidth=2.0 )
-        plt.xlim([0,env.width*cell_size])
-        plt.ylim([-env.height*cell_size,0])
+            self._draw_square((env.agents_target[i][1] *
+                              cell_size+cell_size/2,
+                              -env.agents_target[i][0] *
+                              cell_size-cell_size/2),
+                              cell_size/3, [c for c in cmap(i)])
+            # orientation is a line connecting the center of the cell to the
+            # side of the square of the agent
+            new_position = env._new_position(env.agents_position[i],
+                                             env.agents_direction[i])
+            new_position = ((new_position[0] +
+                            env.agents_position[i][0])/2*cell_size,
+                            (new_position[1] +
+                            env.agents_position[i][1])/2*cell_size)
+            plt.plot([env.agents_position[i][1] * cell_size+cell_size/2,
+                     new_position[1]+cell_size/2],
+                     [-env.agents_position[i][0] * cell_size-cell_size/2,
+                     -new_position[0]-cell_size/2], color=cmap(i),
+                     linewidth=2.0)
+        plt.xlim([0, env.width * cell_size])
+        plt.ylim([-env.height * cell_size, 0])
         plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, env.width * cell_size, env.width+1))
         plt.yticks(np.linspace(-env.height * cell_size, 0, env.height+1))
@@ -398,5 +420,4 @@ class RenderTool(object):
         x1 = center[0]+size/2
         y0 = center[1]-size/2
         y1 = center[1]+size/2
-        plt.plot( [x0,x1,x1,x0,x0], [y0,y0,y1,y1,y0], color=color )
+        plt.plot([x0, x1, x1, x0, x0], [y0, y0, y1, y1, y0], color=color)