import runpy import sys from io import StringIO from time import sleep import importlib_resources import pkg_resources from benchmarker import Benchmarker from importlib_resources import path from benchmarks.benchmark_utils import swap_attr for entry in [entry for entry in importlib_resources.contents('examples') if not pkg_resources.resource_isdir('examples', entry) and entry.endswith(".py") and '__init__' not in entry and 'DELETE' not in entry ]: print("*****************************************************************") print("Benchmarking {}".format(entry)) print("*****************************************************************") with path('examples', entry) as file_in: with Benchmarker(cycle=20, extra=1) as bench: @bench(entry) def _(_): # prevent Benchmarker from doing "ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero: # ratio = base_time / real_time" sleep(0.001) # In order to pipe input into examples that have input(), # we use the test package, which is meant for internal use by Python only internal and # Any use of this package outside of Python’s standard library is discouraged as code (..) # can change or be removed without notice between releases of Python. # # TODO remove input() from examples? with swap_attr(sys, "stdin", StringIO("q")): runpy.run_path(file_in, run_name="__main__")