diff --git a/flatland/envs/rail_env.py b/flatland/envs/rail_env.py
index 70312ecb31d0acf9e5fea13c022745aa77e52511..cb4da95a81758625f1f45ecb535e47d834fd5005 100644
--- a/flatland/envs/rail_env.py
+++ b/flatland/envs/rail_env.py
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class RailEnv(Environment):
         # todo change self.agents_static[0] with the refactoring for agents_static -> issue nr. 185
         # https://gitlab.aicrowd.com/flatland/flatland/issues/185
-        if regenerate_schedule or self.agents_static[0] is None:
+        if regenerate_schedule or regenerate_rail or self.agents_static[0] is None:
             agents_hints = None
             if optionals and 'agents_hints' in optionals:
                 agents_hints = optionals['agents_hints']
@@ -436,48 +436,60 @@ class RailEnv(Environment):
         self._elapsed_steps += 1
-        # Reset the step rewards
-        self.rewards_dict = dict()
-        for i_agent in range(self.get_num_agents()):
-            self.rewards_dict[i_agent] = 0
         # If we're done, set reward and info_dict and step() is done.
         if self.dones["__all__"]:
-            self.rewards_dict = {i: self.global_reward for i in range(self.get_num_agents())}
+            self.rewards_dict = {}
             info_dict = {
-                'action_required': {i: False for i in range(self.get_num_agents())},
-                'malfunction': {i: 0 for i in range(self.get_num_agents())},
-                'speed': {i: 0 for i in range(self.get_num_agents())},
-                'status': {i: agent.status for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)}
+                "action_required" : {},
+                "malfunction" : {},
+                "speed" : {},
+                "status" : {},
+            for i_agent, agent in enumerate(self.agents):
+                self.rewards_dict[i_agent] = self.global_reward
+                info_dict["action_required"][i_agent] = False
+                info_dict["malfunction"][i_agent] = 0
+                info_dict["speed"][i_agent] = 0
+                info_dict["status"][i_agent] = agent.status
             return self._get_observations(), self.rewards_dict, self.dones, info_dict
-        # Perform step on all agents
-        for i_agent in range(self.get_num_agents()):
+        # Reset the step rewards
+        self.rewards_dict = dict()
+        info_dict = {
+            "action_required" : {},
+            "malfunction" : {},
+            "speed" : {},
+            "status" : {},
+        }
+        have_all_agents_ended = True # boolean flag to check if all agents are done
+        for i_agent, agent in enumerate(self.agents):
+            # Reset the step rewards
+            self.rewards_dict[i_agent] = 0
+            # Perform step on the agent
             self._step_agent(i_agent, action_dict_.get(i_agent))
+            # manage the boolean flag to check if all agents are indeed done (or done_removed)
+            have_all_agents_ended &= (agent.status in [RailAgentStatus.DONE, RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED])
+            # Build info dict
+            info_dict["action_required"][i_agent] = \
+                (agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART or (
+                agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE and np.isclose(agent.speed_data['position_fraction'], 0.0,
+                                                                        rtol=1e-03)))
+            info_dict["malfunction"][i_agent] = agent.malfunction_data['malfunction']
+            info_dict["speed"][i_agent] = agent.speed_data['speed']
+            info_dict["status"][i_agent] = agent.status
         # Check for end of episode + set global reward to all rewards!
-        if np.all([agent.status in [RailAgentStatus.DONE, RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED] for agent in self.agents]):
+        if have_all_agents_ended:
             self.dones["__all__"] = True
             self.rewards_dict = {i: self.global_reward for i in range(self.get_num_agents())}
         if (self._max_episode_steps is not None) and (self._elapsed_steps >= self._max_episode_steps):
             self.dones["__all__"] = True
-            for i in range(self.get_num_agents()):
-                self.agents[i].status = RailAgentStatus.DONE
-                self.dones[i] = True
-        info_dict = {
-            'action_required': {
-                i: (agent.status == RailAgentStatus.READY_TO_DEPART or (
-                    agent.status == RailAgentStatus.ACTIVE and np.isclose(agent.speed_data['position_fraction'], 0.0,
-                                                                          rtol=1e-03)))
-                for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)},
-            'malfunction': {
-                i: self.agents[i].malfunction_data['malfunction'] for i in range(self.get_num_agents())
-            },
-            'speed': {i: self.agents[i].speed_data['speed'] for i in range(self.get_num_agents())},
-            'status': {i: agent.status for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents)}
-        }
+            for i_agent in range(self.get_num_agents()):
+                self.dones[i_agent] = True
         return self._get_observations(), self.rewards_dict, self.dones, info_dict
diff --git a/flatland/evaluators/client.py b/flatland/evaluators/client.py
index ded1dc26ae43cb9d2da9e391a6c7e20f9767e9cd..d41224f36f5ffc974e976bb362e8ba8050df4e7d 100644
--- a/flatland/evaluators/client.py
+++ b/flatland/evaluators/client.py
@@ -23,14 +23,6 @@ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-def are_dicts_equal(d1, d2):
-    """ return True if all keys and values are the same """
-    return all(k in d2 and np.isclose(d1[k], d2[k])
-               for k in d1) \
-           and all(k in d1 and np.isclose(d1[k], d2[k])
-                   for k in d2)
 class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         Redis client to interface with flatland-rl remote-evaluation-service
@@ -64,6 +56,8 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
+        self.redis_conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
         self.namespace = "flatland-rl"
         self.service_id = os.getenv(
@@ -87,8 +81,26 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         self.env = None
+        self.env_step_times = []
+        self.stats = {}
+    def update_running_mean_stats(self, key, scalar):
+        """
+        Computes the running mean for certain params
+        """
+        mean_key = "{}_mean".format(key)
+        counter_key = "{}_counter".format(key)
+        try:
+            self.stats[mean_key] = \
+                ((self.stats[mean_key] * self.stats[counter_key]) + scalar) / (self.stats[counter_key] + 1)
+            self.stats[counter_key] += 1
+        except KeyError:
+            self.stats[mean_key] = 0
+            self.stats[counter_key] = 0
     def get_redis_connection(self):
-        return redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
+        return self.redis_conn
     def _generate_response_channel(self):
         random_hash = hashlib.md5(
@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         return response_channel
-    def _blocking_request(self, _request):
+    def _remote_request(self, _request, blocking=True):
@@ -114,6 +126,7 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         assert isinstance(_request, dict)
         _request['response_channel'] = self._generate_response_channel()
+        _request['timestamp'] = time.time()
         _redis = self.get_redis_connection()
@@ -126,18 +139,20 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         # Note: The patched msgpack supports numpy arrays
         payload = msgpack.packb(_request, default=m.encode, use_bin_type=True)
         _redis.lpush(self.command_channel, payload)
-        # Wait with a blocking pop for the response
-        _response = _redis.blpop(_request['response_channel'])[1]
-        if self.verbose:
-            print("Response : ", _response)
-        _response = msgpack.unpackb(
-            _response,
-            object_hook=m.decode,
-            encoding="utf8")
-        if _response['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR:
-            raise Exception(str(_response["payload"]))
-        else:
-            return _response
+        if blocking:
+            # Wait with a blocking pop for the response
+            _response = _redis.blpop(_request['response_channel'])[1]
+            if self.verbose:
+                print("Response : ", _response)
+            _response = msgpack.unpackb(
+                _response,
+                object_hook=m.decode,
+                encoding="utf8")
+            if _response['type'] == messages.FLATLAND_RL.ERROR:
+                raise Exception(str(_response["payload"]))
+            else:
+                return _response
     def ping_pong(self):
@@ -151,7 +166,7 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         _request['payload'] = {
             "version": flatland.__version__
-        _response = self._blocking_request(_request)
+        _response = self._remote_request(_request)
         if _response['type'] != messages.FLATLAND_RL.PONG:
             raise Exception(
                 "Unable to perform handshake with the evaluation service. \
@@ -166,13 +181,17 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
             The observation builder is only used in the local env
             and the remote env uses a DummyObservationBuilder
+        time_start = time.time()
         _request = {}
         _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE
         _request['payload'] = {}
-        _response = self._blocking_request(_request)
+        _response = self._remote_request(_request)
         observation = _response['payload']['observation']
         info = _response['payload']['info']
         random_seed = _response['payload']['random_seed']
+        test_env_file_path = _response['payload']['env_file_path']
+        time_diff = time.time() - time_start
+        self.update_running_mean_stats("env_creation_wait_time", time_diff)
         if not observation:
             # If the observation is False,
@@ -180,7 +199,6 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
             # hence return false
             return observation, info
-        test_env_file_path = _response['payload']['env_file_path']
         if self.verbose:
             print("Received Env : ", test_env_file_path)
@@ -207,13 +225,15 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
+        time_start = time.time()
         local_observation, info = self.env.reset(
-                                regenerate_rail=False,
-                                regenerate_schedule=False,
+                                regenerate_rail=True,
+                                regenerate_schedule=True,
+        time_diff = time.time() - time_start
+        self.update_running_mean_stats("internal_env_reset_time", time_diff)
         # Use the local observation
         # as the remote server uses a dummy observation builder
         return local_observation, info
@@ -226,39 +246,38 @@ class FlatlandRemoteClient(object):
         _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP
         _request['payload'] = {}
         _request['payload']['action'] = action
-        _response = self._blocking_request(_request)
-        _payload = _response['payload']
+        # Relay the action in a non-blocking way to the server 
+        # so that it can start doing an env.step on it in ~ parallel
+        self._remote_request(_request, blocking=False)
-        # remote_observation = _payload['observation']  # noqa
-        remote_reward = _payload['reward']
-        remote_done = _payload['done']
-        remote_info = _payload['info']
-        # Replicate the action in the local env
+        # Apply the action in the local env
+        time_start = time.time()
         local_observation, local_reward, local_done, local_info = \
+        time_diff = time.time() - time_start
+        # Compute a running mean of env step times
+        self.update_running_mean_stats("internal_env_step_time", time_diff)
-        if self.verbose:
-            print(local_reward)
-        if not are_dicts_equal(remote_reward, local_reward):
-            print("Remote Reward : ", remote_reward, "Local Reward : ", local_reward)
-            raise Exception("local and remote `reward` are diverging")
-        if not are_dicts_equal(remote_done, local_done):
-            print("Remote Done : ", remote_done, "Local Done : ", local_done)
-            raise Exception("local and remote `done` are diverging")
-        # Return local_observation instead of remote_observation
-        # as the remote_observation is build using a dummy observation
-        # builder
-        # We return the remote rewards and done as they are the
-        # once used by the evaluator
-        return [local_observation, remote_reward, remote_done, remote_info]
+        return [local_observation, local_reward, local_done, local_info]
     def submit(self):
         _request = {}
         _request['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_SUBMIT
         _request['payload'] = {}
-        _response = self._blocking_request(_request)
+        _response = self._remote_request(_request)
+        ######################################################################
+        # Print Local Stats
+        ######################################################################
+        print("="*100)
+        print("="*100)
+        print("## Client Performance Stats")
+        print("="*100)
+        for _key in self.stats:
+            if _key.endswith("_mean"):
+                print("\t - {}\t:{}".format(_key, self.stats[_key]))
+        print("="*100)
         if os.getenv("AICROWD_BLOCKING_SUBMIT"):
             If the submission is supposed to happen as a blocking submit,
@@ -279,13 +298,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             _action[_idx] = np.random.randint(0, 5)
         return _action
-    my_observation_builder = TreeObsForRailEnv(max_depth=3,
-                                               predictor=ShortestPathPredictorForRailEnv())
+    my_observation_builder = DummyObservationBuilder()
     episode = 0
     obs = True
     while obs:
-        obs = remote_client.env_create(
+        obs, info = remote_client.env_create(
         if not obs:
@@ -301,7 +319,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         while True:
             action = my_controller(obs, remote_client.env)
+            time_start = time.time()
             observation, all_rewards, done, info = remote_client.env_step(action)
+            time_diff = time.time() - time_start
+            print("Step Time : ", time_diff)
             if done['__all__']:
                 print("Current Episode : ", episode)
                 print("Episode Done")
diff --git a/flatland/evaluators/service.py b/flatland/evaluators/service.py
index 0a4241e805554864b1efc5b23e40234d306a715f..05601455549a2e1bf44f7bd9041229ba8d2cb80e 100644
--- a/flatland/evaluators/service.py
+++ b/flatland/evaluators/service.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import timeout_decorator
 from flatland.core.env_observation_builder import DummyObservationBuilder
 from flatland.envs.rail_env import RailEnv
+from flatland.envs.agent_utils import RailAgentStatus
 from flatland.envs.rail_generators import rail_from_file
 from flatland.envs.schedule_generators import schedule_from_file
 from flatland.evaluators import aicrowd_helpers
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
                 "normalized_reward": 0.0
+        self.stats = {}
         # RailEnv specific variables
         self.env = False
@@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
         self.simulation_percentage_complete = []
         self.simulation_steps = []
         self.simulation_times = []
+        self.env_step_times = []
         self.begin_simulation = False
         self.current_step = 0
         self.visualize = visualize
@@ -148,6 +151,21 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
+    def update_running_mean_stats(self, key, scalar):
+        """
+        Computes the running mean for certain params
+        """
+        mean_key = "{}_mean".format(key)
+        counter_key = "{}_counter".format(key)
+        try:
+            self.stats[mean_key] = \
+                ((self.stats[mean_key] * self.stats[counter_key]) + scalar) / (self.stats[counter_key] + 1)
+            self.stats[counter_key] += 1
+        except KeyError:
+            self.stats[mean_key] = 0
+            self.stats[counter_key] = 0
     def get_env_filepaths(self):
         Gathers a list of all available rail env files to be used
@@ -198,25 +216,14 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
+        self.redis_conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
     def get_redis_connection(self):
         Obtains a new redis connection from a previously instantiated
         redis connection pool
-        redis_conn = redis.Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
-        try:
-            redis_conn.ping()
-        except Exception:
-            raise Exception(
-                "Unable to connect to redis server at {}:{} ."
-                "Are you sure there is a redis-server running at the "
-                "specified location ?".format(
-                    self.remote_host,
-                    self.remote_port
-                )
-            )
-        return redis_conn
+        return self.redis_conn
     def _error_template(self, payload):
@@ -266,7 +273,9 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
         if self.verbose:
             print("Received Request : ", command)
+        message_queue_latency = time.time() - command["timestamp"]
+        self.update_running_mean_stats("message_queue_latency", message_queue_latency)
         return command
     def send_response(self, _command_response, command, suppress_logs=False):
@@ -319,7 +328,6 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
             There are still test envs left that are yet to be evaluated 
             test_env_file_path = self.env_file_paths[self.simulation_count]
             print("Evaluating : {}".format(test_env_file_path))
             test_env_file_path = os.path.join(
@@ -334,10 +342,6 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
-            if self.visualize:
-                if self.env_renderer:
-                    del self.env_renderer
-                self.env_renderer = RenderTool(self.env, gl="PILSVG", )
             if self.begin_simulation:
                 # If begin simulation has already been initialized
@@ -353,12 +357,17 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
             self.current_step = 0
             _observation, _info = self.env.reset(
-                                regenerate_rail=False,
-                                regenerate_schedule=False,
+                                regenerate_rail=True,
+                                regenerate_schedule=True,
+            if self.visualize:
+                if self.env_renderer:
+                    del self.env_renderer
+                self.env_renderer = RenderTool(self.env, gl="PILSVG", )
             _command_response = {}
             _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_CREATE_RESPONSE
             _command_response['payload'] = {}
@@ -412,9 +421,12 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
                 has done['__all__']==True")
         action = _payload['action']
+        time_start = time.time()
         _observation, all_rewards, done, info = self.env.step(action)
+        time_diff = time.time() - time_start
+        self.update_running_mean_stats("internal_env_step_time", time_diff)
-        cumulative_reward = np.sum(list(all_rewards.values()))
+        cumulative_reward = sum(all_rewards.values())
         self.simulation_rewards[-1] += cumulative_reward
         self.simulation_steps[-1] += 1
@@ -434,7 +446,7 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
             complete = 0
             for i_agent in range(self.env.get_num_agents()):
                 agent = self.env.agents[i_agent]
-                if agent.position == agent.target:
+                if agent.status in [RailAgentStatus.DONE_REMOVED]:
                     complete += 1
             percentage_complete = complete * 1.0 / self.env.get_num_agents()
             self.simulation_percentage_complete[-1] = percentage_complete
@@ -459,16 +471,6 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
                 self.record_frame_step += 1
-        # Build and send response
-        _command_response = {}
-        _command_response['type'] = messages.FLATLAND_RL.ENV_STEP_RESPONSE
-        _command_response['payload'] = {}
-        _command_response['payload']['observation'] = _observation
-        _command_response['payload']['reward'] = all_rewards
-        _command_response['payload']['done'] = done
-        _command_response['payload']['info'] = info
-        self.send_response(_command_response, command)
     def handle_env_submit(self, command):
         Handles a ENV_SUBMIT command from the client
@@ -476,6 +478,18 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
         _payload = command['payload']
+        ######################################################################
+        # Print Local Stats
+        ######################################################################
+        print("="*100)
+        print("="*100)
+        print("## Server Performance Stats")
+        print("="*100)
+        for _key in self.stats:
+            if _key.endswith("_mean"):
+                print("\t - {}\t:{}".format(_key, self.stats[_key]))
+        print("="*100)
         # Register simulation time of the last episode
         self.simulation_times.append(time.time() - self.begin_simulation)
@@ -594,8 +608,12 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
         and acts accordingly.
         print("Listening at : ", self.command_channel)
         while True:
             command = self.get_next_command()
+            if "timestamp" in command.keys():
+                latency = time.time() - command["timestamp"]
+                MESSAGE_QUEUE_LATENCY.append(latency)
             if self.verbose:
                 print("Self.Reward : ", self.reward)
@@ -633,6 +651,8 @@ class FlatlandRemoteEvaluationService:
                         Submit the final cumulative reward
+                    print("Overall Message Queue Latency : ", np.array(MESSAGE_QUEUE_LATENCY).mean())
                     _error = self._error_template(