## Adding your runtime This repository is a valid submission (and submission structure). You can simply add your dependencies on top of this repository. Few of the most common ways are as follows: * `environment.yml` -- The _optional_ Anaconda environment specification. As you add new requirements you can export your `conda` environment to this file! ``` conda env export --no-build > environment.yml ``` * **Create your new conda environment** ```sh conda create --name nle conda activate nle ``` * **Your code specific dependencies** ```sh conda install <your-package> ``` * `requirements.txt` -- The `pip3` packages used by your inference code. **Note that dependencies specified by `environment.yml` take precedence over `requirements.txt`.** As you add new pip3 packages to your inference procedure either manually add them to `requirements.txt` or if your software runtime is simple, perform: ``` # Put ALL of the current pip3 packages on your system in the submission >> pip3 freeze >> requirements.txt >> cat requirementst.txt aicrowd_api coloredlogs matplotlib pandas [...] ``` * `apt.txt` -- The Debian packages (via aptitude) used by your inference code! These files are used to construct your **AIcrowd submission docker containers** in which your code will run. In case you are advanced user, you can check other methods to specify the runtime [here](https://discourse.aicrowd.com/t/how-to-specify-runtime-environment-for-your-submission/2274), which includes adding your own `Dockerfile` directly.