[](https://discord.gg/yWurtB2huX) # Meta KDD Cup '24 [CRAG: Comprehensive RAG Benchmark](https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024) Starter Kit This repository is the CRAG: Comphrensive RAG Benchmark **Submission template and Starter kit**! Clone the repository to compete now! **This repository contains**: * **Documentation** on how to submit your models to the leaderboard * **The procedure** for best practices and information on how we evaluate your model, etc. * **Starter code** for you to get started! # Table of Contents 1. [Competition Overview](#-competition-overview) 2. [Dataset](#-dataset) 3. [Tasks](#-tasks) 4. [Evaluation Metrics](#-evaluation-metrics) 5. [Getting Started](#-getting-started) - [How to write your own model?](#️-how-to-write-your-own-model) - [How to start participating?](#-how-to-start-participating) - [Setup](#setup) - [How to make a submission?](#-how-to-make-a-submission) - [What hardware does my code run on?](#-what-hardware-does-my-code-run-on-) - [How are my model responses parsed by the evaluators?](#-how-are-my-model-responses-parsed-by-the-evaluators-) - [Baselines](#baselines) 6. [Frequently Asked Questions](#-frequently-asked-questions) 6. [Important Links](#-important-links) # 📖 Competition Overview # 📊 Dataset # 👨💻👩💻 Tasks ## 📏 Evaluation Metrics Please refer to [local_evaluation.py](local_evaluation.py) for more details on how we will evaluate your submissions. # 🏁 Getting Started 1. **Sign up** to join the competition [on the AIcrowd website](https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024). 2. **Fork** this starter kit repository. You can use [this link](https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/aicrowd/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024/meta-comphrehensive-rag-benchmark-starter-kit/-/forks/new) to create a fork. 3. **Clone** your forked repo and start developing your model. 4. **Develop** your model(s) following the template in [how to write your own model](#how-to-write-your-own-model) section. 5. [**Submit**](#-how-to-make-a-submission) your trained models to [AIcrowd Gitlab](https://gitlab.aicrowd.com) for evaluation [(full instructions below)](#-how-to-make-a-submission). The automated evaluation will evaluate the submissions on the public test set and report the metrics on the leaderboard of the competition. # ✍️ How to write your own model? Please follow the instructions in [models/README.md](models/README.md) for instructions and examples on how to write your own models for this competition. # 🚴 How to start participating? ## Setup 1. **Add your SSH key** to AIcrowd GitLab You can add your SSH Keys to your GitLab account by going to your profile settings [here](https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/-/profile/keys). If you do not have SSH Keys, you will first need to [generate one](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/ssh.html). 2. **Fork the repository**. You can use [this link](https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/aicrowd/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024/meta-comphrehensive-rag-benchmark-starter-kit/-/forks/new) to create a fork. 3. **Clone the repository** ```bash git clone git@gitlab.aicrowd.com:<YOUR-AICROWD-USERNAME>/meta-comphrehensive-rag-benchmark-starter-kit.git cd meta-comphrehensive-rag-benchmark-starter-kit ``` 4. **Install** competition specific dependencies! ```bash cd meta-comphrehensive-rag-benchmark-starter-kit pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 5. Write your own model as described in [How to write your own model](#how-to-write-your-own-model) section. 6. Test your model locally using `python local_evaluation.py`. 7. Accept the Challenge Rules on the main [challenge page](https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024) by clicking on the **Participate** button. Also accept the Challenge Rules on the Task specific page (link on the challenge page) that you want to submit to. 8. Make a submission as described in [How to make a submission](#-how-to-make-a-submission) section. # ✍️ How to write your own model? Please follow the instructions in [models/README.md](models/README.md) for instructions and examples on how to write your own models for this competition. ## 📮 How to make a submission? Please follow the instructions in [docs/submission.md](docs/submission.md) to make your first submission. This also includes instructions on [specifying your software runtime](docs/submission.md#specifying-software-runtime-and-dependencies), [code structure](docs/submission.md#code-structure-guidelines), [submitting to different tracks](docs/submission.md#submitting-to-different-tracks). **Note**: **Remember to accept the Challenge Rules** on the challenge page, **and** the task page before making your first submission. ## 💻 What hardware does my code run on ? You can find more details about the hardware and system configuration in [docs/hardware-and-system-config.md](docs/hardware-and-system-config.md). In summary, we provide you `4` x [[NVIDIA T4 GPUs](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/data-center/tesla-t4/)]. ## 🏁 Baseline We include two baselines for demonstration purposes, and you can read more abou them in [docs/baselines.md](docs/baselines.md). # ❓ Frequently Asked Questions ## Which track is this starter kit for ? This starter kit can be used to submit to any of the tracks. You can find more information in [docs/submission.md#submitting-to-different-tracks](docs/submission.md#submitting-to-different-tracks). ## Where can I know more about the dataset schema ? The dataset schema is described in [docs/dataset.md](docs/dataset.md). **Best of Luck** :tada: :tada: # 📎 Important links - 💪 Challenge Page: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024 - 🗣 Discussion Forum: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024/discussion - 🏆 Leaderboard: https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/meta-comprehensive-rag-benchmark-kdd-cup-2024/leaderboards