diff --git a/local_evaluation.py b/local_evaluation.py
index b58248b06390b412f50a4481da3971d4590453dd..221358e3b167e5f1259125cac76dd932d28e554d 100644
--- a/local_evaluation.py
+++ b/local_evaluation.py
@@ -1,65 +1,172 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from tqdm import tqdm
 import torch
 import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-from tqdm.auto import tqdm
-from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
+from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
 import metrics
 import parsers
-def print_sample(i, generation, truth, metric, score):
-    print(f"Sample {i}, generation: {generation}")
-    print(f"Sample {i}, truth: {truth}")
+def print_sample(idx, generation, truth, metric, score):
+    """
+    Print a sample's generated output, the truth, and its evaluation score.
+    """
+    print(f"Sample {idx}, generation: {generation}")
+    print(f"Sample {idx}, truth: {truth}")
     if isinstance(score, tuple) and len(score) == 3:
-            f"Metric ({metric}): tp {score[0]}, fp {score[1]}, fn {score[2]}"
+            f"Per Sample Metric Score ({metric}): tp {score[0]}, fp {score[1]}, fn {score[2]}"
-        print(f"Metric ({metric}): {score}")
+        print(f"Per Sample Metric Score ({metric}): {score}")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+# Function to load development data from a JSON file
+def load_development_data(filename):
+    """
+    Load development data from a specified JSON file.
-    # Load Development Data
-    DATA_FILENAME = "./data/development.json"
-    data_df = pd.read_json(DATA_FILENAME, lines=True)
+    Parameters:
+    - filename: Path to the JSON file containing the development data.
-    # Load UserModel
-    from models.user_config import UserModel
+    Returns:
+    - A pandas DataFrame containing the loaded data.
+    """
+    return pd.read_json(filename, lines=True)
-    model = UserModel()
-    # Generate Responses
+# Function to generate model outputs based on the input data
+def generate_model_outputs(data_df, model):
+    """
+    Generate predictions for each entry in the data DataFrame using a given model.
+    Parameters:
+    - data_df: A pandas DataFrame containing the input data for predictions.
+    - model: The model instance used for generating predictions.
+    Returns:
+    - A list containing the model outputs for each entry in the data DataFrame.
+    """
     outputs = []
-    for _rowd_idx, row in tqdm(
-        data_df.iterrows(),
-        total=len(data_df),
-        desc="Generating Responses",
+    for _, row in tqdm(
+        data_df.iterrows(), total=len(data_df), desc="Generating Responses"
-        print("=" * 100)
         is_multiple_choice = row["task_type"] == "multiple-choice"
         prompt = row["input_field"]
         model_output = model.predict(prompt, is_multiple_choice)
+    return outputs
-        print(prompt, model_output)
-    # Merge outputs into DF
-    data_df["outputs"] = outputs
-    print(data_df)
+# Function to evaluate the generated model outputs
+def evaluate_outputs(data_df, outputs, log_every_n_steps=1):
+    """
+    Evaluate the model outputs against ground truth values using specified metrics.
-    # Evaluate
-    print_interval = 1
+    Parameters:
+    - data_df: DataFrame containing the development data, including ground truth.
+    - outputs: The generated outputs from the model to be evaluated.
+    - log_every_n_steps: Logs samples every N steps
+    Returns:
+    - A dictionary containing evaluation metrics and scores for each task.
+    """
+    eval_methods = get_evaluation_methods()
+    task_parsers = get_task_parsers()
+    per_task_metrics = {}
+    for row_idx, row in tqdm(
+        data_df.iterrows(), total=len(data_df), desc="Evaluating"
+    ):
+        task_type, metric, ground_truth = (
+            row["task_type"],
+            row["metric"],
+            row["output_field"],
+        )
+        if metric not in eval_methods:
+            raise NotImplementedError(f"No metric for {metric=}")
+        task_name = f"{task_type}---{metric}"
+        # Note: In practice, here we are using the task_type-metric pair as a unique identifier, calling it as the task_name.
+        # During the actual evaluations, the task names are more semantically defined, meaning, there could be multiple tasks
+        # with the same task_type and metric.
+        model_output = task_parsers[task_type].parse(outputs[row_idx])
+        eval_fn = eval_methods[metric]
+        metric_score = eval_fn(model_output, ground_truth)
+        if task_name not in per_task_metrics:
+            per_task_metrics[task_name] = {
+                "task_type": task_type,
+                "metric": metric,
+                "sample_score": [],
+            }
+        per_task_metrics[task_name]["sample_score"].append(metric_score)
+        if row_idx % log_every_n_steps == 0:
+            print_sample(
+                row_idx, model_output, ground_truth, metric, metric_score
+            )
+    return per_task_metrics
+# Function to aggregate scores from evaluations
+def aggregate_scores(per_task_metrics):
+    """
+    Aggregate evaluation scores across different tasks and metrics.
+    Parameters:
+    - per_task_metrics: A dictionary containing raw evaluation scores for each task.
+    Returns:
+    - A pandas DataFrame summarizing the overall metrics and scores.
+    """
+    overall_metrics = {
+        "task_name": [],
+        "task_type": [],
+        "metric": [],
+        "overall_score": [],
+    }
+    for task_name, values in per_task_metrics.items():
+        task_type, metric, sample_scores = (
+            values["task_type"],
+            values["metric"],
+            values["sample_score"],
+        )
+        overall_score = (
+            np.mean(sample_scores)
+            if metric != "micro f1"
+            else metrics.compute_f1_score(sample_scores)
+        )
+        overall_metrics["task_name"].append(task_name)
+        overall_metrics["task_type"].append(task_type)
+        overall_metrics["metric"].append(metric)
+        overall_metrics["overall_score"].append(overall_score)
+    return pd.DataFrame(overall_metrics)
+# Define and return evaluation methods
+def get_evaluation_methods():
+    """
+    Get evaluation methods including accuracy, sentence transformers, and other metrics.
+    Returns:
+    - A dictionary mapping metric names to their respective evaluation functions.
+    """
     device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
     sentence_all_lm = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2").to(device)
-    sentece_multilingual = SentenceTransformer(
+    sentence_multilingual = SentenceTransformer(
-    eval_methods = {
+    return {
         "accuracy": metrics.accuracy,
         "hit rate@3": metrics.hit_rate_3,
         "rougel": metrics.rougel,
@@ -67,7 +174,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             g, t, sentence_all_lm
         "multilingual-sent-transformer": lambda g, t: metrics.sent_transformer(
-            g, t, sentece_multilingual
+            g, t, sentence_multilingual
         "micro f1": metrics.tp_fp_fn,
         "ndcg": metrics.ndcg_eval,
@@ -75,7 +182,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         "jp-bleu": lambda g, t: metrics.bleu(g, t, jp=True),
-    task_parsers = {
+# Define and return task parsers
+def get_task_parsers():
+    """
+    Define parsers for different task types to format model outputs accordingly.
+    Returns:
+    - A dictionary mapping task types to their respective parsers.
+    """
+    return {
         "multiple-choice": parsers.ShoppingBenchTaskParsers("multichoice"),
         "generation": parsers.ShoppingBenchTaskParsers("generation"),
         "retrieval": parsers.ShoppingBenchTaskParsers("retrieval"),
@@ -85,57 +201,41 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-    per_task_metrics = {}
-    for row_idx, row in tqdm(
-        data_df.iterrows(), total=len(data_df), desc="Evaluating"
-    ):
-        metric = row["metric"]
-        if metric not in eval_methods:
-            raise NotImplementedError(f"No metric for {metric=}")
-        task_type = row["task_type"]
-        task_name = f"{task_type}---{metric}"
-        per_task_metrics.setdefault(
-            task_name, {"metric": metric, "sample_score": []}
-        )
-        gt = row["output_field"]
-        model_output = task_parsers[task_type].parse(outputs[row_idx])
-        eval_fn = eval_methods[metric]
-        metric_score = eval_fn(model_output, gt)
-        per_task_metrics[task_name]["sample_score"].append(metric_score)
-        per_task_metrics[task_name]["sample_score"].append(metric_score)
+# Main execution function to load data, generate model outputs, evaluate, and aggregate scores
+def main():
+    # Load development data
+    DATA_FILENAME = "./data/development.json"
+    data_df = load_development_data(DATA_FILENAME)
-        if row_idx % print_interval == 0:
-            print_sample(row_idx, outputs[row_idx], gt, metric, metric_score)
+    # Load the model from the user's custom configuration
+    # Note: The evaluator **Always** imports the UserModel, please reference your own class
+    # by setting the `UserModel` variable in models.user_config
+    from models.user_config import UserModel
-    # Aggregate scores
-    for task_name in per_task_metrics:
-        if per_task_metrics[task_name]["metric"] != "micro f1":
-            per_task_metrics[task_name]["overall_metric"] = np.mean(
-                per_task_metrics[task_name]["sample_score"]
-            )
-        else:
-            per_task_metrics[task_name]["overall_metric"] = (
-                metrics.compute_f1_score(
-                    per_task_metrics[task_name]["sample_score"]
-                )
-            )
+    model = UserModel()
-    print(per_task_metrics)
+    # Generate model outputs
+    outputs = generate_model_outputs(data_df, model)
+    data_df["outputs"] = (
+        outputs  # Optional: Add outputs back to DataFrame for inspection
+    )
+    print(data_df.head())
-    overall_metrics = {"task_name": [], "metric": [], "overall_score": []}
-    for task_name in per_task_metrics:
-        overall_metrics["task_name"].append(task_name)
-        overall_metrics["metric"].append(per_task_metrics[task_name]["metric"])
-        overall_metrics["overall_score"].append(
-            per_task_metrics[task_name]["overall_metric"]
-        )
+    # Evaluate the generated outputs and calculate metrics
+    per_task_metrics = evaluate_outputs(data_df, outputs)
-    overall_metrics = pd.DataFrame(overall_metrics)
+    # Aggregate and display the evaluation scores
+    overall_metrics = aggregate_scores(per_task_metrics)
+    print("=" * 100)
+    print("Task specific metrics: ")
+    print()
+    # Calculate and print the overall score across all tasks and metrics
     overall_score = overall_metrics["overall_score"].mean()
     print(f"Overall Score: {overall_score}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()